I just got one after 5 runs on normal. I did like 10 runs on Z-Hard and got Nada. So they do drop on normal, and the rate might be worse and I got luckyI did the Nappa medals on Z-hard and it took a long time to get all of them.
I don't know if they even drop on Normal or if the drop rate is worse (I suspect it is).
Most of it is us complaining about terrible RNG, bad pulls, good pulls, and how people who got good pulls are Bandai spiesGuys, isn't it crazy how this game was released over a year ago and we're still making 1 to 2 pages a day at times?
There's a lot to bitch aboutGuys, isn't it crazy how this game was released over a year ago and we're still making 1 to 2 pages a day at times?
Come on, you gotta be fair, it's 50 vs 250 so far and their GSSR should not matter since we're obviously not at their position yet; would you really want the banner now with 0 god cards?
Could someone please tell me how many medals it takes to dokkan awaken nappa?
The wiki is your friend http://dbz-dokkanbattle.wikia.com/wiki/Devastating_Carnage_Nappa
I have it open at all times when I'm playing basically.
Also if you go to Team then Dokkan Awaken you can see a list of all characters that can be DAed, how many you have of each one, and if you press one it shows how many medals and what event drops em.Could someone please tell me how many medals it takes to dokkan awaken nappa?
Also if you go to Team then Dokkan Awaken you can see a list of all characters that can be DAed, how many you have of each one, and if you press one it shows how many medals and what event drops em.
When does the feature that lets us do things with dupes come out? I have a lot of dupes that I wanna either sell to baba or up the SA of a character. I'm low on space again![]()
Do you think we'll be getting the Dragon Ball Super stones when it starts airing?Even though the login banner is labeled the same they're two different login events. For Global the 100 million download event is essentially the same as JP's 30th anniversary for the anime, which also coincided with the release of Super Vegetto there.
We'll more than likely get the 250 stones and tickets, just later. Also it's not 250 straight up, it's 5 a day spread across 50 days.
Man as horrible as it was getting the medals, I'm glad I got this Nappa card. Turning into a giant ape is hype as fuck and pretty much ends any battle you're on.
I want more giant apes now...are they in the GSSR pool right now?
Keep them. Wait for the new system to go online before doing anything. Currently we don't know if previously fused dupes can be used to unlock potential or not.
It has already been like that even now. At sa15, most super strikes is stronger than most ssrs at low Sa. The only thing that holds super strikes back is their links.Damn Strike Characters are gonna be super OP and any farmable characters for that reason.
It has already been like that even now. At sa15, most super strikes is stronger than most ssrs at low Sa. The only thing that holds super strikes back is their links.
Thought some new event was starting today, now i'm disappointed.
I'm tired of grinding gems.
Thought some new event was starting today, now i'm disappointed.
I'm tired of grinding gems.
If you pull Vegetto he's amazing.Did another GSSR pull last night and it was pretty underwhelming, particularly compared to the first one. Got a bunch of Rs and crappy SRs, and then the AGL SSR Ultimate Gohan. He seems inferior to the PHY SSR Ultimate Gohan.
I noticed that too.Just realized they updated a bunch of super attack visuals. Broly's and Vegeto's look prettier.
Is there anything I should be aiming for with this Hero of Justice stuff? I haven't done it before but not sure if it's worth doing.
If you pull Vegetto he's amazing.
AGL Super VegettoI got INT Vegito not too long ago... You mean him, or TEQ?
AGL Super Vegetto
If you have multiple Saiyaman/Saiyaman 2 cards, they have great skill links with each other. Otherwise, the Great Saiyaman you get from the STR R Gohan's Dokkan is pretty lame outside of the easy SA bonus. You get one of him for completing missions 1-6 (for a total of 6), as well as a rare chance for him to drop in the last mission if you see INT Piccolo Buu instead of TEQ Super Buu.
The Bulma medals take forever to get, though, just FYI. I found the best mission for them is the last one on Z Hard.