I don't understand this reasoning.Was randomly thinking, but Xeno Trunks is the worst WT AoE since Saiyan teams are the most common
I don't understand this reasoning.
Also he's probably the best
Yay a couple milestones reached
Wow hacker. Why you gotta hack hackerYay a couple milestones reached
Not pulling, if I could get 80 wins without aoe, I don't need it. Lalalalala can't hear you inner thoughts, must save for Super Vegito.
His attack animation is pretty cool.
Welp done with Majin. Should have put out Tree of Might today so I have something else to do the next couple of days.
Pulled the AGL and STR SSJ2 Vegeta but no Majin Vegeta
The fates have finally smiled down upon me... 2 multis:
- First: Bye Goku- INT Android 18 (shitballs)
- Second: Immediate SSJ- Majin Vegeta (YAYYYY!!!) and STR SSB Vegeta (Meh. Hope for a rebirth?)
Finally got Majin. I've wanted that card since it came out.
Gogeta will appear in other Dokkan fests but Vegetto is probably best to save for since his summon brings back the do 3 multi get 1 free deal. Gogeta is also featured in the Vegetto summon.
I was going to try, now I'm not so sure.Did 2 Multis and 5 Singles, and only got SSR TEQ Whis.
Game plz.
Whereas my co-worked did 2 Multis and got 3 SSRs. I respect that it's pure luck.I was going to try, now I'm not so sure.
The nice banner characters I already have, but I've seen pulls with people receiving Gotenks, TEQ SSB Goku, SSJ3 Goku, etc., so I was tempted to see if I could get lucky. I might just continue saving and go all-out on Super Vegito's banner. I'm at 350 DS now, so I should be able to save maybe 500 or so if I'm patient. With the "do three multi-pull + receive one free" promotion, that means A LOT of pulls. I just hope the rates for his banner are better than Gogeta's was...
Luck can be a fickle mistress.Whereas my co-worked did 2 Multis and got 3 SSRs. I respect that it's pure luck.