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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


How is this the best kept secret in the world?
Ever meet a corporate Lawyer? They are a vault, I deal with our corporate counsel all the time and I would tell the guy every little secret I have, dude is a statue, firm never leaks anything.

This obviously has something to do with money and contracts hence the lack of leaks because the people in the know have a vested interest in not leaking it, likely in preparation for the next step.
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I used to watch Doc a lot during the PUBG days, but then he grew increasingly tired of the genre and became really boring to watch. A new game launch revitalizes him for about a week. Really curious to see what the hell this is about.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Gotta think with the amount of money that he was getting payed if we haven’t heard the reason yet it’s prob because lawyers are involved now.


Random cynical take I thought about:
- Twitch doesn't like the amount of money they're paying him.
- Recent high profile streamers came back, making him less important
- Basically everyone violates the ToS multiple times a week given how vague and general it is
- Ban him on a technicality
- Force him to the negotiating table
- Renegotiate his contact w/at the new value Twitch sees him at (considerably less)

I guess it'd depend on how much Twitch thinks their ToS would hold up in court. But I still think it's less ominous than this. Twitch is Amazon now and they aren't hurting for money.
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Random cynical take I thought about:
- Twitch doesn't like the amount of money they're paying him.
- Recent high profile streamers came back, making him less important
- Basically everyone violates the ToS multiple times a week given how vague and general it is
- Ban him on a technicality
- Force him to the negotiating table
- Renegotiate his contact w/at the new value Twitch sees him at (considerably less)

I guess it'd depend on how much Twitch thinks their ToS would hold up in court. But I still think it's less ominous than this. Twitch is Amazon now and they aren't hurting for money.
ye that seems the most plausible and their big competitor mixer also closed shop, which doc was planning to go to before the twitch deal. this is def to chop the contract down and pay him less.



NickMercs got a supposed Dr D donation. Seems suspect as hell to me.
probably wasnt dr. dis. on twitch you can change the donation name to whomever you want to be when the donation is sent to streamer, ofc they still see your real name too but most dont read the real name on stream for privacy reasons and instead use the handle.


probably wasnt dr. dis. on twitch you can change the donation name to whomever you want to be when the donation is sent to streamer, ofc they still see your real name too but most dont read the real name on stream for privacy reasons and instead use the handle.

Doc has donated to that particular streamer in the past and the message that accompanied it sounded pretty legit.


Side note, tangentially related, it appears Ninja is choosing Youtube Live for his new streaming service. He has a new stream starting at 1PM EST.



Where are you?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I still think he’s in major legal trouble.

Something Twitch / discord became privy too and then fired him and contacted the police.


I still think he’s in major legal trouble.

Something Twitch / discord became privy too and then fired him and contacted the police.
Seems like it's major legal trouble. But given how shady Twitch has been in the past couple years and how little we know about the actual situation, I'd say it could go either way. I'm still of the mind that somebody on Twitch's side either a). tried to pull a fast one or b). fucked up. Could be anything at this point. Honestly, giving the e-thot sanctuary the benefit of the doubt is the last thing I would do at this point.


Guys, we will never see him again. I bet the Ethiopian poisonous caterpillar turned on him... RiP Doctor.


Guys, we will never see him again. I bet the Ethiopian poisonous caterpillar turned on him... RiP Doctor.
The more likely scenario is that he earned so much greenbacks from keeping his mouth shut that he doesn't have to deal with his chat or the internet ever again. Seems like the doc has won.


For Twitch to erase him from existence and pay off all his subs while never speaking a word about him since, could it be possible that whatever issue Doc is having actually has Twitch possibly implicated too? And that's why both parties are happy to be completely dead silent about it?


For Twitch to erase him from existence and pay off all his subs while never speaking a word about him since, could it be possible that whatever issue Doc is having actually has Twitch possibly implicated too? And that's why both parties are happy to be completely dead silent about it?
Definitely possible. This is could very well be one of those "both parties were wrong and did some messed up shit" and then people are like "that was crazy" and then totally forget about it. Given the current state of the world that sounds VERY plausible.


Definitely possible. This is could very well be one of those "both parties were wrong and did some messed up shit" and then people are like "that was crazy" and then totally forget about it. Given the current state of the world that sounds VERY plausible.
One of the random early theories included things about how maybe Doc received and disbursed charity donations improperly, and that's one thing that Twitch could be (even if only accidentally) involved in. There's nothing behind this other than assumptions, but it's an interesting theory.


One of the random early theories included things about how maybe Doc received and disbursed charity donations improperly, and that's one thing that Twitch could be (even if only accidentally) involved in. There's nothing behind this other than assumptions, but it's an interesting theory.
Definitely an interesting theory. The whole "hush,hush" around this current situation could be that both parties FUCKED UP in a legal thing that they totally forgot about. Twitch was like "hey, we fucked up some charity thing, so here's your contract money(very many millions), sign this thing so we and you don't have legal problems later". And Doc was like "Sounds good. So I'm a free agent now?" Twitch : "Yeah, we'd prefer you be here. But some idiot in legal jumped the gun. So we wish you the best at Brime/Spotify/wherever you decide to go".

Rossco EZ

i was watching sodapoppin’s stream last night and he mentioned something about he knows why doc is banned but didn’t want to discuss it and after watching him i watched xqc for a bit and he also mentioned he knows why doc is banned so i guess we will know soon enough.


He may also have been charged with an offence and now has conditions to follow such as not being on a computer or on the internet, hence why he can’t post anything.
Depending on the crime, Twitch may also want to just clear his link to them from existence...


He may also have been charged with an offence and now has conditions to follow such as not being on a computer or on the internet, hence why he can’t post anything.
Depending on the crime, Twitch may also want to just clear his link to them from existence...
Its obviously something involving lawyers, hense the complete blackout. I still think he will be back. Just too much money involved for him, and for whoever gets him.


I’m telling you guys, he’s on a secret mission for the White House. Who else can single handily fight the commie invasion of the U S of A. Pretty obvious.
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I’m telling you guys, he’s on a secret mission for the White House. Who else can single handily fight the commie invasion of the U S of A. Pottery obvious.
Or he took a vacation to the Mediterranean and is enjoying the summer. Also, you're giving the commies too much credit. Once the shekels run out they're going back to being mad about whatever is the flavor of the month to be mad at.
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