Okay, just created my box on DBZ space, i am looking for some advice on some team building :
My box
Here is my current team :
(Note : i have 2 Vegito, 2 Perfect Cells, Black Goku's SA is level 10. I tried to farm the events for dokkan awakening Black Goku but it's too damn hard for me atm

I feel like i should switch some characters in my PHY team (Hit, for example). And it looks like i can also make an AGL or an INT team, but will it be good enough to tackle "high-level" content ?
You have the start of a good Agl team that can help you clear some stuff .
AGL (it can clear most events)
Sv (for the lead)
Ssbkk (for the links and hits hard)
Ssj goku (for links and the plus 2ki passive)
Ssj kid trunk (links with 90%of the team and passive helps every one)
Ssj goten (links with every one)
Great saiyaman (event is going on get him)
SV (friend lead)
(should clear 90% of events up to phy broly keep a awaken friend SV with ssbkk and you good to go)
PHY (it's can get better than what you running)
Lssj broly ( lead for ki atk hp def )
Black (hits hard passive helps most card)
Kid buu (not bad and goes with the team)
Ssj broly (event is going on farm him hits hard)
Fat buu ( can keep dame rotation as kid buu)
Xeno trunks (overall good unit attacks all)
Lssj broly (friend lead)
(This phy team will hit very hard keeping black and broly in one rotation having a friend broly and kid buu on the other using the others to be on 3rd stop cycling will clear most events we have broly being able to super 2 times means 4 suppers per turn almost always and black hits hard)
Those are your 2 MAIN teams that can clear most of the game .
You could make an INT team
Ultimate gohan
Golden frieza
Eis sheron
King vegeta dokkan
Buuhan (friend)
You could have a actual good rainbow team you're just lacking the leader a plus 3ki like gogeta ssj3 vegeta etc...
But between
Lssj broly
Ssbkk goku
Ultimate gohan
(And the suposed 3ki leader you got a good one)