Nice theme to the OT! Love how it hints to the in-game narrative style, classy idea. And the best title image possible, lol.
Oh man, local play. Between this and Xillia, my little brother and I will be having a blast.
Same here, haha. A great day for Local Co-Op Play!!
Good OT. Won't add myself to the player list, but PS3 version for me I think.
Also, character touching
This is the perfect throwback to D&D Arcade actually... you had to click the characters to continue with their conversation... afterwards, they'd tell the over-click happy player something about "please stop staring at me, it makes me uncomfortable..." or something to that effect.
I'm rather glad it's not over-done... I'm sure sales could have been boosted with some "grab and drag" perversion going on there...
I thought Guardian Heroes was overrated. It wouldn't take much for this game to top it. And art-wise, there's no question.
Back when GH came out, I think it put me in the most zombie-like state of any game I've ever played, before, or since. The idea of having everyone in the game available to play in VS, and the multiple story paths, still hasn't been matched at all, except maybe with the likes of something like Tobal 2.
DC Might top it in art (and even that's debatable... sharper and bolder, sure, but Han's less divisive character art gets in the way of talking about / enjoying the game a lot less), Campaign multiplayer number, overall polish / lore, and it might be the superior "From Point A to point B" experience...
...but the multiple paths and light-hearted aspects of this game don't look anywhere close to what GH had to offer. I still doubt it has the enemy character variety, either (though I bet it has much better boss battles!)
Basically... this game claims 120 hours to see everything. I might be required to do that for this, but I'd probably be more willingly do such with GH, without being forced to by leveling gimmicks and locked skills.
Wow, it's like I'm the only person who's excited to play wizard. Blasting fools with magic, how can you not love that?
I used to zoom RIGHT to Wizards in games like this in the old days... but then they started to feel so under-developed compared to the fighters, once combo systems became more in-depth.
In this particular game, I have a hard time between wanting to go Ranged / Magic, or have some Melee... so the Elf is perfect for a first time