I had the most riveting experience with this game today. Basically I've been farming quests to make story mode easier. In the meantime I took Vegeta as my mentor. After about two hours of running missions Vegeta finally deemed me worthy for his final test. Excited, I quickly jumped in. I failed to realize that the fight difficulty was six stars and the highest I had fought before that was only three.
So we start the fight and its pretty easy. Combo, ultimate Barrage, bye by- wait, what? Oh, he's going Super Saiyan. No problemo, his health is still the same so its manageable. I get roughed up a bit, but manage to gather up enough ki to put him away for good with another Barrage. Finally, it's ov-
He goes SSJ2.
At this point I'm panicking. I've never had to fight an SSJ2 in any mission up to this point. His health has fully refilled and he is extremely angry. I rack my brains for an out. I quick pop an energy pill and evaluate my options.
Suddenly, I realize my other ultimate, the one I had totally forgot about since I picked it up the last time I had played. It was Super Vegeta, or in other words... Super Saiyan. The stage was set. I went into Super Saiyan and poured my all into it, firing barrage after barrage. Even when I realized he actually had two health bars instead of one, I wasn't phased. I was in the zone. My SSJ form would beat his SSJ2. It had to. And it did.
Now, I have one of the most ruthless combos I've seen in the game. Super Vegeta into quadruple Final Flash ultimates. All thanks to my master Vegeta.
I really have to say, this game is something special.