Bobo Dakes
Why is it that anytime Goku gets anything we have several posts about Gohan and/or Vegeta getting it too. Let Goku have his moment for at least a couple of days.
Yeah because Goku NEVER gets to have his moment.
Why is it that anytime Goku gets anything we have several posts about Gohan and/or Vegeta getting it too. Let Goku have his moment for at least a couple of days.
Yeah because Goku NEVER gets to have his moment.
That isn't the point. If Vegeta got the new form first, I wouldn't like a bunch of Goku's fans whining about when will Goku get the form. The same with Gohan.
When Gohan got Super Saiyan 2, no one I knew complained about when Goku or Vegeta for that matter will get it.
You wont be saying that when they introduce Piccolo to the Namekian book of legends for a new transformation!We did notice, it's just that simply standing around doesn't do much for us. And with Goku and Jiren (and Hit) seemingly being a big focus in the upcoming episode no one cares about them anymore.
Why is it that anytime Goku gets anything we have several posts about Gohan and/or Vegeta getting it too. Let Goku have his moment for at least a couple of days.
Doubt it since he didn't know what was going on and questioned Goku on what the hell he did.
That was a bad fan sub. Whis only said he made Vegeta's weights heavier, nothing about making them heavier than Goku's. Also, Goku said Vegeta 'may' have gotten stronger than him. Vegeta neither confirmed or denied it, leaving the entire thing vague.
From what we can tell, they got Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan at the same time.
Which could mean two things. Maybe he wanted to know "HOW" Goku got it. Cause Vegeta tapped into it himself, but rather by accident, and was hoping Goku could tell him HOW to do it again...
Or he really meant "WHAT". But my head says he meant HOW
Vegeta has been a joke since ROF arc. His character development and rivalry development has been really poorly executed. It feels like Vegeta has finally understood what its required to match Goku but its just the exact same as Z.
This was before the internet, in the sense as it is now. What receipts can I give you? Which is why I said "no one I knew".
If he tapped it himself he wouldn't asked 'what happened'. I would imagine something along the lines of 'he can do it too' or something to that extent. He also called Goku's movements unreal, which is an odd thing to say if he experience such a thing himself.
Knowing isn't the same as doing. All serious marital artists try to reach the state of moving without thought, but doesn't mean they will succeed at it.
They are different forms I think, not SS1 to SS2 level of upgrade. Goku is so far ahead of Vegeta right now that I don't know how he will achieve UI that even Gods have trouble with. I am all for throwing him inside a Spirit Bomb to see if that works!Why would he need Blue+KK20? He didnt even need SSG to get SSB as far as we know right now
There nothing wrong with wanting vegeta to get the form would've been kinda cool if they both overcame their shortcomings at the same time and started wreckingMaybe you are right...I guess I just wished Vegeta would get Ultra Instinct, cause he is acutally the one that usually thinks too much and it would be growth, that he overcame that and fought without thinking...Goku doesnt seem to think other then "I want to battle the strongest people!"
Knowing isn't the same as doing. All serious marital artists try to reach the state of moving without thought, but doesn't mean they will succeed at it.
Vegeta has been a joke since ROF arc. His character development and rivalry development has been really poorly executed. It feels like Vegeta has finally understood what its required to match Goku but its just the exact same as Z.
Vegeta to get UI the same way he first got SS.
Push ups, sit ups, and plenty of juice.
He's just gonna be off in the corner blasting himself in the face with Gallet Gun.
No but you can look up a gif of a man punching a brick wall insteaddoes anyone have a gif of Goku trying SS1 and 2 on Jiren?
Vegeta so far behind Goku, it's just kind of sad.
They've done good stuff with Vegeta in the Future Trunks arc, Father/Son Galick Gun is still one of my favorite moments, and the U6 arc with Cabba, but since the FT arc they've really fucked things up.
His only saving grace was the Dadgeta moment in 83.
Frieza to beat the shit outta Vegeta, barely kill him again, and have Geets unlock UI
I wish
"Ooooh how this reminds me so much of Planet Namek..."
does anyone have a gif of Goku trying SS1 and 2 on Jiren?
Replace vegeta with frieza I say.Vegeta needs more than just "me too". At this point he's just boring because Toriyama's run out of things to do with him.
I feel the same. Keep them distinct from each other.Vegeta needs more than just "me too". At this point he's just boring because Toriyama's run out of things to do with him.
No. It was very clear the entire build up for ROF was that Vegeta was finally on the same level as Goku after all these years. That's why he had obtained SSB at the same time as Goku. But ever since then, they haven't built on that at all and have reverted to type.
Funny since Goku has more power ups than vegetablesI feel the same. Keep them distinct from each other.
Goku - Martial Arts power ups.
Geets - Saiyan power ups.
Vegeta has been a joke since ROF arc. His character development and rivalry development has been really poorly executed. It feels like Vegeta has finally understood what its required to match Goku but its just the exact same as Z.
He got the same form as Goku. Nothing says he should learned the same advance skill at the same time. Especially given how Goku got it.
And it wouldn't be the first time since he got Super Saiyan and was ahead of Goku for most of the Android/Cell Saga before being left in the dust.
Yeah but then his character doesnt want to contribute to the spirit bomb when he knows SSBKK cant even touch Jiren... lol.
His character has been a shambles since ROF. What is the point of Vegeta now? In Z he was this unpredictable character who had this inferiority complex stemming from his hatred of Goku. It was always his downfall and orchestrated Cell and Majin Buu's rise to power.
So the only logical place forward is for him to truly rival Goku after becoming "good". That is his character. To be a rival to Goku. He's only rivalled Goku in ROF and has been completely outclassed by him since. I thought there would be points where Vegeta is stronger or where Goku is stronger to illustrate how they are pushing each other. But nope.
Frieza is probably stronger than Vegeta and he's been in a cacoon in hell lmao.
.Vegeta needs more than just "me too". At this point he's just boring because Toriyama's run out of things to do with him.
Cool episodes.
My guess is that Goku is mindless during that form. Like he has no good or evil feelings, he doesn't care about anything...
It was very cool to watch, but we need more explanations... did he absorb the Genki-Dama??
I hope Geets has a different new form, but he should have the instant move ability too.
Yeah they are pretty much the same in DBS, but Goku has KK which gives him an edge.I'm pretty sure he was ahead of Goku during the black arc when he clobbered Rose. I've always considered them equal though, just that vegeta doesn't know KK.