Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Sweet, time to get Gogeta.
Should be easy with Gogeta+all your UR AGLs.Okay so first off, screw you Bojack stage. I'm only TWO medals away from being done, and these past two runs had the Gohan character drop. In a row! They hadn't dropped after a full day's natural stamina, now I can't get done with this stage. Annoying!
EDIT: Finally got that done. Now to go back to Coora's stage... damn him for needing 15/15/15/15/20 medals, why so uneven? This will take some time and luck, since I need only Goku Medals now, 7 of them. Might not be 100% worth it, we'll see
Secondly, I need help. Can anyone recommend a team (box below) that's capable of getting me Gogeta Medals? It's not the best for it, I know, and it might not be possible (also, ignore levels, assume I can get them maxed or awoken if needbe, like for TEQ or AGL Whis, and my new Bojack whenever I decide to level him up). But if I can do it, I want these medals!!!
Okay so first off, screw you Bojack stage. I'm only TWO medals away from being done, and these past two runs had the Gohan character drop. In a row! They hadn't dropped after a full day's natural stamina, now I can't get done with this stage. Annoying!
EDIT: Finally got that done. Now to go back to Coora's stage... damn him for needing 15/15/15/15/20 medals, why so uneven? This will take some time and luck, since I need only Goku Medals now, 7 of them. Might not be 100% worth it, we'll see
Secondly, I need help. Can anyone recommend a team (box below) that's capable of getting me Gogeta Medals? It's not the best for it, I know, and it might not be possible (also, ignore levels, assume I can get them maxed or awoken if needbe, like for TEQ or AGL Whis, and my new Bojack whenever I decide to level him up). But if I can do it, I want these medals!!!
You may want to try a nuking team, if you're able to Dokkan Teq Cell, and have some Teq SSB Goku friends
Should be easy with Gogeta+all your UR AGLs.
I'll have to try this then. Recommended team and items? With Gogeta, I was thinking:
- Whis for free healing
- Kid trunks for rainbow --> AGL spheres
- Spirit Bomb --> Atk + 7% per sphere
- Super Vegeta --> AGL Ki +2
- SSJ Gohan, since his atk just beats out God Goku's.
Current AGL state is below:
Okay so first off, screw you Bojack stage. I'm only TWO medals away from being done, and these past two runs had the Gohan character drop. In a row! They hadn't dropped after a full day's natural stamina, now I can't get done with this stage. Annoying!
Swap out Spirit Bomb Goku for God Goku. You'll need 11 orbs with Spirit Bomb Goku to match God Goku's +75% atk on Super. Plus, God Goku will have Over in a Flash to give a friend Gogeta ki as well as the Godly Power link whenever he and Whis are together. (I would focus on keeping God Goku next to friend Gogeta throughout to ensure a double super from both, with a Gogeta super being the priority.)
Senzu, Ghost Usher, Baba, Dende/King Yemma.
been playing for almost a week now (f2p) how am i doing ?
anyone thats still lvl 1 that i should use ?
So what's the opinion on Buutenks? Is he worth using in WT for his Oiaf link with Majin Vegeta?
been playing for almost a week now (f2p) how am i doing ?
anyone thats still lvl 1 that i should use ?
My INT SR Kid Trunks is SA10!
So finally got my SR Broly to awaken. It wasn't hard, just last time I didn't have to time since I focused on SSR broly. Gogeta wrecks Broly lol it's amazing.
What team did you guys use for Surpassing All? Obv I'ma need a Gogeta to do massive dmg, but who else?
Wow. Glad I have him already, but...
Smart way to force stones out of people with the Fusions summon. The pool's ssrs are only the new SSRs and you can do 3 gssr multis on it.
Wow. Glad I have him already, but...
Ugh! Those rates...
I'm guessing 5% is very likely.I am glad I have all the card featured. Trap move from Bamco, people are out of stones from Majin, and booooooomm, bring Gogeta with an awful rate !!!!
I am afraid Super Vegeto will be the same 5% :-/ That's depressing
I have no TEQ nukers, so right now I'm using leader AGL Kid Buu (I like having extra HP), TEQ Majin Vegeta, TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta, TEQ Turles, STR SSJ3 Goku, STR Goten.
Friend, always Gogeta who is the main hitter (The TEQs help a bit with damage and occasional stuns).
I haven't failed so far but one of them went right down to the last attack lol
Your WT points depends on your total team cost. Buutenks isn't UR so his cost isn't the greatest. If you wanna get quick wins then yes, if you want points then no.
Darnm I only have Kid Buu & Turles from those lol. My luck with banners has been absolute shit lately.
Those all look awful. And the cards suck too.
i think the cooler / frieza fusion is awesome - he would really fit well in my Strongest Clan in Space team.
Too bad I only pulled Janembuu and the exploding Pokemon![]()
It's not a fucking trap; it was probably 5% for Japan too, sheesh.
There's only so many times to get Gogeta; get him or don't.
Trunks rebirth was 11%, so their normal rate was 5.5 around that time; the Turles rebirth shows a normal rate of now 6.5. Good indicators of what normal rates are at the time otherwise are usually the type-specific banners and since I'm on mobile I can't check that other site, but iirc the AGL filler closest to us had a 5%, possibly alluding that JP had the very same rates as we are having right now.Trap is the wrong word, good marketing / strategy from them to get more people spending is the what it is
In the end that's your only choice if you did not pull him from the anniversary. Even though I believe he will be featured with Super Vegito with maybe the normal 7% rate later who knows.
Even though we only got the rates from the Trunk banner in JPN, it has been consistently 2% above us for there base rate. So safe to assume that it was around 7% in JPN
Who's valued more? SSBKK or PHY Broly? I figure my Vegito attempt will going all in on the event where the other guy attached is better.
Broly, you don't need SSBKK to run Vegito; I would value possibly getting 2 viable mono-God teams higher myself, anyways.Who's valued more? SSBKK or PHY Broly? I figure my Vegito attempt will going all in on the event where the other guy attached is better.