Any tips for new players? I always seem to avoid these games out of fear I'll screw myself in terms of team building (essentially wasting what I get for free) with paying real $$ being the only way to fix things.
Any tips for new players? I always seem to avoid these games out of fear I'll screw myself in terms of team building (essentially wasting what I get for free) with paying real $$ being the only way to fix things.
Once you get a solid team of S and A's you can challenge the arena and Labrynth. Try to get the highest rank you can before redeeming for the rewards since you can only do it once a week.
Combined for my second SS. RangerI guess it could be worse. I now have a mage and ranger SS.
Takes so long to build up and combine to get them. Was really hoping for a tank or healer.
I'm curious how you went about this. Did you throw C/B ranks at them until one stuck? I feel like it eats all my money to max enhance an A rank, let alone an S rank. C's have got to be even more useless for enhancing S's if the pattern continues (What is it, 12% chance?)
I have a good stable of S and A ranks thanks to about 600 rubies worth of pulls. What I do is when the enhances are cheap I just throw B and C ranks at the S until they get to +2. After that I use a single max rapport (for the rubies) A rank. If that fails I use B and C with the enhance bonus. On that last rank that costs 7k I don't mind using a second A if I have to. I only combined A into S once. Its time consuming and expensive.
I have a good stable of S and A ranks thanks to about 600 rubies worth of pulls. What I do is when the enhances are cheap I just throw B and C ranks at the S until they get to +2. After that I use a single max rapport (for the rubies) A rank. If that fails I use B and C with the enhance bonus. On that last rank that costs 7k I don't mind using a second A if I have to. I only combined A into S once. Its time consuming and expensive.
Ugh, this looks immensely cool but I'm already playing two or three "daily" iPad games.
Well, I'll probably slow down with Terra Battle now that I got Zael and Calista, and FFRK almost plays itself.
What do?
Hate that final boss so much
I is no have Double HealerGo double healer and he is cake.
Wait till you get to the hero mode version of him. This is the first time I'm going to need to max enhance my SS units.
I is no have Double Healer
I is no have Double Healer
High level priest friend plus your single healer. Don't use the friend until the second phase of the final boss.
Been stuck on the second to last stage of the fortress for three days. Even bringing in level 40 allies isn't enough.
Man, this game hates my guts. I've been raiding like a madman since level 10 or so, and not once have I gotten a single S class mage weapon for my Mage. My inventory and storage bursts with all manner of other epic loot, but the highest I ever got was one violet rod with +STR or something equally idiotic at level 17 IIRC.
I'm at level 29 now. I'm still using a blue rod of shittyness. Argh.
Also not a single SS draw, but at least that one is normal for me in these kind of games.
That said, my S class group heal revive healer that I got from one of my seven A class fusions rocks and has saved my bacon on more than one occasion.
Same. my party is level 20 and I can get the the second part at a push before I'm completely wiped.
Been stuck on the second to last stage of the fortress for three days. Even bringing in level 40 allies isn't enough.
Same. my party is level 20 and I can get the the second part at a push before I'm completely wiped.
Yeah, he's trouble for me as wellTwice I got the last boss down to about 600hp and failed, lol.
i'm not in a rush but i'll give it another shot today.
I've reached the point where I can auto fight labyrinth for 4-5k. I've been spending all my tickets on that while I just watch TV. I don't do much better if I actually play, it all just depends if they focus target my healer early on or not
I still haven't done my big summon fest yet, sitting on over 1k gems. Idk what I'm waiting for
I've reached the point where I can auto fight labyrinth for 4-5k. I've been spending all my tickets on that while I just watch TV. I don't do much better if I actually play, it all just depends if they focus target my healer early on or not
I still haven't done my big summon fest yet, sitting on over 1k gems. Idk what I'm waiting for
have you bought any IAP only (visual) armor for your main character yet? only 109 gems and you can get some nice stat boosts from it.
I've reached the point where I can auto fight labyrinth for 4-5k. I've been spending all my tickets on that while I just watch TV. I don't do much better if I actually play, it all just depends if they focus target my healer early on or not
I still haven't done my big summon fest yet, sitting on over 1k gems. Idk what I'm waiting for
I cant get past the gold 4 pack of treasure chest monsters.(i think thats round 9 or 10) However if i had another item slot I could do it, I only got one at the moment, i just need the second one for revival/30 heal scroll.
I cant get past the gold 4 pack of treasure chest monsters.(i think thats round 9 or 10) However if i had another item slot I could do it, I only got one at the moment, i just need the second one for revival/30 heal scroll.
I cant get past the gold 4 pack of treasure chest monsters.(i think thats round 9 or 10) However if i had another item slot I could do it, I only got one at the moment, i just need the second one for revival/30 heal scroll.
well i look at using items in the lab as this way, If i get a high rank, which at the moment i'm at under 4% which means 80 rubies(or whatever)... if i could get farther with items, wouldnt that be beneficial? But getting stronger seems to be the best way*
Mmmm... I've decided to give this a try and I have a couple of questions.
- Is there any EU GAF guild? I read a few pages back there is a US based one but nothing about Europe.
- For combining units I need to get both to MAX level and then raise the affinity stat (I don't know the name in English) to 100, right? Does that mean I'll have to use the unit?
We could just do it in Google Docs.
I rerolled about 20 times and never saw an SS. So that's 100 pulls since it was 5 each time. I would suggest rerolling just until you get one or 2 useful S ranks in the initial pulls. If you can get an S rank tank wth taunt or a priest with group heal id say that is good enoughThis game seems fun. Should I just reroll for a SS?