I just remembered a single funny moment in one of my 2v2 matches
It was me and this random saiyan/human versus this tag team who had sparred a while together and knew each other.
Near the end of the fight, my teammate goes down at the other side of the arena. I knock my melee opponent away, lock on to my ally's body and Psychic Move to him. I start reviving him but I know the other 2 players will find me soon and attack me at once.
The two start using ranged attacks on me. I Psychic move again to get myself invincibility frames. I'm now out of stamina and my partner's only halfway revived. I Pressure Sign, and the counter gives me another small moment of invincibility near my partner.
Partner almost revived but not quite
Now, the melee guy Hellzone Grenades me and my partner revives a fraction of a second before my Pressure Sign counter goes off. Because the counter needs a lockable target, the game decides it should be the faraway ranged character, who I then kick in the back and miraculously deal the killing blow. 1v2 became 2v1 in an instant and we won.
tl;dr: In one fraction of a second I managed to both revive my ally and teleport-kill the other team's glasscannon, because of his teammate's predictable ulti