Should I assume that you added the two numbers together in every instance? Like your 5.3 crit rate number you said was 9.7%, was it actually 4.7% + 5.0%? If so, would it be possible to do the list again without the 4.7% added? I mean I can just subtract 4.7% from all your numbers myself, but there are still some strange inconsistencies. For example, the data you recorded has 34.4 crit rate = 27.5% (ignoring the 4.7% added in). But mine has 34.9 crit rate at 27.1%. More crit rate and less %. So there's something we're missing. Either one of us has a typo (I will double check mine too) or there's another piece of the puzzle.
Edit: Just spent 20 skill points including a bunch of passives and I still have 5% base.
Yeah, I included the 4.7%. Wouldn't it be better to leave it in since base crit rates apparently differ slightly and cause different increase in crit rates with the same crit rate increase equipment?
But yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. It's possible that this is caused by our different base crit rates (mine is 4.7% and your is 5%), but that's just a guess.
Let me post a bunch of mage builds with their base crit rate. Might be easier to figure something out from there.
I can try it both ways, but as long as I know your base is 4.7 i can have the spreadsheet automatically calculate the sum. Less likely for you to make an error in adding this way too. In any case, usually better to keep separate numbers separate when looking for a pattern. Since you can always reconstruct a sum, but can't easily deconstruct a sum into its original parts.
Also my numbers came from my warrior whose base is 4.6%. But it's weird because the lines intersect in multiple places, so it's hard to think of what kind of formula might be used. Do it makes me think one of our numbers are wrong
While writing down a bunch of different mage stats, I noticed that the base crit rate correlates to their level. So far <50 is 5.0, 51-52 is ??, 53 is 4.9, 54-56 is 4.8, 57-58 is 4.7, and 59-60 is 4.6. This seems to be the case for all classes as well.
Ahh that makes sense. I'm still convinced one of us has a few wrong numbers though, because it doesn't make sense for the lines to intersect in multiple places like that. I'm going to check my numbers again shortly.
It could be the levels. I'll be getting my mage to 60 this weekend and see if that changes anything.
Could also be the class, or a different formula for allies and heroes. Just checked on my rogue, and 50 crit rate is 32 Crit%, but one of the numbers I recorded was 48.6 crit rate = 34.3 crit %. But I mixed ally numbers together with my hero number, so maybe they're using different formulas.
Wow! Combined for my 10th SSS thinking I'd get fodder #5 and get Blackaria, but I got Knight Tiel! Yes! Gonna max her right now.
I think my luck is starting to turn around in this game.
Wow! Combined for my 10th SSS thinking I'd get fodder #5 and get Blackaria, but I got Knight Tiel! Yes! Gonna max her right now.
This might be it. I'll try and see what my allies have and compare, though I won't have a good amount of data since equips can't be removed.
I think my luck is starting to turn around in this game.
Edit : the farm for gems is gonna be real (imo), they look so imba.
Only gems through S rank can be farmed, then you will need to combine (10) them to make SS then SSS.
For more details :
How many gems can be equipped for a player and how many for an ally?
Up to 10 Deathcrown essences, I know I should get rid of Patta because ADC is a straight upgrade, but I feel bad as Patta was the first decent tier SSS I got. Also hoping I get even a decent orange dagger on todays raid grind, still using 50 reds with perfect rolls for my Rogue.
Edit: Well 100 tickets later, saw one red dagger drop, in the "10 rubies to purchase" box of course
Edit 2: Do we have any info on stat weights or damage mitigation? Trying to figure out if the DEF increase on this new piece of armour is worth losing the +HP on the old
Anyone know if premium drop rate affect essences?
Can't go wrong between Fulson and Loki. I'd personally pick Fulson. That vanish skill can be clutch in difficult battles.
I wish gold % effected Labyrinth gold
I thought it did until about 24 hours ago. Sad. That said, I do get about 6000 gold from a normal dungeon with my rings on.
All these shit rogues in Myth Deathcrown is pissing me off. They can't crit. They can't hit. And their DPS is pretty much shit.
This game is incredibly frustrating. I hate not being able to see who I'm being paired up with so that I can leave the matchmaking and let it continue pairing shit tier retards with other shit tier retards.
How are these assholes even lvl 60 if they cannot crit to save their shitty lives?
It is also absurd that clearing a raid with SS gives you a blue. Grrrr
Do they introduce any kind of raid matchmaking later on? i.e. where it creates balanced groups by default. Are there just no Priests raiding? Getting tired of being thrown into groups with two or three tanks (who are too cheap to buy scrolls) at least with DPS you have a shot of burning it down (though mages seems a bit lacklustre in Phoenix)
What's more annoying are Mages who sheeps the minions when Deus flies up.. He won't come down until the sheep effect is off the minion (even when it's already dead) and just proceeds to pummel you from the air for free.
My mag priest is currently lvl 58. It'll take another week or two to get to level 60. I wish that these Labyrinth runs would give EXP as well. It'd be much more worthwhile than trying to burn my shoes.
Yeah, that drags the fight longer and the longer the fight goes on, the worse your score becomes.
Is there a compilation for the Party Effects? In case, I have some of the characters needed to complete those and I don't want to combine them by accident.
You should really try to get to 60 as soon as possible. Even without the exp potion, it'll only takes about a week of semi-dedicated grinding. All the good players have moved on to the Phoenix. The equipment from S2 normal dungeons are better anyways. Don't waste time grinding Deathcrown.
Your score doesn't affect the items you get, only the gold and experience, which is so paltry as to be meaningless.
Raid Drops started off pretty solid. SSS dagger, staff, helm and one more. 4 Staffs though and only one orb. Also 2 5/6 sets but no boots for either. Also seeing Red in 1/3 of the chests I want to say. Now not getting any red but I only really want boots though :/
Weapons drop pretty regularly. I have enough SSS weapons at this point for even my bench SSS. It's the armor that I am having a problem with.
What would you recommend is a good place to farm for EXP? I've been farming Spider 9 because that's the only place that I can reliably clear without any issues at the moment.
All these shit rogues in Myth Deathcrown is pissing me off. They can't crit. They can't hit. And their DPS is pretty much shit.
This game is incredibly frustrating. I hate not being able to see who I'm being paired up with so that I can leave the matchmaking and let it continue pairing shit tier retards with other shit tier retards.
How are these assholes even lvl 60 if they cannot crit to save their shitty lives?
It is also absurd that clearing a raid with SS gives you a blue. Grrrr
That's what I used, though I eventually switched to Hermit Lake 9 because I had all the gear I wanted from the spider boss and I could get A allies there. It's pretty easy, except for the boss which will poison your team. Bring revives or try to kill it quickly. One thing though is that it gives slightly less exp, though that's mitigated when the stages are 5 parts (I feel it's 50/50 whether the stage is 4 or 5 parts), which give more experience.
Anyways, if you can do 70-80 runs/day during the exp bonus, you should definitely be 60 before the weekends over
Weapons drop pretty regularly. I have enough SSS weapons at this point for even my bench SSS. It's the armor that I am having a problem with.
First 30 raid tix, only purple and blue. At least give me an orange so I can enhance stuff! 100% increase my butt.