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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Gold Member
Do you think nothing happened at all and that DrDisrespect, who has a shitty reputation for being a reckless loser (like most streamers) is the victim of some conspiracy to oust him from his own company and twitch? Or is something more serious underway?
You do realise that the Twitch ban happened 3 years ago? A ban that allowed Twitch to no longer honour their contractual obligation to Dr Disrespect? The one he took them to court over and won, subsequently being paid? If he did anything to breach the contract and ToS, Twitch wouldn’t have had to have paid him a dime. I suppose we don’t know the finer details of he’s contract, and this doesn’t exactly prove much but the burden of proof is not on Dr Disrespect.

We have no evidence against him other than some guy on twitter saying “trust me bro, I use to work for Twitch.”

Dr Disrespect has a wife and kids. Allegations like this come with significant consequences and it’s absolutely staggering how insistent people are that crimes have been committed without evidence, and then have the audacity to demand a public crucifixion. We’ve seen this time and time again, and no one cares to say sorry when it turns out the accusations were on the opposite side of the truth.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Guess I am just one of those get off my lawn old guys but I don't remotely call streaming from a bathroom a nothingburger

If I was one of those dads and he caught my kid using the urinal on a live stream we are going to have problems
Did you see the clip or not? If so, do you consider Solidus_T Solidus_T 's description of it to be reasonable, accurate, and in good faith?
"Their side" very telling and curious - what do you mean by this?
I probably mean exactly what you think I mean. He's been on the cancel-list of team purple ever since at least the 'fake chinese to chinese cheaters' comedy bit in PUBG. Or are we supposed to pretend that there is no political correlation to those who want to give Doc the benefit of the doubt, and the ones who are like, "Well if Cody Connors said it, fuck man, ya gotta trust Cody Fucking Connors"?
Also the situation that you have outlined here is not only completely unrelated, but fabricated as well.
How so? I guess the clips could be staged, in that access to the bathroom by the public was cut off so some TikToker could do xer thing, but it's not being presented as such, there's no disclaimer.
The fact remains that DrDisrespect has proven to be incredibly reckless before. He has NOT pursued twitch legally in civil court, which is telling in itself, and his own company cut ties after behaving rationally and assuming innocence. Ultimately, we will all have to wait and see, but this post of yours reeks of culture war trash and vitriol.
Proven himself mildly reckless maybe. He did pursue the Twitch thing in court and apparently settled for a full payout of his contract (per his latest tweets), and:

Which hey what do you know, there's the "No party admits to any wrongdoing" legalese that he reposted verbatim and got raked over the coals for. With that context it makes more sense that he would have posted that wording, as it was already okayed by his lawyer, clearly.
People here seem to be taking the charges against DrDisrespect personally. Weird cultish behavior. He's a rich, reckless idiot that behaves like a child in public, yet it's okay because he's a streamer I guess.
No, we're just sick of Twitter-accusations being an acceptable bar for complete cancelation of people. I would love to see these alleged texts to make my own judgment, but it seems like both the Doc and Twitch decided that it was in their interests for it to not be public. Keep in mind "Cody Fucking Connors" reportedly only has second-hand information and didn't see the Twitch Whispers himself. And he's a buddy of cherished esports reporter @@Slasher , who was the original Twitter engagement farmer on the issue, so it seems pretty plausible that Cody Fucking Connors was his big source to begin with.

If Doc's a predator and you got the receipts be like hey, here's Doc's blurred out skittlesdick that he knowingly sent to a 13 year old girl and we'd literally all be like "Oh shit fuck that guy", he'd be righteously canceled and the world would be a safer place for everyone knowing what he is.
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You do realise that the Twitch ban happened 3 years ago? A ban that allowed Twitch to no longer honour their contractual obligation to Dr Disrespect? The one he took them to court over and won, subsequently being paid? If he did anything to breach the contract and ToS, Twitch wouldn’t have had to have paid him a dime. I suppose we don’t know the finer details of he’s contract, and this doesn’t exactly prove much but the burden of proof is not on Dr Disrespect.

We have no evidence against him other than some guy on twitter saying “trust me bro, I use to work for Twitch.”

Dr Disrespect has a wife and kids. Allegations like this come with significant consequences and it’s absolutely staggering how insistent people are that crimes have been committed without evidence, and then have the audacity to demand a public crucifixion. We’ve seen this time and time again, and no one cares to say sorry when it turns out the accusations were on the opposite side of the truth.
While I've seen only a handful of people coming for him with pitchforks, most are actually just waiting until it is done, aside from those who seem to be personally invested. Even a former twitch employee speaking up publicly is too much really. Suggesting that the evidence be shared publicly is essentially demanding a trial by public opinion - what if the accuser decides to file charges with the state against him?
Recently, cases like this have been handled in the poorest, most witch hunt-y way ever with accusations and 'evidence' (sometimes doctored) being freely shared over social media, which basically prevents there from being any sort of fair conclusion. Now, because it is being handled fairly rationally, people are crying about his company, one of the parties involved, cutting ties from him. We are not involved, so we are not entitled to any evidence until it is settled. The reason why it remains private is so it is not subject to public opinion, bearing in mind that public opinion around the guy has already been pretty shitty because he is an idiot.


Did you see the clip or not? If so, do you consider Solidus_T Solidus_T 's description of it to be reasonable, accurate, and in good faith?

I probably mean exactly what you think I mean. He's been on the cancel-list of team purple ever since at least the 'fake chinese to chinese cheaters' comedy bit in PUBG. Or are we supposed to pretend that there is no political correlation to those who want to give Doc the benefit of the doubt, and the ones who are like, "Well if Cody Connors said it, fuck man, ya gotta trust Cody Fucking Connors"?

How so? I guess the clips could be staged, in that access to the bathroom by the public was cut off so some TikToker could do xer thing, but it's not being presented as such, there's no disclaimer.
This is some conspiracy slop to the highest degree. Insinuating that "their side" "team purple" devised a campaign to remove him from the company he started is an extraordinary claim that requires some evidence. Not worth engaging, and quite silly really, considering the company making his game, full of like minded people, cut ties with him.
Which hey what do you know, there's the "No party admits to any wrongdoing" legalese that he reposted verbatim and got raked over the coals for. With that context it makes more sense that he would have posted that wording, as it was already okayed by his lawyer, clearly.

No, we're just sick of Twitter-accusations being an acceptable bar for complete cancelation of people. I would love to see these alleged texts to make my own judgment, but it seems like both the Doc and Twitch decided that it was in their interests for it to not be public. Keep in mind "Cody Fucking Connors" reportedly only has second-hand information and didn't see the Twitch Whispers himself. And he's a buddy of cherished esports reporter @@Slasher , who was the original Twitter engagement farmer on the issue, so it seems pretty plausible that Cody Fucking Connors was his big source to begin with.

If Doc's a predator and you got the receipts be like hey, here's Doc's blurred out skittlesdick that he knowingly sent to a 13 year old girl and we'd literally all be like "Oh shit fuck that guy", he'd be righteously canceled and the world would be a safer place for everyone knowing what he is.
Yes, he was permanently banned from twitch and sued them over said ban, but not this situation he is currently facing and that was before any of this surfaced. Also note that twitch hasn't made a statement about his alleged "whisper" aside from some idiot former employees cryptic messaging, likely to keep any conversation neutral.

I actually am in agreement about witch hunt environments created on social media, so this is a bit of a breath of fresh air, as every party is handling it privately and keeping the evidence away from the public until its conclusion. The thing is, that is not what is happening here. All we really have is a statement from his company saying they talked to everyone involved and decided to cut ties with him as well as some doofus Twitch employees. I asked before, what if someone is threatening to file charges with the state? Demanding to see the messages (or whatever he is in trouble for) is actually just asking for a public opinion trial, in other words, a witch trial. The thing with Doc is that he has been more than just mildly reckless, so there is already a lot of distaste with him over his dumb behavior and people would like to see him burn.
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I probably mean exactly what you think I mean. He's been on the cancel-list of team purple ever since at least the 'fake chinese to chinese cheaters' comedy bit in PUBG. Or are we supposed to pretend that there is no political correlation to those who want to give Doc the benefit of the doubt, and the ones who are like, "Well if Cody Connors said it, fuck man, ya gotta trust Cody Fucking Connors"?

No, because plenty of streamers and YouTubers on the opposite side of the fence of Doc, if he even has a side, have also been cancelled on Twitter, some for even less than this. Theres tons i could name. Twitters just a cesspool like this. Sharks and vultures.
Proven himself mildly reckless maybe. He did pursue the Twitch thing in court and apparently settled for a full payout of his contract (per his latest tweets), and:

Which hey what do you know, there's the "No party admits to any wrongdoing" legalese that he reposted verbatim and got raked over the coals for. With that context it makes more sense that he would have posted that wording, as it was already okayed by his lawyer, clearly.

Frankly if I'm getting acussed of something like this, screw contracts and screw agreements. I'm denying it flatly. Not using "legalese". This isnt about legality anymore its about your name and reputation. Maybe for doc it's different but honoring some contracts would be the last thing of my concern

No, we're just sick of Twitter-accusations being an acceptable bar for complete cancelation of people. I would love to see these alleged texts to make my own judgment, but it seems like both the Doc and Twitch decided that it was in their interests for it to not be public. Keep in mind "Cody Fucking Connors" reportedly only has second-hand information and didn't see the Twitch Whispers himself. And he's a buddy of cherished esports reporter @@Slasher , who was the original Twitter engagement farmer on the issue, so it seems pretty plausible that Cody Fucking Connors was his big source to begin with.

If Doc's a predator and you got the receipts be like hey, here's Doc's blurred out skittlesdick that he knowingly sent to a 13 year old girl and we'd literally all be like "Oh shit fuck that guy", he'd be righteously canceled and the world would be a safer place for everyone knowing what he is.

Those aren't the only options if we're being honest. Possible other parties involved want to maintain privacy for example...

Again, im on the same side as you on this in that it needs a lot more than what we have to actually condemn him over anything. But as I've said its not a good look for doc, and his handling of this, even with zero actually good options, has been less than stellar. Im hoping he can disconnect from the internet and plan his next moves in peace but thats being optimistic.
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Logic and basic law indicates that whatever happened here was not illegal. We know Twitch's enforcement is selective, and none of this, from any party, was never for public digest. The only reason we're talking about this now is because of some guy posting wild accusations on Twitter with no evidence.

We'll see what it is, but if this winds up being another Avellone-like situation, maybe we need to reevaluate the "need" for people to talk about the private affairs of e-celebs barring actual illegality.
“Logic and basic law”

You do realize that someone can break the law and there may not be enough evidence to bring charges, right? Just as being found not guilty doesn’t necessarily mean someone is innocent, but only that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict them.

Your premise is weak.
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So let me try to understand this.

1. The big dogs at Twitch paid out and terminated the Dr. for criminal acts
2. Twitch helped cover up the crimes.
3. For shits & giggles, with no NDA in place, informed twitch employee Coldy of the Dr‘s criminality.
4. Twitch employee Coby takes to twitter, using the Dr’s crimes as bait, to promote his own band.

Tin Foil Tinfoil Hat GIF
‘The big dogs at Twitch paid out and terminated the Dr. for criminal acts.’

Classic strawman. It implies that Twitch’s decision was solely based on criminal acts without considering their policies or any non-criminal reasons.

The rest of the points only get worse from there.


Weeb Underling
Frankly if I'm getting acussed of something like this, screw contracts and screw agreements. I'm denying it flatly. Not using "legalese".
Easy to say when you don't account for the fact that his income is dependent on him speaking to the terms of the NDA.

This isnt about legality anymore its about your name and reputation. Maybe for doc it's different but honoring some contracts would be the last thing of my concern
Lol. Lmao even. Disrespect did deny doing anything wrong, and that's still too much legalese for the casual observer who has probably never clicked on a stream from him.

“Logic and basic law”

You do realize that someone can break the law and there may not be enough evidence to bring charges, right? Just as being found not guilty doesn’t necessarily mean someone is innocent, but only that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict them.

Your premise is weak.
The basic law is that NDAs do not apply to illegal acts. This ex twitch employee claims to have evidence that twitch would've had before they signed whatever deal they signed with Disrespect. If the basis for the ban was an illegal act, even just alleged, particularly of this nature, they would be legally required to also make a criminal complaint.

Logic indicates that twitch wouldn't pay out the contract to someone they summarily banned on indisputable grounds, and the grounds alleged from the ex-employee would clear them from any other obligations entirely provided they notified the authorities. And why wouldn't they, if they had cause to? It wouldn't have embarassed them any more than it would've implicated him, quite the opposite.

Better yet,

Johny Depp,see how all brands/company break ties with him even before the court case due to "allegations".
Avellone's an important one to note because he hasn't gotten the partial career rehab that Depp has, and probably never will. He was cut off of all projects like that and didn't defend himself in the "correct way" the unwashed masses expected, instead deferring to legal advice that only panned out into exoneration after the court of twitter moved onto to its next case.
We live in a time where you’re guilty until you’re not. Johnny Depp comes to mind.

This is different because it's literally TEXT MESSAGE, so the proof of any criminal activity is obvious and should be archived. As we go on and on without seeing any evidence, the likelihood of any wrongdoings being real decrease over time.

I've seen people I really admire and leaders in their creative industry getting caught in this shit and losing a lot because of it, mainly Michael Gira and Chris Avellone. No proof was given, but that was hard to prove so theoretically believe the victim yadda yadda yadda. I don't like DrDisrespect, but I truly feel bad for the people caught in this guilty by association deal. One of the many downsides of our online lives.

However, this one is DIFFERENT because it's HARD EVIDENCE we're talking about. The fact that we haven't seen any kind of that suggests me it didn't happen. But I will reserve judgment until we get some details, some evidence, some SOMETHING. If nothing comes, nothing happened.


For me its the fact he never once says "I never did this, it was settled" and that's it, Instead he says "All this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid"

"No wrongdoing was found" and "I was Paid" its just proper weird SPECIFIC wording
I went into the thread to say exactly what you said. Whenever legalese pops up in place of what should be a very straightforward denial, that's a sign of nonsense happening behind the scenes.

Time will tell, but it's not looking good for him at all rn.

EDIT: For anyone who thinks suing midnight society is a straightforward thing, the studio (and I think Disrespect himself) are both based in California, a state with very strong Anti-SLAPP laws, even if he has a case, he's not likely to win.
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Easy to say when you don't account for the fact that his income is dependent on him speaking to the terms of the NDA.

the twitch deal has been settled for ages. He makes plenty of money, and hed make a ton of money off of donations even IF he got dropped by his rep. Hes not in financial straits here, hes likely very comfortable financially and could probably never stream again and continue to live comfortable. So for him to still be using legalese implies to me that he's bound by something other than finances.

Lol. Lmao even. Disrespect did deny doing anything wrong, and that's still too much legalese for the casual observer who has probably never clicked on a stream from him.

Thats fair. Personally If someone accuses me of that, a better response would be superficially "i didnt sext any minor in any way shape or form" not "i didnt do anything wrong". But I understand thats getting into the reeds, and you're right that it wouldn't really make that much of a difference on Twitter.

The basic law is that NDAs do not apply to illegal acts. This ex twitch employee claims to have evidence that twitch would've had before they signed whatever deal they signed with Disrespect. If the basis for the ban was an illegal act, even just alleged, particularly of this nature, they would be legally required to also make a criminal complaint.

Well, it almost certainly WASNT an illegal act or they'd have no choice but to get the law involved to cover themselves. The entire thing with texts is always messy gray area, with a healthy dose of semantical qualifications which is why its only actionable under the law if you make clear moves to attempt meet someone, solicit stuff from them, etc. This is why on stings they will have you buy an item like a plane ticket, a bus ticket; food etc or explicitly state intent, ability, and specific plans to meet before going for the arrest. Just saying "we should hang out sometime" is not illegal, and isn't actionable on its own.

thats why a lot of these cases with internet personalities texting fans or whatever(this happens a lot unfortunately), even major ones, don't often pan out to a legal case at all but end up in the court of public opinion with the person just becoming a pariah. Look what happened to YandereDev who is very much a free man and will likely face mo legal repercussion despite actually sextinga minor knowingly.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Another Asmongold lover
That dude posted a really short video. Here's a much longer one, and in this one he's commenting on GAF's other favorite YouTuber's hot take. And like yeah her shirt could be a little lower but ya know, this is pretty decent. Enjoy friend!



All this is is gossip, speculating and hearsay.

Some of us gamers might believe we're above the average celebrity worshipper who does nothing but watch VIP news all day, but this is exactly the same. Why anyone would care about this without any substantial evidence provided is beyond me.


Gold Member
All this is is gossip, speculating and hearsay.

Some of us gamers might believe we're above the average celebrity worshipper who does nothing but watch VIP news all day, but this is exactly the same. Why anyone would care about this without any substantial evidence provided is beyond me.
Yup it's human nature


Gold Member
Social media has turned an entire generation into specialists on law, social and domestic politics, karma police, judge and jury.

You should be asking the one person who made the short statement for more factual evidence but instead it turns into a witch hunt on the person they have targeted.

They need to go after all these people that make these claims, who lack any hard evidence and throw the book at them, imo.
"Karma Police arrest this man his hitler hairdo is making me feel ill" is nothing short of prophetic


Seems like he co founded a company to make a free to play shooter with, and they are kicking drd out.


We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved. And in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act.For this reason, we are terminating our relationship with Guy Beahm immediately. While these facts are difficult to hear and even more difficult to accept, it is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved, especially the fifty-five developers and families we have employed along with our community of players.
Beahm was live-streaming Elden Ring around the time when the statement dropped. After going largely silent for a few minutes, Beahm ended the stream by saying he would be possibly taking a break after a "planned vacation," adding that he's feeling "fatigued" and "burnt out." He also mentioned Midnight Society specifically, saying, "maybe I step away from there too. Just completely remove myself from the scene. That's what I need to do."
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You do realise that the Twitch ban happened 3 years ago? A ban that allowed Twitch to no longer honour their contractual obligation to Dr Disrespect? The one he took them to court over and won, subsequently being paid? If he did anything to breach the contract and ToS, Twitch wouldn’t have had to have paid him a dime. I suppose we don’t know the finer details of he’s contract, and this doesn’t exactly prove much but the burden of proof is not on Dr Disrespect.

We have no evidence against him other than some guy on twitter saying “trust me bro, I use to work for Twitch.”

Dr Disrespect has a wife and kids. Allegations like this come with significant consequences and it’s absolutely staggering how insistent people are that crimes have been committed without evidence, and then have the audacity to demand a public crucifixion. We’ve seen this time and time again, and no one cares to say sorry when it turns out the accusations were on the opposite side of the truth.
I mean i have no clue who dr disrespect is, and tbf he looks like a massive peafo nonce but yeah if theres no evidence then ge should be able to live his life as normal


this is coming from someone who was directly involved and in a high place within twitch, the guy is definitely a massive turbo nonce peado bastard
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You do realise that the Twitch ban happened 3 years ago? A ban that allowed Twitch to no longer honour their contractual obligation to Dr Disrespect? The one he took them to court over and won, subsequently being paid? If he did anything to breach the contract and ToS, Twitch wouldn’t have had to have paid him a dime. I suppose we don’t know the finer details of he’s contract, and this doesn’t exactly prove much but the burden of proof is not on Dr Disrespect.

We have no evidence against him other than some guy on twitter saying “trust me bro, I use to work for Twitch.”

Dr Disrespect has a wife and kids. Allegations like this come with significant consequences and it’s absolutely staggering how insistent people are that crimes have been committed without evidence, and then have the audacity to demand a public crucifixion. We’ve seen this time and time again, and no one cares to say sorry when it turns out the accusations were on the opposite side of the truth.
Couldn't have said it better myself. This is exactly what I think.

What ever happened to being fair and logical. Hold your judgement until legitimate proof is presented and let the facts speak for themselves.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
To which this is blatant mob attack.
Come on, man, you can't seriously believe that legality is the only concern, that grooming children and trying to meet up with them would be okay as long as he was unsuccessful. That shit would get you fired from anywhere.

I’d be naive to think this is an argument of guilt.
It isn't, it's a refutation of a very weak defense, though, and the balance of the evidence seems to be tipping towards guilt.


Come on, man, you can't seriously believe that legality is the only concern, that grooming children and trying to meet up with them would be okay as long as he was unsuccessful. That shit would get you fired from anywhere.
Legally; morally, I think the most important aspect is whether he did something knowingly.

If Twitch paid out his contract, it means they jumped the gun on something and got cooked in court.
Come on, man, you can't seriously believe that legality is the only concern, that grooming children and trying to meet up with them would be okay as long as he was unsuccessful. That shit would get you fired from anywhere.

It isn't, it's a refutation of a very weak defense, though, and the balance of the evidence seems to be tipping towards guilt.
We started with zero evidence and we're still there.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Terminated from Midnight Society


My G got fired from his own studio based on allegations from 3 some years ago?......there has to be more to this.
Or maybe not, but midnight society is likely Deaddrop anyway.



Come on, man, you can't seriously believe that legality is the only concern, that grooming children and trying to meet up with them would be okay as long as he was unsuccessful. That shit would get you fired from anywhere.

It isn't, it's a refutation of a very weak defense, though, and the balance of the evidence seems to be tipping towards guilt.
I believe mob mentality is weak reason for attack. There has not been shown proof of your accusation.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I believe mob mentality is weak reason for attack. There has not been shown proof of your accusation.
It's not my accusation and life seldom gives us absolute proof, we just have to look at the balance of evidence and decide what seems most likely to us.

It's lazy to simply say that as long as there's any room for doubt we have to assume he is innocent. That's fine if you're talking about a trial, but realistically we make inductive judgements about things based on partial knowledge every single day.

There's no "mob" here, it's several people who were verifiably in positions to have knowledge of the matter making a claim that comports nearly with what we know of events. It's just the explanation that makes the most sense.
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These court of public opinion cases get more ludicrous by the year.

If there's evidence of criminality against him, it should be provided to the authorities, and I'm sure we'll hear about an arrest if that's the case.

Otherwise it's terminally online drama, involving nutsacks on every side, and is not worth the bother of keeping up with.
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It's not my accusation and life seldom gives us absolute proof, we just have to look at the balance of evidence and decide what seems most likely to us.

It's lazy to simply say that as long as there's any room for doubt we have to assume he is innocent. That's fine if you're talking about a trial, but realistically we make inductive judgements about things based on partial knowledge every single day.

There's no "mob" here, it's several people who were verifiably in positions to have knowledge of the matter making a claim that comports nearly with what we know of events. It's just the explanation that makes the most sense.
In other words: You want him to be guilty, and that's basically all that matters to you.

Weird, man.


People act like him breaking an NDA is gonna instantly send him to jail or something. Worst case scenario he loses some money, which not only can he make back and likely doesn't need, but is also vastly trumped by the need to actually refute these very serious accusations.

"No wrongdoing acknowledged" is the sort of phrase you hear when people are discussing plea bargains and legal settlements in court, not when someone is trying to publicly deny the allegation of being a groomer.


Gold Member
I mean i have no clue who dr disrespect is, and tbf he looks like a massive peafo nonce but yeah if theres no evidence then ge should be able to live his life as normal


this is coming from someone who was directly involved and in a high place within twitch, the guy is definitely a massive turbo nonce peado bastard
Cody being a former employee of Twitch definitely gives him some credence so far as to being privy to some of the inner workings of the company. But there are several points that I think are key here:

1. Is he truthful? Can you trust just he’s word? Unless you have a personal relationship with this individual, he’s word is not suffice, and he has failed to substantiate he’s claims in any sort of meaningful way.
2. He leveraged the Doc ban to sell tickets for he’s event. How can someone sincere do this?
3. Twitch has refrained from publicly addressing the ban for 3 years. Doc is legally tied from discussing it. How is a former Twitch employee able to discuss it? This is only plausible to me if Cody’s statement is factually inaccurate.
4. Why haven’t other Twitch or former Twitch employees corroborated the allegations?
5. Why did he decide to share this now? If current and former Twitch staff have been able to share and leak this information without consequence, why is this happening now?

I don’t know if the allegations are true or not, they very well might be. But let's be honest, there is absolutely nothing here to scrutinise over other than the ramifications of the allegation itself.


Cody being a former employee of Twitch definitely gives him some credence so far as to being privy to some of the inner workings of the company. But there are several points that I think are key here:

1. Is he truthful? Can you trust just he’s word? Unless you have a personal relationship with this individual, he’s word is not suffice, and he has failed to substantiate he’s claims in any sort of meaningful way.
2. He leveraged the Doc ban to sell tickets for he’s event. How can someone sincere do this?
3. Twitch has refrained from publicly addressing the ban for 3 years. Doc is legally tied from discussing it. How is a former Twitch employee able to discuss it? This is only plausible to me if Cody’s statement is factually inaccurate.
4. Why haven’t other Twitch or former Twitch employees corroborated the allegations?
5. Why did he decide to share this now? If current and former Twitch staff have been able to share and leak this information without consequence, why is this happening now?

I don’t know if the allegations are true or not, they very well might be. But let's be honest, there is absolutely nothing here to scrutinise over other than the ramifications of the allegation itself.

Doc isn't helping himself and only digging deeper by not addressing the allegations directly and refuting them, the fact that the studio he helped founding also dumped him as soon as they spoke to sources also doesn't help him.

Contrast Doc's actions to Chris Avellone who fired back almost immediately and sued to get a retraction.
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Aaaaaand I got banned at the otherplace dismissing transphobia on the dr disrespect thread. I never dismissed it, it just wasn't part of the argument I was making solely about these accusations... Man I got dog piled lol


Gold Member
Doc isn't helping himself and only digging deeper by not addressing the allegations directly and refuting them, the fact that the studio he helped founded also dumped him as soon as they spoke to sources also doesn't help him.

Contrast Doc's actions to Chris Avellone who fired back almost immediately and sued to get a retraction.
He has addressed it only to the capacity he is able to.

I don't think Chris was legally restrained from discussing important parts of he's case, because if I recall he addressed it before it became a legal matter. Correct me if I'm wrong. Doc hasn't been able defend himself in this instance because its way after the fact.
I find it very odd that criminality is being used as a lynchpin in so many arguments. So far, it seems quite unlikely that any crime was committed in regards to his twitch ban. I'm sure that something in the contract was used to terminate him only to then be questioned and, in response to there being no evidence of a crime, they were forced to pay out the sum of his contract. His inability to talk on the subject also gives credence to there being no evidence of a crime since NDA's aren't valid for the purposes of covering up criminal activity.

So, yeah, the chance that there is evidence of a crime is unlikely and, to be honest, irrelevant.

He wasn't arrested, he was fired. There are a great many things that would both A) get someone fired, and B) not get them put in jail. The scenario we are likely looking at here is something that is not evidently criminal yet still questionable enough to potentially damage a brand and/or hurt the bottom line for his employer. So, I'm thinking he did and/or said something that is repulsive enough to a large enough swath of society that twitch thought it better to part ways. Then, someone in the know, was so bothered by this repulsive thing, that he just couldn't handle seeing the doctor's continued success in light of what he perceives to be serious moral/ethical failings.

So yeah... what he did is probably not a crime. But he did do something and it was enough to make two companies that looked into it want to cut ties with him. So, y'know, it's probably bad regardless of whether or not there is evidence of a crime.

I suppose the better question would be whether or not it's okay to drag someone over the coals for non-criminal acts.... To which I think many of us would say, "well, it depends on what he did."

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
In other words: You want him to be guilty, and that's basically all that matters to you.

Weird, man.
He's a completely irrelevant person to me, I don't watch Twitch streamers and I have never seen his content. I don't have a horse in this race.

What I am saying is that, objectively, there's more to suggest the accusations are true than that they are false. It explains the heretofore unexplained and weird circumstance of his firing, there are multiple people who would have knowledge of the situation corroborating each other and I don't see any clear ulterior motives for why they would do that. That story fits and makes sense.

The story that he didn't do anything horrifying but just got fired from a massive contract at the height of his popularity for not doing anything wrong (even though he still hasn't offered any other explanation) and then a bunch of people all decide to tell the same story about why it happened -- yeah it's POSSIBLE, but you have to admit, there are a lot more holes in THAT story than the other one.

I'd say it's like 80/20 in favor of guilt and that might not be enough to convict a man in court but I sure wouldn't want to DEFEND a person like that.
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