Nice!Pulled on the rising dragon banner, no complaints. ^^
Nice!Pulled on the rising dragon banner, no complaints. ^^
Fuck it, I'ma buy one set of the discounted 91 Stones and make one final Multi-summon. Wish me luck GAF!
Fuck it, I'ma buy one set of the discounted 91 Stones and make one final Multi-summon. Wish me luck GAF!
It was 1 Saiyan Pod, SS Goku, and then Bye Guys.Believe
Question about Vegito's banner, was Broly on the same one as him or were they separate (ala Gogeta and Janemba)?
Nice!PHY Broly was a part of it.
It was 1 Saiyan Pod, SS Goku, and then Bye Guys.
Majin Vegeta was 8th in the roster.
It was 1 Saiyan Pod, SS Goku, and then Bye Guys.
Majin Vegeta was 8th in the roster.
So clutch. Too bad it took 3 Multis and 5 Singles to get him (and also a SSR TEQ Whis.)Feels fuckin good, doesn't it??
I've wanted him for a while... Needed that TEQ OIAF. Life is good.
I just want Majin Vegeta because I love Vegeta as a character. He isn't even needed for Tourneys, I just want the card!
I just want Majin Vegeta because I love Vegeta as a character. He isn't even needed for Tourneys, I just want the card!
My favourite character in the entire series is Goten, he's so adorable :3. Then they ruined him in GT, sigh...
You think what Vegeta became was bad?! Take a moment to look at what happened to Gohan! He was supposed to supercede Goku in the Cell Games saga but fans complained so bad, that he got relegated to shitty D-Grade tier by becoming a scholar.Vegeta was so bad in the anime, they ruined him! He could have been so epic! But instead the fanboys that had a hardon for Goku made it so Vegeta was made absolute shit.
My favourite character in the entire series is Goten, he's so adorable :3. Then they ruined him in GT, sigh...
i thought goten was pretty cool in gt. the biggest problem is that they wasted it imo. no adult gotenks is super lame too
i'll never stop using that gif
i also pulled his card yesterday. pretty pumped on that
You think what Vegeta became was bad?! Take a moment to look at what happened to Gohan! He was supposed to supercede Goku in the Cell Games saga but fans complained so bad, that he got relegated to shitty D-Grade tier by becoming a scholar.
I like Vegeta in Super at least. He's at least a peer again, and hilarious.
At the start of Super, yeah, when he went off to train with Whis without Goku. After that he got relegated to the back again. At least he's funnier.I like Vegeta in Super at least. He's at least a peer again, and hilarious.
Speaking of DBZ, if any of you watch DBZ abridged, episode 54 just went live:
I did a multi-pull for fun:
AGL Goku SSJ Goku
STR Goku (Shining Brilliance)
Eh. Time to continue saving for Super Vegito. I just wanted to give this banner a try, at least it wasn't dupes.
Since I inspired you, I wish your luck ended up being better.For you, I'll pull one for the hell of it as well then. I'll end up with 208 stones, but we're like months away.
Yay 10 shitty SRs.
So a few months and he should hit Global then, huh? Sounds good! Assuming NBE doesn't take liberties with his release.He came out a little before what would have been the 1.5 year anniversary for jp. Instead of doing that though they celebrated the 30th anniversary of the anime and basically made a big deal of it similar to the 1 year anniversary.
This is how I feel after a bad pull, haha.Ehh what's done is done.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.Well technically the 30th anniversary of the anime isn't until next year, but people don't know how anniversaries work for some reason lol. There's a chance they might move around stuff again to push it closer to our 1.5 year anniversary like they did with Gogeta, though it'd be weird if they brought a god leader out before a banner that contains two of them.
Also worried about any Super stuff since Super has not been localized outside of Japan yet I don't think. Want that god damn SSB dokkan fest
I wanted a few more OiaF units for my Tournament team (only have Gogeta, SSG Goku, Majin Vegeta, and the PHY Kaioken Goku), but I'll make do. Maybe I'll get them with tickets? I'm still hoping the SSB Vegeta (either STR or AGL, I have both) get a rebirth. Since SSB Goku got one it's likely, but is Vegeta...Just be glad we already have Gogetas.
I feel like my party is good enough for now. Only thing missing is Super Vegito. By the time he comes out, there will be another overpowered card.
How so? I was looking into the history of the voice actress of Goku today, and she started work on the original Dragon Ball back in 1986 with DBZ being 1989, which would make it 30 years indeed.Well technically the 30th anniversary of the anime isn't until next year, but people don't know how anniversaries work for some reason lol. There's a chance they might move around stuff again to push it closer to our 1.5 year anniversary like they did with Gogeta, though it'd be weird if they brought a god leader out before a banner that contains two of them.
Also worried about any Super stuff since Super has not been localized outside of Japan yet I don't think. Want that god damn SSB dokkan fest
I was F2P up until yesterday where I decided to get the 6 DS deal. Ended up getting a shitty Bardock SR. Now I'm at odds with myself going "omg I lasted so long F2P and I soiled it!" And "meh I supported the devs whose app I used for over a year"being f2p sucks im never getting that majin vegeta![]()
i started the game 2 days ago and i cant complete the event to dokkan awaken majin vegeta
lets say if i get majin vegeta but the event stops 1 hour after,can i ever dokkan awaken him ?
I was F2P up until yesterday where I decided to get the 6 DS deal. Ended up getting a shitty Bardock SR. Now I'm at odds with myself going "omg I lasted so long F2P and I soiled it!" And "meh I supported the devs whose app I used for over a year"
The bolded is how I justify the rare times I put money towards this game. Albeit, the majority of that money went into two accounts I don't even use anymore. I put more time into this than I do console / PC games so throwing money their way makes sense.
I need Android 14(I think? The trucker hat dude). I might do Bojack after I finish Vegeta despite not having either person I rather have the medals in the off chance I get em one dayIn personal news, I'm farming Coora's stage on the hero extermination. I want his Dokkaned, damnit! It's an easy enough stage with double gogeta, and I need all of them so I don't mind stocking up on them a bit, but I know this will get annoying when it gets close to the end. Currently need 11, 9, 11, 13, 18 of the medals respectively. THEN move onto Bojack... yikes.