No, some Japanese or Asian versions of games come with English subtitles. DOAX3 Asia version for PS4 and Vita, and I am Setsuna for Switch to name a couple.
Very VERY few Japanese games have English subtitles (in fact it practically started this gen with the Switch), beforehand outside of a few launch titles for PS3, and perhaps PS2, plus a small hand full of SFC titles (Super Metroid comes to mind) it never was a thing.
Otherwise, the big boom of adding English subs to Asian releases is also a recent (last 2-3 years) thing, as the Asian market for Vita and PS4 stuff has risen; thus, stuff like Gundam and Super Robot Wars games getting subtitles; However, you wont see a high budget title with plans to go to the west having an Asian version with subs before a US release.
DQ XI will not have English subs on the Asian version.