They're in the same banner tho...Gohan be fucked then, I want MV. Especially if his Super does indeed still attack-all (even if it's only on Ultra-Super.)
I know, I'm just speaking my preference...They're in the same banner tho...
Also i have Vegito and Gogeta dupes...should i use them for the Hidden Potential feature ?
Havent played the game since end of last year - heard there was a special 150m event going on and i thought lets give it a try. Did one 10-pull.
Wow - not a single SSR unit. Why does this game hat me so
Im really out of touch with the game - i only know that i should Z-Awaken my Vegity at some point. This is my box...what would be the best way to handle the Potara quest where i can get the Vegito medals ? What units should i level/focus on ? Is it even possible with the units i have ? Otherwise i wont even bother.
Also i have Vegito and Gogeta dupes...should i use them for the Hidden Potential feature ?
Absolutely, especially Gogeta. Unlock his top left and bottom right paths. What you should do is dokkan Gogeta first from his event which will pop up later in the week, it's very easy. Use Super Vegito as leader, get a friend Super Vegito, and smoke his ass with a mono-agi deck. When that's done, you can do the Super Vegito event pretty easily. Since you need the Fierce Battle link skill to do good damage to SV, set Gogeta as your leader. Borrow friend Super Vegito, put your own Super Vegito in the deck and fill the rest with AGI units. Make sure your dokkaned Gogeta and friend SV (dokkaned ofc) link up by keeping them in slots 1 and 2 for the Fierce Battle link skill. Keep your undokkaned Vegito in the other turn mostly to mitigate damage by countering. Easy peasy event that way, that's how I did it the first times and I didn't even have my own SV yet.
Then dokkan SS3 Goku, his event is very easy.
Check your item box. If you played long ago, you should have a few tickets to pull on the 150M banner. Free pulls I mean.
Rosé announced, though there hasn't been a maintenance announcement yet.
Great thanks !!
Feels good to know what the hell im supposed to be doing in this game. There are just so many versions of the same units and when you are out for a bit it gets overwhelming really fast.
Okay i will try to Dokkan Gogeta first - what would be the best Mono Ago team to tackle him ? Are the levels enough to get the job done ? Would be cool to somewhat advance in this game for a bit.
Also on question...lets say i pull another dupe of the SR QCK Trunks that changes orbs...should i use him to level up the Super of my SSR Trunks or sell him to Baba for Monster Points ? Running a bit out of space and dont know if its worth keeping some og those SR Units.
Is the 50 Gems for 10 Kais pull time limited ? If it is ...should i go for it ? I think My Gogeta is still still Super Lvl 1 , while Vegito is Super Level 8.
So Dokkan Gogeta, then Dokkan Vegito and then maybe Dokkan SSJ3 Goku.
Thanks - actually i did that last week...had enough Tickets for 10 pulls and got SSJ3 GT Goku and QCK SSR Goten from.STarted playing in December i think...for a couple of weeks, but then got kinda overwhelmed with all the content and some shitty drops so that i stopped playing. Trying to get back in know....getting Vegito or Gogeta Dokkaned would help a lot when it comes to my motivation lol.
Worst part is that the board you get often makes it impossible to launch a Super attack...and from what i have seen from some of the higher stamina events where the enemies have multiple Life bars you get killed asap if you cant kill them fast.
Thursday or Friday.Managed to get 50 more stones from the event. Pulled and got SSBKK Goku! My AGL team is silly stacked now.
This 150m Festival ended up not too shabby. I got a few "meh" SSRs, but I was able to get:
STR SS3 Vegeta (dokkaned)
STR SS3 Goku (GT)
AGL SSBKK Goku (almost dokkaned)
Also finally got my 10th Android 17/18 from friend summons, so I can start upgrading things. All in all a good week in Dokkan Battle.
Also up to like 50k baba points and no clue what to spend them on
When is SSB Vegito coming to global?
Thursday or Friday.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time with any of the Dokkan events. I'm starting to figure out how the high level game works, but there are some walls I'm still hitting.
My box is here. No judgement on the name, I thought it was going to be a burner account.
Have to set the box to public
Yeah, I'm having a hard time with any of the Dokkan events. I'm starting to figure out how the high level game works, but there are some walls I'm still hitting.
My box is here. No judgement on the name, I thought it was going to be a burner account.
I don't know how good a team like this will work but try this.
Omega shenron leader
Gogeta (Hard hitter to all types)
SSG goku (Hard hitter)
Bee pan (Heals and links with omega shenron)
Broly (Does get a damage boost even if it's a flat boost. Do not block with him)
And the last unit it up to you but I would recommend Buutenks just because he super seals.
Take an Omega Friend.
Is LR Vegeta's attack still an attack-all?
It didn't seem to be the final explosion thing-
It is if it's 18 ki. Less than that will give you final impact which is not an AOE
Nothing significant ever drops at login time. The fact that they were shown on Facebook means they are coming soon. They need to actually announce them in the game first which might happen at reset later tonight. I figure we might get news tonight since Fusions is leaving tonightStill no Vegito... Been waiting forever...
Any way for me to do the Super Vegito event?
Tried probably 10 different teams on my own yesterday and today and am really struggling.
I would really appreciate the help. Thanks fellas.
I think you need to dokkan some of your other guys first. Fierce Battle is preeeeeetty essential.
Yeah that's what I figured.
Any way for me to do the Super Vegito event?
Tried probably 10 different teams on my own yesterday and today and am really struggling.
I would really appreciate the help. Thanks fellas.
Work on that SSJ3 Goku. Your regular SV is enough to outright kill him easy for 10 medals. Gohan too on INT day.
Dokkan your Ult Gohan and SS3 Goku. Those events are significantly easier and will give you FB links to work with a friend dokkaned SV. Then mono agi with SV lead, friend SV, Gohan, SS3 Goku, G Frieza, and whatever else you wanna put in there. Once that's all done you should be able to tackle Gotenks' event too, probably, with a mono AGI team.
Caved and did a final (now) pull on the global 150million banner. And finally, after not really getting much (TEQ Beerus was my best pull), I got both AGL SSJ3 Goku and STR OMEGA! Second god lead next so SV!
I also... Don't really know how to build a team around him. I guess throw STR and Dokkaned cards and win? STR cards are some of my strongest, and include Gogeta, Beerus, SSJ3 Vegeta, SSJ3 Goku (with a dupe to use), Family Kahmehameha Goten, WT Sword Gohan... the list goes on. Plus a lot of good GT units like Rildo (SA Max), SSJ Goku kid, Bee Pan, etc.
Seems like a lot to use. Was I hope for other gods? Sure, but if Omega is my ticket to finally being able to beat Gotenks reliably, I'll take it.
Nothing significant ever drops at login time. The fact that they were shown on Facebook means they are coming soon. They need to actually announce them in the game first which might happen at reset later tonight. I figure we might get news tonight since Fusions is leaving tonight
As is the same with most peopleI'd only start getting hyped once the Dokkan fest teaser image hits the News.