Human Trashcan
Yeah everyone seems to agree Battlefield sucks. Hoping Bandai is beta testing the mode on JP and we get an improved version but who knows
I have 10 stones and wanna pull on broly because I REALLLLLLLLY want him, but I've spent over 120 stones on that banner with no broly...
Yeah everyone seems to agree Battlefield sucks. Hoping Bandai is beta testing the mode on JP and we get an improved version but who knows
They actually say it's in testing. Both now and the first time it came out however months ago.
It's dumb
Huh. It's really weird to attach game-changing stuff like LR Gohan and LR Ginyu to a mode in testing =
Just did two pulls with the Trunks stones and got shit, so just save them.
I need him to complete my LR Quadros
edit: did three pulls. Got 2 shitty Rs and the third one was like 5 or 6 pods, raidbow text, SSJ goku, SSJ 1, SSJ2, then PHY SSR Android #17(Future)...fakdsakjfjkwsfwef
Arale SA farming is infuriating. Full 152 sta bar netted me a single Goku.
Looks like the farmable STR Future Trunks would be good to save for when stage 4 of the LR Goku event comes around to global.
Btw, any ideas when that might happen?
Also do you think he's worth spending any orbs on for hidden potential?
TFW you pull Broly 10 minutes before his banner and event leaves and you can't farm his SA![]()
TFW you pull Broly 10 minutes before his banner and event leaves and you can't farm his SA![]()
Welp, the Broly banner will finally be gone after tonight. Just spent my last stones I scavenged from the Trunks event on it. Got SR 1st form Frieza and 1st form Cell.
Thank god it's finally leaving. It's sucked all my stones away and gave me shit. Just couldn't resist trying to get him because his pay off is too good.
Damnit, they took down the Broly event before I could get all the medals I needed.
Any idea when it might be back again? I only needed 3 more runs.
TFW you pull Broly 10 minutes before his banner and event leaves and you can't farm his SA![]()
Epitome of first world Dokkan problems.
Dear Arale,
Please take note.
For context on my pull I posted last night I only had 24 stones, most of which came from the story event, the rest came from logins and me deciding to not single on Broly everytime I reached 5 stones. Obviously temptation set in and I decided to do the not smart thing and blow my stones anyways.
First had Goku going SSJ3 and was STR SSB Vegeta. I figured I had to keep going, how often does SSJ3 show up and how often do I pull a non dupe SSR?
Second was some SR Piccolo
Finally was Bye Guys LR Broly
Basically that Vegeta works out real well on STR too, even Super STR when that comes
rip Omega, never put a single orb or old kai into him
omega is insane with broly
Got my future Trunks (TEQ) to SA10, dokkaned him, didn't even break 200k on a Super team (with FB and SS links active) against TEQ Arale (in the stage where the cards drop). Feels bad man.
Missed this, TEQ Trunks didn't have his passive active.
Yeah, I noticed that later, but even with his passive active he doesn't break 300k against AGI Tien. He kinda sucks. Maybe when his attack boost actually gets to kick in he's decent but very underwhelmed with him. He sounded so good on paper. 300k damage just doesn't do it for me like it used to.