Still nothing for NA? Come on SE, get it together.
I hate to sound pessimistic, especially when talking about a series I love as much as DQ, but I'm really not expecting VA in the localized version of the PS4 game. I think the days of Square Enix going above and beyond for Dragon Quest in the West are long behind us.
I'd love to be proven wrong though.
Still nothing for NA? Come on SE, get it together.
Heroes had JP VA, XI does not. More work have to go into the localization, to the point that SE would be basically making an "enhanced" version of the game like they did with VIII PS2It's hard to see them not localizing the VA for DQXI when they do it for the Heroes games.
This is what keeps some hope alive for me, but I think the PS4 port was for SE trying to make the console have strong legs in Japan (as they've publically stated), not necessarily for a more approachable version of the game for the West.I don't know. I feel like a big part of why this is on the PS4 is also to have an appealing looking DQ to push in the west again, otherwise they could have easily released this on 3DS only and still sold the usual amount without having the burden of a HD version with its cost implications. They've sort of set the standard with DQVIII's localisation, with the inclusion of voice acting, an updated GUI and orchestral music, and that worked well! I'm not sure why they will take a huge step back when the series returns to consoles in the west. The way it is will fly in Japan of course, and personally it doesn't bother me at all, but for the west they have to do a bit more.
I fail to see how anyone expected NA/EU news in this stream.
You are high. The music is nostalgic and incredibly recognizable. There certainly are reasons to replace Sugiyama (they won't until he kicks the bucket because DQ IS Horii+Toriyama+Sugiyama), but the music is not one of them.
The music itself is indeed very charming and recognizeable, but that synth somehow sounds worse than a SNES game's and also clashes with the detailed graphics on PS4. Any reasonable creative mind would replace that with an orchestra but Sugiyama prefers his synth, and they respect that Nanking massacre denier's wish over all Dragon Quest players who aren't half deaf yet.You are high. The music is nostalgic and incredibly recognizable. There certainly are reasons to replace Sugiyama (they won't until he kicks the bucket because DQ IS Horii+Toriyama+Sugiyama), but the music is not one of them.
It seems that the parts many here are at odds with the DQXI are the parts that the Japanese audience find charming.
What are you talking about? DQ5 literally opens with your character at 6 years old. And then later he has his own kids and they join the party.Hyped seriously deflated. A fucking 8 year old party member? Jesus. DQ, you've been one of few series to elect not to use children in their games. It doesn't make sense and the best one's have been mediocre written at best. Huge letdown.
See you day one guys.
Hype seriously deflated. A fucking 8 year old party member? Jesus. DQ, you've been one of few series to elect not to use children in their games. It doesn't make sense and the best children in these types of games have been mediocre written at best. Huge letdown.
See you day one guys.
What are you talking about? DQ5 literally opens with your character at 6 years old. And then later he has his own kids and they join the party.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
Ok so July 2018 for NA. I can wait.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
Still nothing for NA? Come on SE, get it together.
The cast of DQ7 was mainly children as well. And pandering to whom? It's not like she's sexualized in anyway. What an odd complaint....
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
It's one game. And it's way different when you add a bunch of writing, which your kids did not have in DQ5 btw, and voice acting. You wont convince me this isn't pandering. And pandering is something DQ doesn't have to do since it'll sell either way. It's a turnoff.
There's a difference between someone who looks like 6 and someone who's like 12-14. Is pandering straightly a sexual term? In that case I might've used the wrong word, I'm not a native speaker. But it seems to me they're going for the cute little sister thing here yeah. I don't think she's sexualized though.
10 years old. No kids ever in DQ games before.
Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
And anything closely resembling VIII is a good thing. Its my favorite DQ game by a long shot.
Is the MC silent again? Do we know?
Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
Typically, writing in Dragon Quest is usually way more appropriate and engaging than most other JRPGs. When it comes to kids, DQ is leagues above the mess that was Lost Odyssey (meaning just the kids) and Infinite Undiscovery.Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
Where is the voice acting?
You didn't really articulate it any better here. "These days"? What do you mean? How are they written? What's voice acting got to do with anything? Please clarify at least some portion of your argument.
Hmm I think o get ya? Children particularly in jrpgs are usually given an annoying voice followed by a very outgoing and over enthusiastic personality to the point where it can be annoying if one is in the party. Is that it?Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
Hold up. DQ11 doesn't have VA?
Hold up. DQ11 doesn't have VA?
Hold up. DQ11 doesn't have VA?
Looks like I didn't manage to articulate my point correctly. That's on me. But ever since voice acting came into the picture, and how children in jrpgs are written in general these days, I can't help but to be extremely pessimistic about this one.
Hold up. DQ11 doesn't have VA?