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Dragon's Crown |OT| Knock down the crown


Santa May Claus
Aye - and the figure is boring overall. They really should've gone with this pose:

The zon and elf ones are great, of course.

That Sorceress is made/sculpted by another company. MegaHouse made the Amazon and Elf. MegaHouse is coming out with their own Sorceress, but it hasn't been colored yet:
EDIT: Actually, it's a scan. Just do a google search.

Also, another Sorceress has been announced from another company, Orchid Seed, that looks like it might be based on the art above.


That Sorceress is made/sculpted by another company. MegaHouse made the Amazon and Elf. MegaHouse is coming out with their own Sorceress, but it hasn't been colored yet:
EDIT: Actually, it's a scan. Just do a google search.

Also, another Sorceress has been announced from another company, Orchid Seed, that looks like it might be based on the art above.

Yeah, the MegaHouse figures (Elf, Amazon, and Sorceress are all based on the 2nd piece concept art that was revealed for each character (You can see them all here)

The pose for the upcoming Orchid Seed Sorceress figure hasn't been revealed, but the announcement was made using the 1st concept art (which is the one shown above).

The less said about the AlphaMax Sorceress figure, the better.
I just bought the game and am enjoying it. I have a question about the control.

When you equip your character with weapons (poison ring, fire ring, explosive, etc), it says you can decide what quick select button you want to use (it shows the button next to the item).

What is this for and how does it work? When I use it in game, say I have explosive set for O, it doesn't use the item it just does the move it should typically do for that button. It only works if I select the item with the dpad and press down. Am I doing something wrong?


I just bought the game and am enjoying it. I have a question about the control.

When you equip your character with weapons (poison ring, fire ring, explosive, etc), it says you can decide what quick select button you want to use (it shows the button next to the item).

What is this for and how does it work? When I use it in game, say I have explosive set for O, it doesn't use the item it just does the move it should typically do for that button. It only works if I select the item with the dpad and press down. Am I doing something wrong?

You have to hold L or dpad up to open the lil' shorcut menu, and then press the assigned button.
Another quick question.

As a dwarf, should I be stacking Strength or Dex? When he hits with a weapon (hammer or whatever I have equipped) is that considered weapon damage or a physical attack?

One other side question: When I pick up bones, I see each warrior has a name. Are these actually other player's bones or just NPC/potential allies that have names already preset to them? Just wondering because it asks you to make quotes for your character in the edit screen, like what they say when they're resurrected.


GAF parliamentarian
Yes, strength benefits dwarf the best. I forget what dexterity does exactly but I think it affects weapon damage range and consistency.

Bones are NPCs by default but can be seeded by other player characters when you play online on in ad-hoc.
Yes, strength benefits dwarf the best. I forget what dexterity does exactly but I think it affects weapon damage range and consistency.

Bones are NPCs by default but can be seeded by other player characters when you play online on in ad-hoc.

To add to that, you can tell pregenerated bones from player bones because the latter will display the PSN id of their owner, both in the resurrection screen and in the NPC select screen once you've resurrected them. As erpg said, you get player bones by playing online, pregenerated bones by playing offline; it also seems to strongly favor giving you the bones of players you have actually played with, which is quite cool, especially if they're friends of yours.


New patch? 20 more hours of playtime, ho!
These patches always come out when I'm tired from the game :)

Camera fix? Aww yiss!
Awesome, I wasn't entirely sure they were going to fix the camera as they stated the previous one would be the last patch, but they delivered as always.

Release Odin Sphere on the Vita so I can throw more money your way, dammit!


Awesome, I wasn't entirely sure they were going to fix the camera as they stated the previous one would be the last patch, but they delivered as always.

Release Odin Sphere on the Vita so I can throw more money your way, dammit!

THIS! lol what's their twitter can we have a #GAFwantsOdinSphereVITA


Just ordered this off amazon. Got any tips for a newbie? Also does the framrate chug on the Vita? Thanks!

Framerate on Vita takes a punch when a spellcasters blows up everything while having a good bunch of enemies on screen. It can have some dips on less-crowded situations, too, but those are less noticiable. So yeah, they exist, but most didn't find it bothersome enough to call it unplayable.

I never recommend the spellcasters for beginners, because of the MP management. I'd suggest picking any of the other classes (the elf has arrow management, but at least she can live without them on Normal).
After you beat the game (iirc, please correct me if I'm wrong) for the first time you can create (on the same save slot - you use only one slot for all your chars, sharing your inventory and money) new characters straight at lvl 15 at the middle of normal mode, so I suggest you to pick a char and stick to him until you beat the game. Then try someone else, if you feel like.

Enjoy it. It's awesome :)


So, that is in japanese, do we know what was changed? Google didn't help.

I must say, this surprised me. My Vita had some notifocations and I thought maybe it was trophy sync or something and then "Dragon's Crown ready to install". WHAT.

The only obvious thing is camera fix.
Gah, Infernal Ancient Dragon is tough with my lv 90 Elf. I always get him to like 25% but he starts healing like crazy.

Framerate on Vita takes a punch when a spellcasters blows up everything while having a good bunch of enemies on screen. It can have some dips on less-crowded situations, too, but those are less noticiable. So yeah, they exist, but most didn't find it bothersome enough to call it unplayable.

I found framerate to be very stable even playing caster, but then I play completely solo (no NPCs).

I never recommend the spellcasters for beginners, because of the MP management. I'd suggest picking any of the other classes (the elf has arrow management, but at least she can live without them on Normal).

I'd say by far the easiest class to play, especially on Normal where Elites are almost non-existent, is Dwarf. It's pretty much easy mode. Then, Fighter. All the other four have some nuances to them that make them a bit more advanced, but none of them is particularly hard.

After you beat the game (iirc, please correct me if I'm wrong) for the first time you can create (on the same save slot - you use only one slot for all your chars, sharing your inventory and money) new characters straight at lvl 15 at the middle of normal mode, so I suggest you to pick a char and stick to him until you beat the game. Then try someone else, if you feel like.

I believe you can do so as soon as you reach the middle of the game with your first character, no need to beat it. I can't test it anymore, obviously.
Framerate on Vita takes a punch when a spellcasters blows up everything while having a good bunch of enemies on screen. It can have some dips on less-crowded situations, too, but those are less noticiable. So yeah, they exist, but most didn't find it bothersome enough to call it unplayable.

I never recommend the spellcasters for beginners, because of the MP management. I'd suggest picking any of the other classes (the elf has arrow management, but at least she can live without them on Normal).
After you beat the game (iirc, please correct me if I'm wrong) for the first time you can create (on the same save slot - you use only one slot for all your chars, sharing your inventory and money) new characters straight at lvl 15 at the middle of normal mode, so I suggest you to pick a char and stick to him until you beat the game. Then try someone else, if you feel like.

Enjoy it. It's awesome :)
Thanks for the tips!
Amazon is late with my order so I guess I will have to play next weekend.
Which was your favorite character/fighting style? Should I look up guides to get the max benefit in playing the game? (In regards to skill trees)


I'm having a blast with the game since I got it. So far I've played mostly solo (I didn't want to spoil myself the fun of running the dungeons for the first time, with a group who have played them X amount of times already), but from now on, I'm only for the online play. Altho, I have two questions and will be really thankful if someone clear them up for me.

How exactly does online play works with different difficulty levels? For example I'm playing on Hard atm (but I think i'm underleveled to an extend), if I switch to Normal and play online, will it advance my Hard playthrough? I mean will it collect talismans?

And the other thing - no matter what my setting for Matchmaking Region is, I still end up playing with some Japanese players, and being from EU, I have terrible lag at sometimes, it's next to unplayable for me... Any tips on that end?


How exactly does online play works with different difficulty levels? For example I'm playing on Hard atm (but I think i'm underleveled to an extend), if I switch to Normal and play online, will it advance my Hard playthrough? I mean will it collect talismans?

No. Except for quests, as you can do them on any difficulty.

And the other thing - no matter what my setting for Matchmaking Region is, I still end up playing with some Japanese players, and being from EU, I have terrible lag at sometimes, it's next to unplayable for me... Any tips on that end?

Well, some of those people you might think that are japanese are just be people playing with the JP version around the world. I too get matched a lot with characters with speech bubbles in japanese or korean. I'm pretty sure the korean ones are really korean, tho.

But I have no tips here, sorry. I'm on Brazil, network setttings on "all regions", and usually I get good connections. Sometimes completely lag-free, sometimes almost unplayable, but mostly just fine.


Alrighty, thanks a lot!
I'll do few runs to level up a bit on Normal and then continue on with Hard. And will do so online in a more appropriate time for my region, because 2:00-3:00 am UTC is kinda... early in the morning :)
Alrighty, thanks a lot!
I'll do few runs to level up a bit on Normal and then continue on with Hard. And will do so online in a more appropriate time for my region, because 2:00-3:00 am UTC is kinda... early in the morning :)

Do not go back to Normal. Rather, stay on Hard and do the first three levels of the Labyrinth of Chaos. They're meant to bridge Normal B paths with Hard A paths, the enemies in the first level of LoC are level 30 and quite easy. The reason you want to keep playing on Hard is because the experience multiplier is 50%, rather than Normal's 10%, so you'll level up five times as fast!

Needless to say, this applies to Hard -> Infernal too; levels 4, 5 and 6 of the LoC bridge Hard with Infernal.


About to pull the trigger, but one last question remains...

PS3 or Vita

If the vita's frame dips don't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way, I'd take the Vita version. If the PS3's more stable framerate is required (reaction time) then I'd go with that. I've tried finding a definitive answer but thought I'd ask you guys aswell. Thanks!
About to pull the trigger, but one last question remains...

PS3 or Vita

If the vita's frame dips don't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way, I'd take the Vita version. If the PS3's more stable framerate is required (reaction time) then I'd go with that. I've tried finding a definitive answer but thought I'd ask you guys aswell. Thanks!

Having both, I can say that Vita doesn't struggle much at all if you play solo (no AIs), which is my preferred way to play. I got the PS3 version for couch co-op; if that's not a particularly important point for you, I'd say go Vita.


Do not go back to Normal. Rather, stay on Hard and do the first three levels of the Labyrinth of Chaos. They're meant to bridge Normal B paths with Hard A paths, the enemies in the first level of LoC are level 30 and quite easy. The reason you want to keep playing on Hard is because the experience multiplier is 50%, rather than Normal's 10%, so you'll level up five times as fast!

Needless to say, this applies to Hard -> Infernal too; levels 4, 5 and 6 of the LoC bridge Hard with Infernal.

That's good to know. Thanks! :) When I switched to Normal it said it will scale my level down to 35 (was 37-38 at that moment), so I cleared the Illusionary land one more time (for the S rank treasures), changed my equipment and switched back to Hard, where I've ran the first dungeon few times with a random online party. Pretty fun. Will try the Labyrinth tonight.

About to pull the trigger, but one last question remains...

PS3 or Vita

If the vita's frame dips don't affect the gameplay in any meaningful way, I'd take the Vita version. If the PS3's more stable framerate is required (reaction time) then I'd go with that. I've tried finding a definitive answer but thought I'd ask you guys aswell. Thanks!

Well, I can't comment on the PS3 version, but the Vita version plays great. "dat oled" and gorgeous graphics, and the touchscreen is of great help when unlocking doors and chests, as well as revealing treasures and using runes.
The drawback is the framerate drop when the action is more intense. It is annoying at times, but it happens mostly in big fights and not that frequent to be unplayable or unresponsive.
Also, consider the fact that it's easier to keep track of your character on the TV screen then on the Vita's screen. Or at least I'm often losing my character in big battles. :D


Thanks for the input guys, decided to go for the Vita version and so far it fucking rocks! I mean, I really wasn't prepared for this level of awesomeness. Being able to modify the font (!!!) for the name of your character blew me away. Also, frame drops don't seem to be too much of a problem so far (lvl 6) even with some AI guys helping out.

Speaking of AI, I chose not to include any AI party members and went to revisit the second level to do a quest but the AI characters still joined me midway for some odd reason. How can I ensure that it's going to be just solo with no friendly npc's? Also, is there any benefit or disadvantages to having the npc's around (similar to Diablo 3)?


Thanks for the input guys, decided to go for the Vita version and so far it fucking rocks! I mean, I really wasn't prepared for this level of awesomeness. Being able to modify the font (!!!) for the name of your character blew me away. Also, frame drops don't seem to be too much of a problem so far (lvl 6) even with some AI guys helping out.

Speaking of AI, I chose not to include any AI party members and went to revisit the second level to do a quest but the AI characters still joined me midway for some odd reason. How can I ensure that it's going to be just solo with no friendly npc's? Also, is there any benefit or disadvantages to having the npc's around (similar to Diablo 3)?


On the setting menu at the tavern, there's an option to disable NPCs from joining, so they won't fill your open party slots - those slots would, then, only be filled with another players when playing online. You can still recruit them by hand this way, too.
Or you can disable such slots with triangle (iirc), so neither NPCs and other players will join your game.

NPCs buffs the enemies and give you no benefit besides being meatshields. You're better going solo, especially to learn your character.
I'm kind of stuck on Ancient Dragon on Infernal with the Elf (level 91). I do fine until it starts healing; I simply can't keep up; it ends up hovering at about 10-20% life but heals faster than I can damage it, even reflecting the specks back at him. This keeps up until the walls crumble (usually a good 5-6 cycles), and then without the damage from the specks, it all goes to hell. I tried NPCs but of course they're dead well before it even starts healing.

I considered leveling up but it takes a 6+ dungeon run per level now and I'm not in the mood. I've also tried getting people online but I'm not sure how you do it for the Ancient Dragon.

I'd like to know what prompts him healing, if it's low health, number of swoop/breath cycles, or what. I was hoping it was the walls crumbling, but no such luck.

Ideas? Advice?


I'm kind of stuck on Ancient Dragon on Infernal with the Elf (level 91). I do fine until it starts healing; I simply can't keep up; it ends up hovering at about 10-20% life but heals faster than I can damage it, even reflecting the specks back at him. This keeps up until the walls crumble (usually a good 5-6 cycles), and then without the damage from the specks, it all goes to hell. I tried NPCs but of course they're dead well before it even starts healing.

I considered leveling up but it takes a 6+ dungeon run per level now and I'm not in the mood. I've also tried getting people online but I'm not sure how you do it for the Ancient Dragon.

I'd like to know what prompts him healing, if it's low health, number of swoop/breath cycles, or what. I was hoping it was the walls crumbling, but no such luck.

Ideas? Advice?

You should be able to kill him before he starts healing. I was able to get the 4 minute trophy on my first kill. Do you have max/close to max clone strike, all anti-dragon equipment, damage potions, max salamander oil, and max toxic extract? If you have lives to spare and you're running low on arrows, sometimes it's better just to die and get the full refill.

Also, you'll level quicker just by doing the normal levels than by going through the LoC, especially if you get the most expensive score blessing and do a chain.



On the setting menu at the tavern, there's an option to disable NPCs from joining, so they won't fill your open party slots - those slots would, then, only be filled with another players when playing online. You can still recruit them by hand this way, too.
Or you can disable such slots with triangle (iirc), so neither NPCs and other players will join your game.

NPCs buffs the enemies and give you no benefit besides being meatshields. You're better going solo, especially to learn your character.

I prefer the option to disable npc joining the dungeon mid-dungeon. It's easier for me to switch it on/off then disabling each slot individually. Also it doesn't block players from joining you online
You should be able to kill him before he starts healing. I was able to get the 4 minute trophy on my first kill. Do you have max/close to max clone strike, all anti-dragon equipment, damage potions, max salamander oil, and max toxic extract? If you have lives to spare and you're running low on arrows, sometimes it's better just to die and get the full refill.

The one thing I'm missing from that list is anti-dragon equipment, or more specifically, I have a lot of equipment with minus damage from dragons, but only one piece with plus damage to dragons. That might account from my lack of DPS. I'm considering upping my DPS from the beginning, as I saved the heavy-hitting stuff (oils, damage potion) for when it starts healing, and it might serve me better if I simply try nuking it before it has a chance to even start healing.

Thanks a lot, I'll try again tomorrow during the commute to work. :)

Also, you'll level quicker just by doing the normal levels than by going through the LoC, especially if you get the most expensive score blessing and do a chain.

Yeah, that's what I do, of course; it's still a good 5-6 dungeons to get the couple of millions needed per level right now. LoC is useless as I'm capped to floor 6, so I can't chain it.


I'd like to know what prompts him healing, if it's low health, number of swoop/breath cycles, or what. I was hoping it was the walls crumbling, but no such luck.

Ideas? Advice?
It starts healing after the 2nd or 3rd full screen blast + swoop-in cycle iirc.
I'm not sure about elves, but I can reflect all the green balls as a sorc so that both walls stay up and I can theoretically last as long as I want.
Finally managed to beat AD on Infernal, yay! Going full DPS from the start did it. Then I started a LoC 6 run, was on the third stage, put the Vita to sleep because I arrived at work... and when I got out of work, the Vita was off. :p

It starts healing after the 2nd or 3rd full screen blast + swoop-in cycle iirc.

It's always after the swoop indeed, but whether it does it or not is health-dependant. This time it started healing right after the first cycle, since I had been doing much more damage.

I'm not sure about elves, but I can reflect all the green balls as a sorc so that both walls stay up and I can theoretically last as long as I want.

Before the skeletons appear, you can reflect every green ball with the Elf's Elemental Lore ability, but after you have three wights in your hands, it becomes more difficult, as you can't dispatch them quickly without resorting to Oils, so you might be forced to choose between dodging them or reflecting the balls.


I have been playing a lot of Dwarf and Elf lately at LOC/TOM, going back to Amazon I find it very difficult to survive and/or reliably deals damage in multiplayer game.

I use Parry all the time in single player, which isn't a problem but in multiplayer it is very difficult to position correctly let alone parrying with right timing especially in a boss fight with ton of minions arounds. Of course I can double stun wave to pretend I am contributing but let's face it, the damage sucks. Whereas Dwarf can DGS and throw things around while Elf can just charge shot from top, Amazon needs to go in to deal damage and keep berserk and I find it very difficult not to die doing so. Any tips?

Oh, I am 180hrs in I think and still discovering new things, great game!
I personally just hold attack then tap it, it seems to get the parry off quite often. The timing is a bit odd to use it on reflex. It IS awesome when you do so and deflect a projectile back at the enemy, though. :)


I got my Vita two weeks ago, and just recently remembered that this game was out, and made a little "oh hell yeah" in my head.

It really bothered me when the AI players came in and turned everything into a confusing mishmash of flying numbers and noises - if there´s one thing I can´t stand it´s games where I can´t tell what I´m even looking at or where I am and what I am doing.

Thankfully I saw the "join off" feature in the in, so now I´m rolling solo! I instinctively chose the amazon because she just looks ridiculous.

And I gotta say, all this sexism stuff was blown way out of proportion. The amazons huge bubble butt during jumps, her Chun Li-sized steroid legs and the flapping boobs are so comically exagerrated that you really have to go through this world just looking for things to offend you to find this sexist. It´s just plain silly, and I absolutely love it. I mean, everyone in this game overdeveloped, with tiny heads and muscles that look like steaks. It´s dumb, it´s childish, it´s harmless and very entertaining - at least to me.

I´ve been playing for just a couple of hours, but one feature I really appreciate is that you keep (at least some?) of your EXP and treasure if you exit out of a level before finishing it - something I was not expecting at all. I´ve been replaying the first two stages to just get a hang of the system and ended up with rather nice gear already.

Just like Bravely Default, this feels like a game where they took a very oldschool concept and transformed it into a game with very modern design sensibilities. I was a bit afraid that this might end up being a mindless button masher, but it seems WAY deeper so far.

And yeah, it looks absolutely gorgeous.


Got back into this and there's something I can't remember about LoC. Do you have to clear the three stages per floor at once ? Or do you actually have between them ?


Archer is pretty much the way to go?


Danger Zone.
Just picked up the vita version of this game from the sale. is there any good resources on character skill builds and whatnot? Or do you just kind of wing it? Coming from diablo where every character is minmaxed im surprised there aren't that many guides online for each class.


Just picked up the vita version of this game from the sale. is there any good resources on character skill builds and whatnot? Or do you just kind of wing it? Coming from diablo where every character is minmaxed im surprised there aren't that many guides online for each class.

Go to the GameFAQs forums. There is a lot of character build information there.
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