I went eff it and got one Elder Kai since my Broly SA was 9/10. Now I gotta save for gohan which I have not been doing due to Vegeta dropping one medal per fooking stamina bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?Got my baba Gohan. Now time to save for 2x elder kai, then Krillin, then save for the next batch.
How so? I was looking into the history of the voice actress of Goku today, and she started work on the original Dragon Ball back in 1986 with DBZ being 1989, which would make it 30 years indeed.
Who's ready for the JPN WT? This guy!
No but 87 is the one year anniversary, then 88 is two, 89 is three...and 96 is 10. I thinkWas 1986 the first anniversary of the show?
Really? That's pretty unlucky. I got all seven of my medals this morning out of 8 runs. He even dropped two once, which surprised me.I went eff it and got one Elder Kai since my Broly SA was 9/10. Now I gotta save for gohan which I have not been doing due to Vegeta dropping one medal per fooking stamina bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Really? That's pretty unlucky. I got all seven of my medals this morning out of 8 runs. He even dropped two once, which surprised me.
I hope your luck improves soon, that must be frustrating (considering it costs 22 stamina per run >_<).
I bought two of the Elder Kai too before INT Gohan, just because my Gogeta was at 8/10 and I wanted to finish him off. I'm grinding gems again now, I hope to have enough for him as well as Krillin. Ideally, I'd like all of the limited time characters, but I'm not sure I'll make that in time. I have to remember the tournament is coming at the end of the month too, so my stamina over those days will be spent there.
Nice work! d(^_^)vlol thanks, I finally got him around noon today. This time it was like two in a row then nothing then like my final one. Honestly 5 in a row with no drops was infuriating. Now that he's over and done with I have Buu to work on(who is a lot harder) but at least the drops seem better.
Meh right now, but gets an amazing rebirth in the future.So, I did a single pull and got a SSGSS AGL Goku. Is he really good or is it a meh pull?
You are indeed correct. The 10yr anniversary would have been from the specific date in 1996, and as such the 30yr anniversary would have been from the specific date in 2016.No but 87 is the one year anniversary, then 88 is two, 89 is three...and 96 is 10. I think
Oooo okay. I hope it's like Buu, those medals were hella easy to get. Spraking of which, Alare those guaranteed drops? Because I got all 7 one after another, whereas Vegeta took like 18+ tries to get 7.Meh right now, but gets an amazing rebirth in the future.
Ah, okay good. Thanks I thought I was celebrating anniversaries a year early lol.You are indeed correct. The 10yr anniversary would have been from the specific date in 1996, and as such the 30yr anniversary would have been from the specific date in 2016.
I'm pretty sure they're a "chance to drop", same as Majin Vegeta. It sounds like you might have just gotten lucky.Oooo okay. I hope it's like Buu, those medals were hella easy to get. Spraking of which, Alare those guaranteed drops? Because I got all 7 one after another, whereas Vegeta took like 18+ tries to get 7.
Just looked a little more, and the 30th anniversary would have started from the first air date of the original Dragon Ball anime series in Japan, which is Feb 26th 1986. So Feb 2016 to Feb 2017 are the 30th anniversary.Ah, okay good. Thanks I thought I was celebrating anniversaries a year early lol.
Guys, I want that Freeza bad.
I've already spent money, and don't want to spend more. Please talk me out of pulling more on the Dokkan banner...
PS- I did pull 2 INT Gohans, though. That's pretty awesome.
The cards right now aren't as good compared to what's coming down the line.
You might pull Buu and he's terrible.
FP Frieza is a strong card that doesn't have a home. There aren't any great leaders for him to really synergize with in the future meta, and those cards coming later are so overpowered that they eclipse anything we have access to now. Even Gogeta is completely dominated.
That said, PHY Buu actually works okay in a PHY Broly team since the HP threshold is much easier to maintain and +50% is a big boost.
ok i dont know much yet about this game but is there anything competitive mp ish ?
I have PHY SSB Vegeta... I figured that Freeza would match up well with him as a potential nuke card?
EDIT: And who completely eclipses Gogeta? How is that even possible...
Is the SSGSS Agl Goku rebirth in JP? How long till he comes here? I pulled him and I wanna know if I should begin training him now or focus on other AGL cards
There's the World Tournament which is a grindfest leaderboard
You face off against ai controlled versions of other people's teams.
Don't worry. First you get matched against people witin the same range as your team cost. Secondly there's rewards for winning x amount of times not only rewards for finishing at a certain rank. There's also point rewards(the higher team cost battle the more points I think. Although not sure how big of a difference it is)ok i can deal with thati really need something competitive with games like this
to bad im gonna suck against them because im sure people spend thousands on stones
Gogeta pulls are coming back
I have reasons for not needing any of those
Something like that.
Something like that.
I'm with you there. Have gogeta and Janemba on my alt but not my main. Have both broly and majin on my main. Not pulling until VegetoI will get through this.
I have reasons for not needing any of those