I actually enjoyed it because I knew what was happening and knew the lyrics to the songs. But I totally get why some folks don’t mess with rap, also if you don’t know the artist, it probably just sounds like a bunch of noise.
When The Who did the Super Bowl in 2010, I was bored out of my damn mind, felt like I was gettin robbed by a fucking supermarket at 2 AM. Same thing happened in 2006 with The Rolling Stones, except this time, it was just some old white nigga doing the same two-step shuffle for 13 minutes straight like he was buffering.
And don’t even get me started on 2005 with Paul McCartney. Swear to god I aged like 10 years during Hey Jude. I thought the halftime show was over, but nah, bruh bruh was just getting to the na-na-na-naaaas. Prince though? Nigga had it raining while he played Purple Rain. Oh and, and, and, can't forget 2009 when Bruce Springsteen slid crotch-first into the camera like he was auditioning for Magic Mike! Straight trippin. Super Bowl halftime shows are a wild ride, man. Sometimes you get Kendrick Lamar going to war,& sometimes you get U2 singing like we just lost one. Kna mean?