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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Gold Member
I think I paused a solid minute before typing the word "denial" because I couldn't think of a word for whatever that was.

You are correct though.....the denial for something like this should be an explicit denial.

Thank God for my simple life.

Yeah, was about to say this sounded like something a lawyer would come up with. Would have been better to have not tweeted a reply at all.
When your lawyer has to draft you something thats word salad for kind of a denial but never really denies it

Alicia Silverstone Reaction GIF

Of course some people are blindly believing this and calling for him to be arrested.
It should be followed up on and if not true there should be consequences for the guy who tweeted it and should be quite harsh


Gold Member
Ah the court of Twatter. Guilty by hearsay until you prove otherwise or we cancel your ass and ruin your life.

This shit should be banned. Pay zero attention, if he (or anyone else) gets arrested and found guilty then thats obviously a different kettle of fish.
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Yeah, I'm not believing some random on twitter of all fucking places spouting allegations about a well known case.Anyone who blindly believes twitter allegations is an outright moron.

It's probably all for their 15 mins of fame HOWEVER I will say Doc's response was absolutely pisspoor here which will raise questions about the whole thing.


Not nearly enough info to pass judgement yet, but it isn't a good luck to even be in a situation of plausible deniability for this.

I feel like that initial tweet should be an obvious and clear case of libel/defamation otherwise.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Not gonna pass actual judgment on something like that but a former employee of a company saying something like that will probably trigger more statements.

I’ve certainly suspected it was a lot more than a simple contract dispute from the start.

I ain’t part of no internet mob though.
Was that actually a denial?

I can assure you if someone accused me of something along those lines my statement would be crystal clear the allegations were false and either they take them down or I am suing for defamation
We don’t know the details of the deal that Dr. Disrespect and Twitch made. His curious reply could have something to do with what he can or can’t say according to their agreement. The wrongdoing he’s referring to could be his or Twitch’s. There’s not enough information currently available to make any conclusions about this.


Neighbours from Hell
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I basically don't trust anything in this toxic industry at face value. Too many weirdos with agendas.

And if this is a lie, I hope DD sues that person for libel.
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Gold Member
I feel people here speculating what DrDisrespect should do or not do have no clue about legal processes but are just assuming they know from internet readings.

If going through some issues with my lawyer has taught me anything, things I perceived to be true with legalities often are not and there is a lot of bad information out there.

Not saying he’s innocent or guilty, just saying that it may not be black and white or as simple as putting out a statement to sue for slander.


Guy positng this has to know this would be an obvious libel case if it was false, so he's trying to increase scrutiny and discourse surrounding it with a mix of hearsay and statements with just enough plausible deniability. Dr D didn't help his case at all responding rhe way he did. Now the sharks tasted blood and are gonna circle.


Gold Member
Guy is a fucking creep, watching his stream for 5 minutes will prove as much. So not really surprised, but also I don’t care - whole streamers economy can crash and burn for all I care.
..What if I don't like you.. or I find your posts creepy.. does that mean I can accuse you of being a pedo without evidence.. Streamers can crash and burn you say..? So that's enough for you where anything goes.. Well, what if someone don't like people who post on gaming forums.. It's open season then..? Is that how you want this planet to work.. Because that's quite frankly fucking gutter tier morals.
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See.... I'm all for not wanting people judged before the facts are released, but at the same time, this isn't just some random youtuber. This is the guy that livestreamed the inside of a crowded public restroom to thousands of viewers. That decision to disregard peoples' right to privacy in such an inappropriately intrusive way speaks volumes about a person's character.

We shouldn't be all that surprised by people believing baseless accusations about him because, let's face it, right or wrong, a lot of people will never give someone like him the benefit of the doubt. Ever.


..What if I don't like you.. or I find your posts creepy.. does that mean I can accuse you of being a pedo without evidence.. Streamers can crash and burn you say..? So that's enough for you where anything goes.. Well, what if someone don't like people who post on gaming forums.. It's open season then..? Is that how you want this planet to work.. Because that's quite frankly fucking gutter tier morals.
He also cheated on his wife. So if you are a big shot Twitch streamer and make lots of money anything goes?


So Twitch knew of criminal behaviour and fully paid out the offender instead of cancelling the contract over a morals clause (I can't imagine a corporation being too stupid to input a get out of jail free clause) & contacting the police. Yeah, I'm not buying that version. Twitch staff cannot be that dangerously stupid to the company, leaving themselves open to litigation or criminal charges.

Unless Dr Disrespect is misrepresenting on the full payout part. If Twitch contacted the police and paid up fully to the date of cancellation then Twitch have done everything right to exit that dumpster fire.

Hypotetically, if Twitch's evidence was DM's that were illegal or against company policy for employees to access (or were never disclosed to users as being accessible by others) they would presumably be inadmissible in court, giving Doc an open and shut case against them on breach, defamation, punitive, etc...and giving police nothing to investigate (assuming anything supposedly said would even qualify as criminal, which it most likely would not, as someone of his stature would have to be a Level 100 Master Retard to be DM'ing that kind of stuff on fucking Twitch).
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
He also cheated on his wife. So if you are a big shot Twitch streamer and make lots of money anything goes?
What are you talking about? If a Twitch streamer cheats on his wife he should be canceled/banned? Even if his wife stays with him :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Aren't you the dude who moved to and worships France? A place where cheating is so rampant and held in such high regard that there's a literal "get cucked" law where you're not allowed to get a DNA test of "your" children? The country with the president that was groomed by his now-wife theater teacher at age 15?

What is going on here?

Over It Maid GIF


Gold Member
Going from this:

Guy is a fucking creep, watching his stream for 5 minutes will prove as much. So not really surprised, but also I don’t care - whole streamers economy can crash and burn for all I care.

To this:

He also cheated on his wife. So if you are a big shot Twitch streamer and make lots of money anything goes?

In just one hour. Morality speedrunner strats!


Gold Member
NDAs or not I would think Doc would make it crystal clear these allegations are 100% false and then decide what to do behind the scenes

At least I would if something as serious as this was said about me

Absolutely. Straightforward and direct denial should be the immediate response before anything else.


Gold Member
Absolutely. Straightforward and direct denial should be the immediate response before anything else.
I will preface this with I can't watch or listen to Doc when he streams, I find nothing about him funny but one of the people I do listen to while doing some work is one of his friends Timthetatman which I instantly shut off if he plays with Doc or Nick

That said I wont burn him at the stake for this allegation because again thats all it is and people can judge some of his past actions if they like him or not which the whole bathroom stream thing was another can of worms he opened

But with how its trending on Twitter and his response of how it was worded I have to admit its strange especially with how long people have been talking about it and he isn't out in front of it

This whole "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" I mean what the fuck kind of statement is that?

I agree with many of these comments



Neighbours from Hell
When it comes to serious allegations it's always important to remember that belief is not truth. It's why the phrase "believe all women" was always stupid. It was being used to lay guilt at the feet of the accused. People can choose to believe whatever they want. But that doesn't mean you're right in your belief. In a just and properly functioning society, people should not be punished until accusations are proven. Otherwise you open pandora's box. Unfortunately, we've seen a lot of people punished or had their lives derailed over the years just over mere accusations. Due process is extremely important.

And no, circumstantial stuff doesn't qualify as proof. "Well, if he was truly innocent, he would've done X, Y, or Z" is inadequate. Everyone responds to situations differently, that in itself is not evidence of anything.

Me personally, I really tend to not have any opinions on innocent or guilt with most of these situations. There really is no reason to have an opinion tbh. Wake me up with all the facts come out, and if they never do, then I'll never have an opinion on it. Every time some famous public figure is accused of something you have a bunch of people grandstanding about how they're "done with them" etc etc. That's not justice, that's vanity. John Doe rando from Lansing, Michigan's opinion on the matter has no impact on the situation whatsoever.


He probably is not able to comment on anything related to the separation agreement due to an NDA. I would find it extremely unlikely that twitch would be paying out his contract if there was evidence of what the tweet is saying. There would have been an amicable split maybe but not Dr Disrespect leaving with a cash cow.

Also I don’t think his response was terrible, I mean what response even without an NDA can you make on Twitter.
1. No response: mob assumes you are guilty
2. Categorically deny it : mob thinks you are scared and guilty
3. Make some sort of tangential response( what he did) :eek:bviously guilty

It’s just a losing game on social media.


Gold Member
I will preface this with I can't watch or listen to Doc when he streams, I find nothing about him funny but one of the people I do listen to while doing some work is one of his friends Timthetatman which I instantly shut off if he plays with Doc or Nick

That said I wont burn him at the stake for this allegation because again thats all it is and people can judge some of his past actions if they like him or not which the whole bathroom stream thing was another can of worms he opened

But with how its trending on Twitter and his response of how it was worded I have to admit its strange especially with how long people have been talking about it and he isn't out in front of it

This whole "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" I mean what the fuck kind of statement is that?

I agree with many of these comments

The next time I watch this guy stream will be the first time. I'm just not into watching others play games except for reviews and such.

So just looking at the accusation and the response, DrDisrespect did himself a hell of a lot more harm than good and he's facing some major backlash obviously.

At the same time, I put VERY little trust in a guy making accusations like that on twitter. The world has gone insane in believing that social media is the appropriate place to handle serious allegations like these. It just isn't. But no one seems to be questioning that guy (that I have seen). Where's his proof?

This whole thing is a shitshow.
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What are you talking about? If a Twitch streamer cheats on his wife he should be canceled/banned? Even if his wife stays with him :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Aren't you the dude who moved to and worships France? A place where cheating is so rampant and held in such high regard that there's a literal "get cucked" law where you're not allowed to get a DNA test of "your" children? The country with the president that was groomed by his now-wife theater teacher at age 15?

What is going on here?

Over It Maid GIF
Now I am going to a)Look up French laws and b)Mercilessly make fun of couple of my French friends.

And yeah, French Presidents and their shenanigans have been epic for a while. Didn’t Macron’s predecessor leave his wife for a mistress and left that mistress for another one?

“Now you know and knowing is half the battle! Go Joe! “ 😂. (except in France if your kids are actually yours).


You know, I keep finding it funny how he keeps saying "no wrongdoing was found" like...genuinely it's such a poor choice of words... It's like if a criminal is saying "well yeah I did the crime but the court didn't find me guilty so I'm not guilty".

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

Just say no wrongdoing was done...He needs a better PR person.
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Gold Member
You know, I keep finding it funny how he keeps saying "no wrongdoing was found" like...genuinely it's such a poor choice of words... It's like if a criminal is saying "well yeah I did the crime but the court didn't find me guilty so I'm not guilty".

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

Just say no wrongdoing was done...He needs a better PR person.

Or better yet......stay off twitter


Considering the possibility of this being true and doing some mental gymnast here... (basically i'm conjecturing that Dr. did some shit, which may not be true.)

I don't know if what surprises me more is the Doctor's stance on the case or if it was T. simply sweeping everything under the rug through a large fine and an NDA, without involving the competent authorities.
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