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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Gold Member
Yes, I'm sure the fact that these people are FORMER Twitch employees has nothing to do with this at all.
Nobody is trying to become relevant and farm clicks for whatever scheme they are selling, no sir!

Crazy how gullible people are to still do the "random person claims X, so I believe X".
Maybe we really should be thinking about an IQ test for being allowed online or something...


Yes, I'm sure the fact that these people are FORMER Twitch employees has nothing to do with this at all.
Nobody is trying to become relevant and farm clicks for whatever scheme they are selling, no sir!

Crazy how gullible people are to still do the "random person claims X, so I believe X".
Maybe we really should be thinking about an IQ test for being allowed online or something...

So why doesn't Beahm outright say that he did not sext a minor?


Gold Member
Yes, I'm sure the fact that these people are FORMER Twitch employees has nothing to do with this at all.
Nobody is trying to become relevant and farm clicks for whatever scheme they are selling, no sir!

Crazy how gullible people are to still do the "random person claims X, so I believe X".
Maybe we really should be thinking about an IQ test for being allowed online or something...
These people making these accusations aren't doing it behind some fake made up name on a burner account

These are verifiable (suable) people that if Doc is proven innocent he should go after them big time


So why doesn't Beahm outright say that he did not sext a minor?

True but it is 100% lawyer instructed speak…

To share a bit of the retarded nuance of the American legal system; If the plaintiff in a defamation suit is going around publicly repeating the defamation that is so bad the defendant saying it has to give the plaintiff $… the court will view that as acknowledgment that it didn’t really bother the plaintiff, and they then have suffered no damage, and hence can have their judgement reversed.

He literally cannot even acknowledge the defamation publicly in any way without putting his current monetary agreement in jeopardy. Every lawyer would specifically instruct him this and tell him to never mention it publicly.

And there is no way to offer a non-awkward defense publicly without addressing the defamation directly.


Whatever they banned him for wasn't some small shit.

You can literally have a camera directly on your spread asshole and Twitch are hesitant to even give a slap on the wrist.
Yeah. They didn’t want to pay him.

Mixer shut down and they wanted to wiggle out of paying him as there was no longer a reason to pay streamers for exclusivity. It failed. I know this isn’t the corpo-kiss-ass narrative so it won’t go over well at GAF but I’d believe that over some tech company wash out any day.


Gold Member
So why doesn't Beahm outright say that he did not sext a minor?
Why would he?

You'd have to be insane to try to address and acknowledge every piece of crap someone somewhere tries to smear on your name.
Especially in a time where "proof" in the form of whatever pictures someone would post is so easily faked it has become all but impossible to truly trust anything posted online, unless it is verified by multiple credible source - some ex employee with an obvious scheme to plug his band or whatever isn't even remotely credible.
It would be a waste of time to address stuff like that, I'm surprised he reacted at all.


So apparently this Cody guy has been farming docs ban for some time now....

...for his band.



So let me try to understand this.

1. The big dogs at Twitch paid out and terminated the Dr. for criminal acts
2. Twitch helped cover up the crimes.
3. For shits & giggles, with no NDA in place, informed twitch employee Coldy of the Dr‘s criminality.
4. Twitch employee Coby takes to twitter, using the Dr’s crimes as bait, to promote his own band.

Tin Foil Tinfoil Hat GIF


Moderated wildly
Social media has turned an entire generation into specialists on law, social and domestic politics, karma police, judge and jury.

You should be asking the one person who made the short statement for more factual evidence but instead it turns into a witch hunt on the person they have targeted.

They need to go after all these people that make these claims, who lack any hard evidence and throw the book at them, imo.
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So let me try to understand this.

1. The big dogs at Twitch paid out and terminated the Dr. for criminal acts
2. Twitch helped cover up the crimes.
3. For shits & giggles, with no NDA in place, informed twitch employee Coldy of the Dr‘s criminality.
4. Twitch employee Coby takes to twitter, using the Dr’s crimes as bait, to promote his own band.

Tin Foil Tinfoil Hat GIF
Are we privy to his crimes? or is that covered up?
This hypothetical breach of contract case is civil and one of the parties (Amazon) owns and manages the platform at issue, which means they have sole control of, and would effectively be producing the evidence of both parties. Evidence they may have accessed without cause, without authorization, contrary to company policy, and without knowledge or disclosure to both parties (even ignoring the most obvious, that they or an activist employee could have outright fabricated them). There are 100 million and 1 ways to have these alleged DMs tossed out. They'd never even come close, which is why they didn't even pretend or entertain fighting him.
OK so what? If amazon wanna break their own policies or whatever laws and hand over evidence to the police on their own free will, they can do that and the police can use that evidence in a criminal investigation.


he should've just said "i didn't sext a minor" and everyone would have moved on because there really isn't any evidence. his confused non-denials along the lines of: "well i wasn't found to have done anything illegal. they never proved it", is why it seems suspicious.
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Gold Member
This is a pretty bad update because I had no sound and missed a lot of the details lol...

But I was literally just watching Docs stream like 10 minutes ago, I had it on mute while on a work meeting. He just ended his stream and seemed to be saying something serious.

Based on the chat reactions, I think he either said he was either going to completely stop streaming or said he was going to take an extended leave or something.

Chat was going nuts and seemed very sad with lots of comments about "You were the best to ever do it Doc... were going to miss you... don't do it doc don't let them win... etc etc"

Like I said I had no sound so no clue what he actually said. If it was a big nothing burger Ill delete this.

But I think he's shutting down for the time being :(
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Extended break. Basically fatigued mentally and physically from being in the limelight constantly. Fed up with social media and drama clickbaiters etc. Fed up with just the negativity in general in todays world. Might even step away from 'Midnight Society'. Seems fed up with the state of the industry in general. Hinted at it effecting his family life too.

Basically he sounded like he needs a lengthy break away from everything.

Did say he will be back though, but i get a feeling we are talking months here, maybe even a year or so.


Gold Member
Ahhh gotcha, damn sad to see him go.

But yeah, I don't blame him either. You might be able to weather it more as a single dude but if youre wife/kids are starting to feel it then that would absolutely be tough.


Gold Member
Extended break. Basically fatigued mentally and physically from being in the limelight constantly. Fed up with social media and drama clickbaiters etc. Fed up with just the negativity in general in todays world. Might even step away from 'Midnight Society'. Seems fed up with the state of the industry in general. Hinted at it effecting his family life too.

Basically he sounded like he needs a lengthy break away from everything.

Did say he will be back though, but i get a feeling we are talking months here, maybe even a year or so.
This is definitely an admission of guilt.

No actual denial and he quits, don't forget this guy cheated on his wife as well.
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Gold Member
No, its not.

False and/or misleading rumors ruin lives all the time. Even push people to commit suicide.
Obviously. Just taking the piss out of those in the thread who are quick to "speculate" about this guys guilt. With little to go off other than some chump promoting his shit band.

Should have added an /s.


New allegations from an ex employee.

Warning: no proof, and doesn't explain why Twitch would have paid him out. But it's new, so...

Like warm response from Dr disrespect:


Until I see some actual proof this happened, I won't believe it.

Already went through this shit with so many other gaming Youtubers and streamers where you found out in the end it was fake.

I still remember the blow up over Pro-Jared (Not to be confused with Jared the Completionist) only to find out a month later both CP allegations were fake and his wife agreed to the open relationship because SHE wanted a boyfriend that didn't end up working out (though his personal relationship was none of our business to begin with).

Terminated from Midnight Society


That's more damning but will continue to wait. They don't say what they found and from whom. Again, they could be getting lied to and we wouldn't know. Need all the facts.
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I don’t understand how they were in business with him for years and never dug into this. An accusation comes out and in 72 hours they have all the evidence they need to part company.


Gold Member
Terminated from Midnight Society


Wow. Did they actually learn something concrete?

Man the part I really have trouble reconciling is that we know he actively sued Twitch... and then got a settlement out of it.

I just struggle to believe if they were sitting on a smoking gun of him trying to be a pedophile that he would actually be the one initiating a lawuit against them.

And then if they had this evidence that he would actually win.

I mean if some company had evidence that would absolutely armageddon wreck my entire life... I damn sure wouldn't be antagonizing them lol.

But damn, obviously lots going on no one is privy too. So weird.
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I don't really give a shit about streamers or the controversy around them. Most of them are just adolescent adults that failed to grow up anyway, point being that I don't know or care what he did or didn't do.


I just find it interesting that this is the reason why, sending an explicit whisper to a minor, that twitch would then have an issue and ban him, when a huge percentage of their profit comes from booby streamers openly live on air courting minors and trying to make them sub to their onlyfans or pushing the limits of the ToS to get money from young boys.

Kind of a kettle meet pot situation.

But this is also a random tweet from a guy who seems to farm this controversy for fame so either way you can't trust much of what's going on in the socials


Gold Member
Until I see some actual proof this happened, I won't believe it.

Already went through this shit with so many other gaming Youtubers and streamers where you found out in the end it was fake.

I still remember the blow up over Pro-Jared (Not to be confused with Jared the Completionist) only to find out a month later both CP allegations were fake and his wife agreed to the open relationship because SHE wanted a boyfriend that didn't end up working out (though his personal relationship was none of our business to begin with).
Yup I have no skin in this game, I don't watch other people play video games but this guilty until proven otherwise shit makes me wanna puke.


Gold Member
Yup I have no skin in this game, I don't watch other people play video games but this guilty until proven otherwise shit makes me wanna puke.
I doubt they would have terminated him unless more came to light, that statement they made is pretty damning imo

"We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved. And in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act."

Some talked about how even Docs first response was worded which was terrible.

I have been around pro athletes since 1987 and there are usually 2 types of denials

1) I did not do (insert whatever here) which they still may be lying about

2) Never really address the allegations and try to turn things around on others while attempting to sound innocent


I became a founder of this game immediately because of Doc. I won't be supporting it moving forward.

Also, there need to be serious repercussions for these types of baseless accusations. Shit is fucking disgusting.
If he gets cleared he better sue a lot of people


Gold Member
I doubt they would have terminated him unless more came to light, that statement they made is pretty damning imo

"We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved. And in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act."

Some talked about how even Docs first response was worded which was terrible.

I have been around pro athletes since 1987 and there are usually 2 types of denials

1) I did not do (insert whatever here) which they still may be lying about

2) Never really address the allegations and try to turn things around on others while attempting to sound innocent

If he gets cleared he better sue a lot of people
I'd like to see some actual evidence or an arrest at the very least before I jump to any conclusions.
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Again, thats not evidence of anything. Could be they didn't want him around and were looking for an excuse to get rid.

That's grounds for lawsuit if he got terminated on baseless accusations which I'm sure a company with lawyers would've looked into it.
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