Battle system, one battle
Another video, boss battle
It seems youonly control one character in a turn based combat system, other members are controlled by AI.
July 2021 in the US.
I forgot Sugiyama is a crazy person and we're stuck with midi-sounding music.
Absent voice acting (like wth? Even new Zelda have it) and MIDI music is huge bummer for me.
New PS4 Slime controller akin to the old PS2 one was announced. Glad this one is making a comeback:
I actually still have the PS2 one, but it was put away in my attic and got some sort of sap on it. :<
I forgot Sugiyama is a crazy person and we're stuck with midi-sounding music.
You can control everyone in battle if you want to. This "AI only" thing is spreading and I really hope it stops.
Sugiyama prefers synth in his games because it makes it easier for him to sell concert tickets and CDs.I'm hoping it's just temp music and it hasn't been recorded yet. It would be baffling for the music to sound like that in an AAA game in this day and age.
Sugiyama prefers synth in his games because it makes it easier for him to sell concert tickets and CDs.
The synth really should sound better than it does though.
You can control everyone in battle if you want to. This "AI only" thing is spreading and I really hope it stops.
It continues to surprise me that he lost that battle with the VII and VIII remakes (at least in Japan). But yeah, this is *really* bad synth. Final Fantasy Tactics sounds better and it is eighteen years old.
Dragon Quest was one of the first RPG series to introduce AI. In the original version of DQ4, you couldn't control anyone manually but the hero in chapter 5. It's not a new thing for the series at all.Yeah but is it a disadvantage to switch to conttol everyone mode?
Not sure we've seen that answered.
I'm still nervous about it. So many series have turned into this dumbed down control one character autopilot stuff.
It is. Theres just a battle option in which you can run around. I dont think anyone knows if being able to run around actually affects anything in battles.Wait, battles aren't turn based? From the video it looks like your party is still lined up but you are running around and doing semi real time fighting? I'm so confused.
Wait, battles aren't turn based? From the video it looks like your party is still lined up but you are running around and doing semi real time fighting? I'm so confused.
Wait, so can we opt to select commands for party members, or are they only automatic?? Please don't tell me only automatic
Wait, so can we opt to select commands for party members, or are they only automatic?? Please don't tell me only automatic
Optional. You can manually select for everyone if you want.
Honestly this is my favorite part of the announcements.New PS4 Slime controller akin to the old PS2 one was announced. Glad this one is making a comeback:
I actually still have the PS2 one, but it was put away in my attic and got some sort of sap on it. :<
No improvements allowed lol...
Just stay silent honestly people like you are always just whining about valid criticism and are also the ones staying usually silent about any kind of changes if they come from the devs themselves. Go fanboy somewhere else. Like god forbid DQ improving it's menu navigation, what a sin, because having shitty menus is somehow a cornerstone of Dragon Quest. Bad bad westerners!
Also there is this invention we've had for years now. It's this option called "voice volume".
It would be pretty rad if they replaced Sugiyama any time now. I can't believe how bad the music sounds? Everything else looks amazing and then I hear the music and it sucks the excitement out of me.
Well, if SE wants to sell the game in the West they have to make some adjustments. On the other hand they may just throw it to the wolves and get Sony or Namco to publish it. Then they will make that a case that DQ doesn't sell in the West.
I think the PS4 version has finally reached the breaking point where sticking to Dragon Quest traditions results in a very silly product. You've got these amazing graphics and great cutscene direction...and then the lack of voices, the MIDI tootling and the horrible menus just shit all over that.
I'm going to have fun with this in July, but I think if this game gets the DQVIII treatment for the west, I wouldn't be sad waiting for it, you'll get a better, less bizarre product.
I and quite a few other people don't really care to pay for the voice acting. The menu is fine, people in Japan like it. If you want a JRPG made for westerners, go play Final Fantasy.
You are high. The music is nostalgic and incredibly recognizable. There certainly are reasons to replace Sugiyama (they won't until he kicks the bucket because DQ IS Horii+Toriyama+Sugiyama), but the music is not one of them.
It seems that the parts many here are at odds with the DQXI are the parts that the Japanese audience find charming.
I hate to sound pessimistic, especially when talking about a series I love as much as DQ, but I'm really not expecting VA in the localized version of the PS4 game. I think the days of Square Enix going above and beyond for Dragon Quest in the West are long behind us.
I'd love to be proven wrong though.
Cant wait to play it in English after the begging campaign is successful in like 5 years!
People still read in Japan. Frankly I think voice acting takes away from the game.
Can't wait to get the 3DS version. Too. As there is no Switch 3DS double pack, would have bought that.
It starts with voice acting, but then the West will demand that they replace Sugiyama (yeah, politically he's a shitty dude, but most old people have shitty political views), and Toriyama has to go because DQ should use lifelike models, and who plays turn based RPGs (except for Japan) so the menu (which is the very cornerstone of DQ) has to go too.
Oh no, it's already started...
I and quite a few other people don't really care to pay for the voice acting. The menu is fine, people in Japan like it. If you want a JRPG made for westerners, go play Final Fantasy.
Now, which one of the two is region free?I'm excited but now having trouble deciding between the two versions! I am doubtful of a 3DS localization, and the price is very good for an import 3DS title, but the PS4 version looks so good...
Seems from this thread that most are going for the PS4 version?
Now, which one of the two is region free?![]()