Feelin a little burnt out on this game. Sometimes I get frustrated in how much it takes away from me playing real games. Somrtimes I just wanna drop it, but then I remember the stupid amount of money I spent on the Rose banner and now it's like impossible for me to drop it.
God dammit. I've been playing more casual latley though. Think I'm gonna keep doin that for a while.
I've been feeling that way for a while, and had the same "I spent too much so I can't stop" mentality, but when I actually saw how much I spent it definitely sobered me up and made me say "you know what, i'm good, gonna slow it down right now". And this game is definitely like a second job but way less fun and with almost zero control on your part.
I've been playing less and less, have gone a few days with just loggin in for the daily bonus or the Orb mission. I've been trying to see if I can stop logging in for a full day but my recovery program hasn't gone that far yet