that's the archive of the stream for anyone that missed it
is there going to be an official steam controller binding
We'll probably put up a recommended binding of some sort. The "Mouse-like Joystick" Mode works well pretty well for the right touch pad. It allows you to retain the gamepad button prompts while allowing you to use the touch pad in Trackball mode. Pretty cool stuff.
that's the archive of the stream for anyone that missed it
We'll probably put up a recommended binding of some sort. The "Mouse-like Joystick" Mode works well pretty well for the right touch pad. It allows you to retain the gamepad button prompts while allowing you to use the touch pad in Trackball mode. Pretty cool stuff.
I really hope this sells good. DD deserves it and we need DD2 in our lives.
However, i'm really happy of this Gaf Hype Train.
Once you make it to gran soren you can work on being what you will. Mages can be fun, but you're going to need a the mgage class actually fan to play as in this game?
do you have to commit to the first class tht you choose or you can pass from one class to another without problems?
is the mgage class actually fan to play as in this game?
do you have to commit to the first class tht you choose or you can pass from one class to another without problems?
is the mgage class actually fan to play as in this game?
do you have to commit to the first class tht you choose or you can pass from one class to another without problems?
Is there a youtube of that stream? Cause twitch archives seem to not work for me.
You can swap around with no problem. Once you pay the initial cost to buy into a class, you can swap back and forth between it and other classes for free.
As for mage/wizard, YMMV. Some people love casting ridiculously huge spells, other people don't like relying on their pawns to keep the enemy engaged while you cast those spells.
I've been following this thread loosely over the last few days and habe seen people here and there mention changing audio files in this version of DD. Why is this? Is there some sort of problem with the audio files that need altering?
I've been following this thread loosely over the last few days and habe seen people here and there mention changing audio files in this version of DD. Why is this? Is there some sort of problem with the audio files that need altering?
The intro music needed altering(back to original). Beyond that, the OST is great, but after playing through a couple times with it already, I think I'm going to change out a few of the tracks for some novelty.
Trying to think of where I'd put the following:
And a few others, for example.
There are some "random encounters"
he's probably talking about those bandits that will attack you like 3 times randomly in different parts of the world. It's sorta tied in to a quest, I forgot which one was it.
(It's the one were you get this letter, that's says watch your back or whatever)
Created a Steam Group for Dragon's Dogma for NeoGAF, it's public so anyone can join, but who cares if non gaf members join all we need this for is for speedy friend requests
now we don't have to keep posting profiles on gaf.
Wow. Already 198 members. Not going to want for pawns. I sent out a few invites but got tired of clicking lol.
the best way is to do it in your actual browser. I opened a new tab with every name click, clicked a whole column the names that aren't friends, and then went through my tabs clicking send friend request.
It actually doesn't take that long if you do it this way.
It's been holding #1 on Steam store. That's gotta be worth something
Hmm. I saw in this thread that the load times are not great. Was going to move the game to my SSD but guess you can't do that until it's unlocked. Going to have to remember to do that.
I wanna do a full music conversion using Trails in the Sky FC and SC music, but it seems like too much a lazy person by choice
Capcom right now
I'd say it's more like a 'WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T WE DO THIS YEARS AGO'. You know, like we told them.
Or, you know, not. And you mash buttons to skip that godawful music. Thank you Capcom for removing that POS from Dark Arisen, at least my ears aren't bleeding anymore.
It is bizarre to release a niche title like this that would benefit from word of mouth sales, then complain about lack of sales. To be fair, this was before Dark Souls really broke open the market.
The irony is an initial PC version would have likely justified the development of a sequel.
I'm not talking about the little gamepad icon in the sidebar.
At this point, I think "native" Steam Controller support just means you can bind and use keyboard and gamepad commands simultaneously and maybe there are Steam Controller interface icons.
Edit: There is apparently such a thing as native Steam Controller API support. The big difference is you can bind things in-game, button prompts will match the controller and the game will have full access to the haptic feedback motors.
Are digital soundtracks and artworks only available on launch date? I don't see them anywhere in my account
I don't think Steam has the functionality for developers to pick and choose which files are encrypted during pre-load, currently they are sitting behind an encrypted wall. They will be available on launch.
Thanks. First time buy game on Steam so I don't know much
Are digital soundtracks and artworks only available on launch date? I don't see them anywhere in my account
That's pretty cool though, everyone has to start sometime right?
Here's the GAF Steam thread if you have any questions or need some recommendations.
I'd be thrilled to see Dragon's Dogma pulling Dark Souls numbers, but that would be pretty tough.
The game itself is perfect for that, though, really feels like the kind of game that will resonate well with the PC audience.
Not like this Morrigan.