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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]

It's interesting that many Twitch streamers seem like sketchy fuckers at best and absolute human garbage at worst (pedophiles etc.).
Even if all these allegations turn out to be a nothingburger, I still wouldn't want to talk to this guy, he seems like an asshole.
What do you think professional broadcasters are like? The top guys in these industries will always be ruthless and aggressive. As long as they're entertaining, I don't care.


Time to sue for defamation.

I don’t care about the doctor. But if you call someone a pedo that is serious. Defamation or career death.
How many people called Micheal Jackson one even in TV episodes of shows? There are settlements and everything is "legal" in those instances. To sue for defamation you would have to prove the information given is false. I'm not sure that is going to happen. Possibly but unlikely I would say.

Twitch didn't have a leg to stand on even if the allegations were true. he was posting on Twitch Whispers, people shouldn't have had access to your messages and it's irrelevant to his contract if nothing had actually come out to damage his image. Especially if he had settled with the person in question.


Neo Member
He was unfaithful to his wife and came on stream crying about it to farm views 5 or 6 years ago. Who knows if these allegations are true, but it wouldn't be surprising in the least.


I think there is a fairly significant fall in morality between cheating on one's wife and hounding underage girls.
I dunno man, when men get to a certain age and level of success you don't often see them divorcing their wife and trading for an older, more rough looking woman. Unless they are King Charles, then they get the rumours anyway.


It's interesting that many Twitch streamers seem like sketchy fuckers at best and absolute human garbage at worst (pedophiles etc.).

A lot of successful online personalities haven't been out in the workforce and find themselves with fame/money. They've missed out on learning what's socially acceptable or even seeing what happens IRL to people that cross the line. They have not learned that real life has consequences. The shit that always seems to go down during Cons is them leaving their bubble without adjusting to real life.


Whatever they banned him for wasn't some small shit.

You can literally have a camera directly on your spread asshole and Twitch are hesitant to even give a slap on the wrist.


People coming into this thread, accusing him of pedophilia and other insane crimes, and then trying to duck behind "that's just my 2 cents based on nothing" is the biggest caveman behavior I've seen on GAF in a while.
I would just like to remind you guys that slander is a real crime, and "but that's just my opinion" ain't going to cut it in that instance.

I wonder how you would feel when a GAF mod would ban you without context, and you'd have to watch how the forum go "Damn, for GAF to ban him out of nothing, it sure had to be something Insane! I bet he's a pedophile!".
But that's just my 2 cents based on nothing.


People are waaaay too serious out there. Him getting "banned" seems to be one of his persona's. What's the old saying? "Everything is a script on camera" or something like that. There's just some people out there who know how to play the camera and the audience.
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People coming into this thread, accusing him of pedophilia and other insane crimes, and then trying to duck behind "that's just my 2 cents based on nothing" is the biggest caveman behavior I've seen on GAF in a while.
I would just like to remind you guys that slander is a real crime, and "but that's just my opinion" ain't going to cut it in that instance.

I wonder how you would feel when a GAF mod would ban you without context, and you'd have to watch how the forum go "Damn, for GAF to ban him out of nothing, it sure had to be something Insane! I bet he's a pedophile!".
But that's just my 2 cents based on nothing.
Speculating on a situation isn't considered slander. Not that it has ever happened but if a GAF mod banned somebody out of the blue, a user that was known to be bringing in millions of visitors then clearly something is afoot. There would be a reason that would be hidden in settlements or other legal avenues. If some rumour starts going round that it's because they sexted/pmed some minor and others started speculating on it it isn't considered slander. The person making the accusation would have to be taken to court but others can side how they want, it isn't defamation or slander.

Little Mac

Gold Member
I’m really out of the loop, but aren’t like 90% of the bans of well known Twitch personalities really just suspensions? Twitch profits off these people. So for DrDisrespectful to actually be banned from the platform means he either did something terrible that the streaming platform wants to distance itself from (meaning the money DrDisredpectful made for the platform wasn’t worth the bad publicity) or he pissed off a senior exec and they made him an example.

Again, I’m not invested in this topic. I haven’t used Twitch in years nor have I subscribed to anyone. Used to watch the games done quick charity events live every now and again but it’s kinda fallen off …
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He's not the one pursuing a witch hunt based on hearsay.

A witch hunt implies accusations, I'm not accusing anyone of anything nor the other people who said the same thing I said, I'm speculating on what could've happened given what was done and said, because you know this a forum to discuss things not an echo chamber. Otherwise close your thread because people are getting their feelings hurt over what ifs.
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I’m really out of the loop, but aren’t like 90% of the bans of well known Twitch personalities really just suspensions? Twitch profits off these people. So for DrDisrespectful to actually be banned from the platform means he either did something terrible that the streaming platform wants to distance itself from (meaning the money DrDisredpectful made for the platform wasn’t worth the bad publicity) or he pissed off a senior exec and they made him an example.

Again, I’m not invested in this topic. I haven’t used Twitch in years nor have I subscribed to anyone. Used to watch the games done quick charity events live every now and again but it’s kinda fallen off …
Nah, Twitch is a shit show when it comes to enforcement. They did the same to Destiny (mostly progressive political streamer) without giving a concrete reason. Meanwhile political streamers that agree with Twitch politics can literally say horrible things and don't get bans.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It's interesting that many Twitch streamers seem like sketchy fuckers at best and absolute human garbage at worst (pedophiles etc.).
Even if all these allegations turn out to be a nothingburger, I still wouldn't want to talk to this guy, he seems like an asshole.

Its the celebrity.
These guys alot of them atleast are literally nobodies thrust into being famous......that shit gets to their heads.

It happens also with alot of athletes, they go from being unknowns grinding for dollars, to being world famous and having millions.......their suppressed asshole just spills out cuz they think they can just do it now.

Hell id go as far as to say a good portion of people who get fast famous even internet famous seemingly suddenly become entitled and end up being assholes.
Remember the stories of Instagram influencers who try to get free stays at hotels free meals etc etc because they have a few followers on Instagram, then complain that they DIDNT get the free shit.............the audacity.
It would be interesting to see how seriously people here would take some of these "speculative accusations" if they had been made to a more er ... left wing content creator.
Would there be conversations about "this is all baseless speculation"? Or would the consensus just be guilty until proven innocent?

Court of public opinion certainly does work in mysterious ways.


Going by his replies to these accusations I would say it's a possibility that he was sexting somebody, but he was unaware that they were underage.


People coming into this thread, accusing him of pedophilia and other insane crimes, and then trying to duck behind "that's just my 2 cents based on nothing" is the biggest caveman behavior I've seen on GAF in a while.
I would just like to remind you guys that slander is a real crime, and "but that's just my opinion" ain't going to cut it in that instance.

I wonder how you would feel when a GAF mod would ban you without context, and you'd have to watch how the forum go "Damn, for GAF to ban him out of nothing, it sure had to be something Insane! I bet he's a pedophile!".
But that's just my 2 cents based on nothing.

No one here would be accusing him of anything if he wasn't making these double speak non-responses that heavily imply the accusations are at least partially true. If guy was fired for Covid nonsense, Alex Jones lizard people shit, or just being hated by Twitch Deer Xirs, absolutely nothing (from a legal perspective) would be preventing him from saying "the accusations are patently false, I was not sexting, propositioning, or making advances on minors in any capacity." His strong emphasis on broad open ended vagueries like "no wrong doing found" is a blatantly obvious redflag that convinces only the smoothest of brains.
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Gold Member
Why the F did he respond? Since he responded, why not just say, "see my previous statements from 4 FUCKING YEARS AGO." No reason to say anything else.
This is the same guy who cheated on his wife, he’s shown he has no control when it comes to puss being offered to him. So yeah I believe some horny teen could have easily gotten him to sext with her regardless of him knowing her age.
Hypotetically, if Twitch's evidence was DM's that were illegal or against company policy for employees to access (or were never disclosed to users as being accessible by others) they would presumably be inadmissible in court, giving Doc an open and shut case against them on breach, defamation, punitive, etc...and giving police nothing to investigate (assuming anything supposedly said would even qualify as criminal, which it most likely would not, as someone of his stature would have to be a Level 100 Master Retard to be DM'ing that kind of stuff on fucking Twitch).
That is not true. Illegal search and seizure only applies to government.


That is not true. Illegal search and seizure only applies to government.
This hypothetical breach of contract case is civil and one of the parties (Amazon) owns and manages the platform at issue, which means they have sole control of, and would effectively be producing the evidence of both parties. Evidence they may have accessed without cause, without authorization, contrary to company policy, and without knowledge or disclosure to both parties (even ignoring the most obvious, that they or an activist employee could have outright fabricated them). There are 100 million and 1 ways to have these alleged DMs tossed out. They'd never even come close, which is why they didn't even pretend or entertain fighting him.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I don’t see how any sort of agreement would stop him from simply saying “this accusation is false.”

But I’m sort of over the story unless something more comes out.


Neo Member
Dude are you like...retarded? what the fuck does cheating on your wife have to do with being pedo? what the fuck is this clown world. The internet was a mistake.
No correlation between the two other than both being degenerate behavior. Just establishing the low baseline of his moral character and recognizing degenerate people do degenerate things.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
There's so little evidence of wrongdoing that people are using his response as evidence of his wrongdoing. That's the kind of mental gymnastics they used at the witch trials.
I’m pretty sure at the Salem witch trials the accused denied being witches lol

edit: for the record I’m just left with thinking his wording is really fucking weird and overly obtuse
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Surely Twitch paying him out proves that this is bullshit right?. I mean if the allegatuions were true, with evidence, surely Twitch would legally be able to ban him and drop him, so why pay him out?.

This smells like that that blue haired woke 'social team' behind this that Twitch publicly announmced a few years ago. Doc's time on Twitch was always numbered when that happened. A macho manly man is like the antichist to those loons.
It was a pretty obvious denial to me but he even responded again and said it in more simpler terms but the crazy internet mob doesn't like talking about that tweet.


I don’t see how any sort of agreement would stop him from simply saying “this accusation is false.”

But I’m sort of over the story unless something more comes out.
Because to me it seems like a settlement was agreed on. He can't mention any wrongdoing from twitch (likely employees reading private DMs) or it's referring to a settlement by himself with the girl too.

"No wrongdoing was acknowledged" tells me that it's a settlement with the "no admission of guilt" thrown in with the settlement. It was probably a Freudian slip for him to say it like that. It doesn't make him guilty of anything, it's akin to Micheal Jackson's settlement with Jordan Chandler and his family. Nobody is allowed to talk about anything because it would be against the settlement agreement of the parties involved.
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There's so little evidence of wrongdoing that people are using his response as evidence of his wrongdoing. That's the kind of mental gymnastics they used at the witch trials.

The mental gymnastics is because why would Twitch pay him money to fuck off, one of their most popular streamers.

That's why people are speculating that he did something wrong but Twitch can't use the evidence in court, so a settlement was reached, again it's speculation.
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I'm a big old gay that don't like him, but this stuff follows you even if it's there is proof he didn't do it. That is why we need to be careful accusing people. I'm not saying it's true, but they paid him the rest of is contract. It must have been a big deal for Twitch to let him go. She could have been legal age, but Twitch wasn't haven't it using their systems for this type of looking for girls. There are tons of places that can be done.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Because to me it seems like a settlement was agreed on. He can't mention any wrongdoing from twitch (likely employees reading private DMs) or it's referring to a settlement by himself with the girl too.

"No wrongdoing was acknowledged" tells me that it's a settlement with the "no admission of guilt" thrown in with the settlement. It was probably a Freudian slip for him to say it like that. It doesn't make him guilty of anything, it's akin to Micheal Jackson's settlement with Jordan Chandler and his family. Nobody is allowed to talk about anything because it would be against the settlement agreement of the parties involved.
It doesn’t make him guilty but I just can’t fathom how any settlement would stop him from saying “that isn’t true / that’s false” or anything more direct to an accusation if it is, in fact, false.

“You can’t directly deny completely false statements from ex employees” would certainly be a strange legal agreement.

Either way as I said not gonna damn the guy and think the story should die unless something else besides that one ex employees statement comes out.
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It doesn’t make him guilty but I just can’t fathom how any settlement would stop him from saying “that isn’t true / that’s false” or anything more direct to an accusation if it is, in fact, false.

“You can’t directly deny completely false statements from ex employees” would certainly be a strange legal agreement.

Either way as I said not gonna damn the guy and think the story should die unless something else besides that one ex employees statement comes out.
Something like that would not be part of the agreement but I suspect because he can't fabricate things that weren't true. If say for example an ex Micheal Jackson bodyguard/employee said "Micheal offered alcohol to Chandler" Micheal Jackson couldn't come and say "I didn't offer alcohol, that's false" unless it actually was but the settlement could allow him to say "I didn't do anything illegal and no wrongdoing was found" since the issue has been settled with all the parties involved in the matter. There may be some truth to the Twitch employees tweet and if there isn't Dr Disrespect can go after him for defamation if he wanted. Maybe he just doesn't want to or maybe because he can't.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole

One former Twitch employee, who asked to remain anonymous citing the potential risk to their career, told The Verge that Beahm had used Whispers, Twitch’s now-defunct messaging system, to exchange messages with a minor and initiate a conversation about meeting up at TwitchCon. The employee worked on Twitch’s trust and safety team at the time of the ban in 2020.

2nd former employee allegedly spoke to Verge.

Some more details:

The former employee who spoke with The Verge also shared more insight into the order of events that led to the ban. They said there was a significant amount of time between when the messages between Beahm and the alleged victim were sent and when the moderation report about those messages was filed, but they weren’t able to recall how much time. When Twitch received the report in 2020, they said that Twitch investigated the claims and ultimately banned Beahm’s channel.
A year after being banned, Beahm said he was suing Twitch for monetary damages and disclosed that he finally knew why the platform issued the ban. However, Beahm declined to say what that was. A year later, the dispute was resolved with Beahm saying, “I have resolved my legal dispute with Twitch. No party admits to any wrongdoing.”
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