Wait, if he could go SSJ, why did he get smacked around by Freeza like it was nothing?
He couldn't until he was beaten like a bitch in that movie.
Wait, if he could go SSJ, why did he get smacked around by Freeza like it was nothing?
Soooo, what're you doin' there, buddyyyyyyh?Kai Ginyu is vastly superior to Xenoverse Ginyu though.
Found Kanye walking around Toki Toki City today.
Upon retrospect, this game reminds me heavily of the PSX Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Densetsu
I mean in the sense it's the only DBZ game of recent note that had 3 on 3 combat with all fighters active at once all at the same time in the same battle in real time.
The only difference mind you was in Idainaru Densetsu you could swap between your three characters to control at any time and the AI would handle the rest. Also Idainaru Densetsu was 2D with 3D parallax-like backgrounds (Not unlike Suikoden in combat visuals)
I always wanted a modern take of that old PSX DBZ game and Xenoverse in terms of that 3-on-3 combat of all characters on screen in the same arena fighting simultaneously seems to achieve.
The only thing would make Xenoverse perfectly replicate the formula is if you could swap controls to any three characters on your team on the fly like you could in Idainaru.
Xenoverse is definitely my favorite DBZ game in a very, very long time.
One thing I dislike is how your hair doesn't go up when you go SSJ. I picked my hairstyle specifically for the dichotomy between normal and SSJ. This should be priority one in Xenoverse 2happy to announce that Launch's wig does change color when in super saiyan. will try with kaioken next.
What the fuck...
Why is this a thing? Wasn't he just some random grunt Saiyan?
Toriyama is a hack
One thing I dislike is how your hair doesn't go up when you go SSJ. I picked my hairstyle specifically for the dichotomy between normal and SSJ. This should be priority one in Xenoverse 2
Agreed. Priority 2 is allowing the other races to transform (except human I guess).
Quick question guys: Is the battle armor Trunks and Vegeta work during the Cell saga available in this game? This one (if image works):
Yah. But Trunks is the same size as his usual self... i.e, a twig. Looks a bit off
edit. I misinterpreted that. I'm not sure xD
One thing I dislike is how your hair doesn't go up when you go SSJ. I picked my hairstyle specifically for the dichotomy between normal and SSJ. This should be priority one in Xenoverse 2
The firstmission makes me want to cry. Even with a Z Soul that replenishes ki to max with the death of an enemy, he's always near death by the time it's time to fight Frieza.Bardock
I should probably just take a break and come back later.
Quick question guys: Is the battle armor Trunks and Vegeta work during the Cell saga available in this game? This one (if image works):
Get at least to level 40, stock up on regen capsules rather than instant heals because the total heal amount is greater and you're suffering from a bunch of little damage over time.So I noticed that while I get my ass handed to me I occasionally get all bloodied up and occasionally I do not. Is there any trick to this? Pretty sure I was internally bleeding from every organ fighting the mini buus.
Kai Ginyu and Xenoverse Ginyu are both voiced by the same guy though....So I've been watching DBZ Kai now that I'm mostly done with the game and I noticed a lot of the characters seem to have been recast. Jeice is no longer extremely Australian, Guldo is that really young-sounding dude that voiced Jacuzzi Splot, and Android 18's voice is not as deep as it was. Why is it that some characters have been recast in Kai yet Xenoverse still retains their original voices (except for Gohan)? It's kinda weird. I'm guessing some weren't available during Kai or something. Kai Ginyu is vastly superior to Xenoverse Ginyu though.
Booo, melee is a ton more fun and technical. Got bored as hell going ki blast.Ki-focused Super Saiyans are no joke. Holy cow.
Dropping enemies in an ult or two is an incredible feeling, especially after having slogged through battles with a melee-focused warrior.
Was grinding the dragon balls earlier and had just unlocked the Super Electric Strike. Not that those were difficult guys in the first place, but holy shit it's OP in PvE haha. I see no reason why I'd go back to using Final Flash or whatever
I can't get past this yet, either. Annoying because it's actually a pretty fun and hectic fight with all the Frieza soldier scrubs zooming all over the place.
I wish the "all healing" capsules worked in the time patrol scenarios.
Wait, if he could go SSJ, why did he get smacked around by Freeza like it was nothing?
Naah I think giving Goku what is essentially Superman's backstory in Dragon Ball Minus was the dumbestHe couldn't. It was just a random special not written by Toriyama. Bardock is canon within the series, but his SSJ form isn't. Making Bardock SSJ was probably one of the dumbest things in recent history for the franchise. I was already annoyed with Goten and younger Trunks being able to.
Major differences, kakarot was sent to earth to clear it for frieza for trading. Superman mainly to protect him.Naah I think giving Goku what is essentially Superman's backstory in Dragon Ball Minus was the dumbest
And that's the retcon in Dragon Ball Minus.Major differences, kakarot was sent to earth to clear it for frieza for trading. Superman mainly to protect him.
Seems like a weird one to miss out, there's so many Saiyan armours in the game (admittedly mostly pallet swaps) but I'd prefer to be able to colour more clothes too so there's that.Sorry to quote myself, but I found an answer and wanted to post it in case somebody sees this via seach.
I did some checking, and this armor is NOT in the game right now. Its blue with gold straps, Goku and Gohan also wore it while they were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Disappointed its not available.
What the!? Now I'm confusedAnd that's the retcon in Dragon Ball Minus.
Kai Ginyu and Xenoverse Ginyu are both voiced by the same guy though....
Booo, melee is a ton more fun and technical. Got bored as hell going ki blast.
Character level-wise you can already do it.At what level can I expect to do the Bardock saga without difficulty? Currently level 51 Saiyan Ki Build.
Gotenks and Kid Trunks PQ are killing me, if that gives a sense of my skills.
At what level can I expect to do the Bardock saga without difficulty? Currently level 51 Saiyan Ki Build.
Gotenks and Kid Trunks PQ are killing me, if that gives a sense of my skills.
I agree. But it's so much weaker, especially when outnumbered.
Time permitting, I'm going to try an attack/Ki-focused character and see how that works.
I found that using the ultimate Ultra Fighting Bomber really helped since it hits everything in a decent radius so fly next to Bardock and then let it rip.
They are? Kai Ginyu sounds like a drill sergeant and Xenoverse Ginyu sounds like....something. They sound different to me.
alot of the english voices in xenoverse just sound...off, like they weren't given any direction and just told to read the lines directly
I agree. It's a real bummer; probably the worst aspect of the game. Trunks, Goten, and Future Trunks seem especially bad - though maybe for FT it's because of his prominence in the story.alot of the english voices in xenoverse just sound...off, like they weren't given any direction and just told to read the lines directly
Is it possible to get an infinite combo going on an npc? I don't know how to keep a chain going myself so ki blast is more relaxing and rewarding so far too
I've seen only 2 meleers in online PQs pull that off. but no one else.
alot of the english voices in xenoverse just sound...off, like they weren't given any direction and just told to read the lines directly
The story fight againstis pretty rough for my pure melee female human, keep getting double timed while AI Trunks basically looks on in useless disbelief. Time to level a bit I thinkBeerus & Whish
The story fight againstis pretty rough for my pure melee female human, keep getting double timed while AI Trunks basically looks on in useless disbelief. Time to level a bit I thinkBeerus & Whish
Well yeah, anything can only be an infinite in theory because of regenerating stamina on the defensive side, but let me tell yah, the 8-9 seconds you spend in guard break state, you need some theoretical infinites to keep a combo going that long.No idea. I thought stamina and ki would prevent infinites to begin with, but what do I know.