If someone who is very familiar with this game and is willing to be a kind Samaritan. Please message me, I'd like some help and input with a minmax build before the game come out.
Thank you.
Here are your min/max options.
For max MATK - Mage from 1-10, Sorcerer from 10-200.
For max ATK - Fighter from 1-10, Assassin from 10-200.
For Max HP - Fighter from 1-10, Warrior from 10-100, Mystic Knight from 100-200.
For Max Stamina - Strider from 1-10, Ranger from 10-100, Assassin from 100-200.
There you go.
Defense stats are worthless and mostly determined by your gear. Better to have resistances to debuffs and negative battlefield effects than high defense.
I wouldn't really recommend doing this.
how difficult is the gameplay?
It becomes considerably easier after you level up a bit and get some upgraded gear. Starts out a bit tough.