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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]

I don't understand why people are so scared of NDAs. Literally this would be the result of him violating NDA - a news headline: "man sued for violating Twitch NDA because he reported sex crimes involving minors"

Do you really, really, REALLY think that is something Twitch would allow to occur? He would never get sued because Twitch would have to explain how he violated NDA and why they are suing him because of it. Could you imagine discovery in that case? fucking lol

He was free to do what he wanted, and he chose to do nothing.


I don't understand why people are so scared of NDAs. Literally this would be the result of him violating NDA - a news headline: "man sued for violating Twitch NDA because he reported sex crimes involving minors"

Do you really, really, REALLY think that is something Twitch would allow to occur? He would never get sued because Twitch would have to explain how he violated NDA and why they are suing him because of it. Could you imagine discovery in that case? fucking lol

He was free to do what he wanted, and he chose to do nothing.
his statement says that it happened all over twitch as well, so he would literally be a whistleblower if he did and he could be given immunity if it was discovered that twitch (amazon) allowed a whole child paedophilia ring to exist within it's system.

but this is the same twitch that is totally cool with booby streamers pushing onlyfans on little kids too so i wouldn't be all that suprised.
I don't understand why people are so scared of NDAs. Literally this would be the result of him violating NDA - a news headline: "man sued for violating Twitch NDA because he reported sex crimes involving minors"

Do you really, really, REALLY think that is something Twitch would allow to occur? He would never get sued because Twitch would have to explain how he violated NDA and why they are suing him because of it. Could you imagine discovery in that case? fucking lol

He was free to do what he wanted, and he chose to do nothing.

He referenced legislation that stops you from distributing child pornography as an excuse as to why he didn't screencap these messages as evidence. He's a clout chaser
From his twitter/x post:

"Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. "

He could've easily added "I was not aware that the individual was underaged" but he didn't, anyone with a functioning braincell can see he was aware of the age issue.

He could have added a lot of other stuff too but it still doesn't mean squat, lol. This is your big smoking gun? Something he didn't say.

Here's stuff that you can go on...

Twitch clearly had some internal investigation and nothing came of any of it. And if twitch had found instances of crimes, they would most likely be legally obligated to turn that evidence over to authorities.


He could have added a lot of other stuff too but it still doesn't mean squat, lol. This is your big smoking gun? Something he didn't say.

Here's stuff that you can go on...

Twitch clearly had some internal investigation and nothing came of any of it. And if twitch had found instances of crimes, they would most likely be legally obligated to turn that evidence over to authorities.

His entire career is on the line, his entire network and industry contacts are dumping him left and right, his big game is sinking any sane person would use any ammo he has. Fact is he hasn't.

All of you defending this pedo were denying that any of this was real, now the pedo admits to messaging inappropriately a minor and now we're moving goal posts. Stop defending pedos.
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His entire career is on the line, his entire network and industry contacts are dumping him left and right, his big game is sinking any sane person would use any ammo he has. Fact is he hasn't.

All of you defending this pedo were denying that any of this was real, now the pedo admits to messaging inappropriately a minor and now we're moving goal posts. Stop defending pedos.
You desperately need some form of council mate, and let me tell you, you're not gonna find it on the internet.

His entire career is on the line, his entire network and industry contacts are dumping him left and right, his big game is sinking any sane person would use any ammo he has. Fact is he hasn't.

All of you defending this pedo were denying that any of this was real, now the pedo admits to messaging inappropriately a minor and now we're moving goal posts. Stop defending pedos.

His career's been over for 24+ hours. They got to him with the pitchforks a while ago. Now everyone's jumping ship to avoid the shrapnel.


Gold Member
His entire career is on the line, his entire network and industry contacts are dumping him left and right, his big game is sinking any sane person would use any ammo he has. Fact is he hasn't.
I agree with you, if he had those bullets in his gun of any defense what's he waiting on?

Would have been a good time to use them on his second statement, the one where he corrected his first statement where he tried to make people believe he was 100% innocent
I wonder if people here would be jumping to the defense of someone like.... Let's say Jim Sterling, had these accusations been levelled against them.

It's interesting how the "Innocent until proven guilty Vs guilty until proven innocent" narrative shifts depending on which side of the coin they sit.
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Weird, I would think the people who have an unhealthy attachment to an internet persona who admits to inappropriately messaging minors in private chats would benefit more from counseling.
I care about due process, the justice system and the presumtion of innocence, doesn't matter who it is.

The fact that you can't see that is... unnerving. Have a good one, not wasting my time on lunatics.


I wonder if people here would be jumping to the defense of someone like.... Let's say Jim Sterling, had these accusations been levelled against them.

It's interesting how the "Innocent until proven guilty Vs guilty until proven innocent" narrative shifts depending on which side of the coin they sit.
I wonder if you would make that same statement in that alternative thread as well.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
In hindsight I guess there were signs

The "leaked email" seems like a LARP even though it fits in pretty well with my head-canon.

Doc's statement was not well thought out, and if his lawyer okayed it, he should probably fire him. Doesn't help that he failed to proofread that one very important missed edit.

Open questions/thoughts...
  • Did the LARP email get it right and they sifted through years of Doc's chat logs in 2020 to 'get him' on something? If not, why the gap between the offense and the ban?
    • Could it have been moderated in 2017, found to not be a major issue, and he was issued a warning or something at the time?
  • Why did Twitch apparently pay out his contract?
    • If it was moderated in 2017, and they tried to retroactively invalidate his contract over it, that would have given Doc pretty solid footing to get his contract paid. Since they offered the contract despite having been the ones who dealt with the situation in 2017. Can't sign the contract and then get cold feet over something they already knew about 3 years ago.
    • I'm assuming Doc isn't talking about this part because it's the part that Twitch didn't want to disclose. But he felt free to address the thing that he didn't want disclosed in his tweet. So, he's still dancing around the NDA.
  • SLASHER and his "wahhhh this is too sensitive I know but I can't say I'm just not comfortable" schtick.
    • My first instinct is that his discomfort was purely because he knew it had a good chance of costing his pal Cody his job.
    • Why are we calling him SLASHER instead of Rod? It's just weird man.
      • If a Twitter account doesn't have real name attached, then sure you just use the handle
      • Isn't he some kind of esports journalist? Don't journalists just get referred to by their names?
  • I think it was the Verge article that said none of these leakers saw the actual DMs in question.
    • I thought "sexting" pretty much boiled down to sending explicit cell phone snaps, but apparently text can qualify
      • If he didn't "sext" by any definition, I hope he goes after that loser Cody
        • Remember, Cody led off with "fuck him and his boys", so there's an element of "he's not on our righteous woke side, we need to get him" which lines up with the aforementioned LARP email. He hates people just for being associated with the Doc despite them having no knowledge of the alleged conduct.
  • Where do I personally stand with the doc?
    • Everybody already knew he was a dog, what with the cheating scandal, and this whole bit is contemporaneous. The cheating did make me like him less. As does this.
      • But I don't know that he crossed a red line for me.
        • Who initiated the 'inappropriateness'?
        • Did he know the person in question was a minor at that time or did it come later?
        • Why did the potential meetup never happen... was it because as the doc said there was never any intent or did it not potentially happen because of the moderation?
        • How old was the person? The 17 number is an unproven LARP at the moment. There's a large spectrum here.
          • She was 17, he thought she had to be at least 18 to use the platform in that way, and she started flirting with him, and he shut it down himself when he found out? Non-issue
          • She was 12, he very much knew she was way underage, and he was making a serious attempt to meet up in private during TwitchCon? Off with his dick!
          • So basically, we got a Schroedinger's Dick situation going on here unless we get more info.
    • His streaming work is still hilarious
      • He has some really bad gaming takes
      • Bit of a meathead COD player, doesn't seem to appreciate the subtleties of a game like R6 Siege.
        • Still fun to watch him fail and rage at it.
      • Not interested in most of the games he streams, so I've only occasionally been watching him in the COD Warzone era. PUBG days were goated.
  • I don't know if this bullet-point style is well constructed, but I started with paragraphs and was thinking to myself, "No way would I read all that shit", so... like, subscribe, and comment if you enjoyed my bullet-point contact and be sure to check out my Patreon. No DMs though.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
From his twitter/x post:

"Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. "

He could've easily added "I was not aware that the individual was underaged" but he didn't, anyone with a functioning braincell can see he was aware of the age issue.
The only other explanation I can see is that he can't say he didn't know due to his settlement with Twitch. If he didn't know, that would put the blame on them, since they are supposed to prevent minors from using direct message type services.


I've never heard of Dr disrespect being all that favored here.

Are any streamers favored, I imagine most people here think they are all pretty shitty. Honestly I'm only seeing 2 camps here, the one's who want social media mob justice and one's who want more information.

Is "mob justice " just a bunch of people deciding someone's actions aren't great and not wanting to associate themselves with that? If so, that was going to happen regardless and the doc knew that. Now that we've seen the ambiguity at least reduced down to the point where we ain't gonna find out much else unless someone is sitting on a nuke, this is jsut the way things go. People are gonna have opinions on your actions and behaviors, and those are not always going to be completely rational informed or balanced but the bulk of the responsibility lies on doc, not the people for reacting.

Wanting more information isnt a problem, but some people don't NEED more information to conclude that they can't condone what he took part in.
Here's the kicker, Twitch has all the conversions that we're speculating over. They read it all. Nothing came of it.

Because not all conversations you have with someone underage that are sexual are going to be prosecutable.

It could be the minor that was instigating it and Doc was going along with it. He's still the adult and he needs to set the boundaries, as he himself admits.
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He could have added a lot of other stuff too but it still doesn't mean squat, lol. This is your big smoking gun? Something he didn't say.
People accuse him of being a pedophile and predator and you believe he won't dismiss it if it's as easy as saying he wasn't aware of their age?

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to think like that.
Pedophilia is arguable the worst accusation there is.


Is "mob justice " just a bunch of people deciding someone's actions aren't great and not wanting to associate themselves with that? If so, that was going to happen regardless and the doc knew that. Now that we've seen the ambiguity at least reduced down to the point where we ain't gonna find out much else unless someone is sitting on a nuke, this is jsut the way things go. People are gonna have opinions on your actions and behaviors, and those are not always going to be completely rational informed or balanced but the bulk of the responsibility lies on doc, not the people for reacting.

Wanting more information isnt a problem, but some people don't NEED more information to conclude that they can't condone what he took part in.
Mob justice is easy to understand, a mob of people deciding justice instead of that done through a legal justice system. Thinking that if the allegations are true then they are bad, is not mob justice.

But thinking that we should find out if they are as bad as the image we all imagine in our heads first shouldn't be seen as "condoning it". To be clear we have people, even in this thread, labelling the man as a paedophile meanwhile we have 0 evidence of that being the case, even after an arbitration of sorts that found him innocent of such things. You don't think that is mob justice?

if this was people going, "shit if it's really bad then that's fucked up" then I agree that isn't mob justice. But that isn't what is happening. We need more context of the situation to know truly how bad things are, a grown man shouldn't be creeping on a younger girl we can all agree to that. but is that the case here?

do we know he was creeping on her? All we know is that he labels it himself as inappropriate but Twitch investigation says it wasn't anything physical or explicit, or was he just an idiot and couldn't figure out that communicating with this person isn't the smartest thing to be doing? you get genuinely stupid and oblivious people in this world, I had a photo journ student that I knew back at uni who took pictures of a family and their kids at the beach to practice, then when he approached the parents he got in huge stupid shit because that's a dumb fuck thing to do, but in his head it was practise and the parents would love seeing a "professional photo". Context is always important.

Also, you didn't answer how it would be any different with any other streamer, what did that mean and why would it be different?
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Mob justice is easy to understand, a mob of people deciding justice instead of that done through a legal justice system. Thinking that if the allegations are true then they are bad, is not mob justice.

What "justice" has been done outside of a legal system? Some brands deciding not to sponsor them is entirely their prerogative, as is anyone deciding not to support his streams. Thats not something that gets decided by a court of law, nor do you require a legal reason to not want to support ANY streamer.

But thinking that we should find out if they are as bad as the image we all imagine in our heads first shouldn't be seen as "condoning it". To be clear we have people, even in this thread, labelling the man as a paedophile meanwhile we have 0 evidence of that being the case, even after an arbitration of sorts that found him innocent of such things. You don't think that is mob justice?

A few commentors on the internet labeling someone that way isn't optimal but like I said that's the way things are on the internet and the doc has taken part in thus sort of thing too. He knows the game. Would I label him that? No, but as I said earlier the social stigma of messing with minors makes this inevitable, thats not mob justice because it implies some coalition. Thats not whats happening. These are individuals commentating.

"The image we all picture in our heads" isn't the same image and thats what you have to realize. What may be frowned upon for some may be utterly reprehensible for another.

if this was people going, "shit if it's really bad then that's fucked up" then I agree that isn't mob justice. But that isn't what is happening. We need more context of the situation to know truly how bad things are, a grown man shouldn't be creeping on a younger girl we can all agree to that. but is that the case here?

do we know he was creeping on her? All we know is that he labels it himself as inappropriate but Twitch investigation says it wasn't anything physical or explicit, or was he just an idiot and couldn't figure out that communicating with this person isn't the smartest thing to be doing? you get genuinely stupid and oblivious people in this world, I had a photo journ student that I knew back at uni who took pictures of a family and their kids at the beach to practice, then when he approached the parents he got in huge stupid shit because that's a dumb fuck thing to do, but in his head it was practise and the parents would love seeing a "professional photo". Context is always important.

Dr. Disrespect is well beyond the point of getting any benefit of the doubt that he "didnt know better" because he frankly does. Hes been on the internet for ages. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knows it was wrong now. This isnt an inexperienced guy making a whoopsie, this is a grown man whos been engaging in internet culture for a decade that got caught doing something he knew he shouldn't have been doing. For some people thsts enough to write him off.

Also, you didn't answer how it would be any different with any other streamer, what did that mean and why would it be different?

Im not keen to start throwing out streamer names, because again some people are going to feel different about some than others will. My general point, I think, is clear. Theres individuals that will get leeway here snd theres individuals that absolutely wouldn't, i don't think that's controversial or hard to grasp given the response to this we've seen. When situations like this arise peoples personal experience snd biases all come to roost, and no one is exempt.


He could have added a lot of other stuff too but it still doesn't mean squat, lol. This is your big smoking gun? Something he didn't say.

Here's stuff that you can go on...

Twitch clearly had some internal investigation and nothing came of any of it. And if twitch had found instances of crimes, they would most likely be legally obligated to turn that evidence over to authorities.
You don't know pr risks do you?

Twitch accessed the whisper feature to find the evidence. Had they turn it to the authority, they will risk PR disaster for accessing the whisper feature which they claim its secure communication.

So banning and settlement was the only option for them.

As for the authority, they can't do anything unless a meeting or explicit image is shared.
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What "justice" has been done outside of a legal system? Some brands deciding not to sponsor them is entirely their prerogative, as is anyone deciding not to support his streams. Thats not something that gets decided by a court of law, nor do you require a legal reason to not want to support ANY streamer.

A few commentors on the internet labeling someone that way isn't optimal but like I said that's the way things are on the internet and the doc has taken part in thus sort of thing too. He knows the game. Would I label him that? No, but as I said earlier the social stigma of messing with minors makes this inevitable, thats not mob justice because it implies some coalition. Thats not whats happening. These are individuals commentating.

"The image we all picture in our heads" isn't the same image and thats what you have to realize. What may be frowned upon for some may be utterly reprehensible for another.

Dr. Disrespect is well beyond the point of getting any benefit of the doubt that he "didnt know better" because he frankly does. Hes been on the internet for ages. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knows it was wrong now. This isnt an inexperienced guy making a whoopsie, this is a grown man whos been engaging in internet culture for a decade that got caught doing something he knew he shouldn't have been doing. For some people thsts enough to write him off.

Im not keen to start throwing out streamer names, because again some people are going to feel different about some than others will. My general point, I think, is clear. Theres individuals that will get leeway here snd theres individuals that absolutely wouldn't, i don't think that's controversial or hard to grasp given the response to this we've seen. When situations like this arise peoples personal experience snd biases all come to roost, and no one is exempt.
Mob justice isn't a legal system, that is why it's called mob justice. people getting together to decide something outside of a legal system is mob justice.

but people are labelling him that, we can't call those who want more information people that "condone" underage inappropriate messaging but not in the same breath mention those who are openly and publically calling him a paedophile.

I don't think anyone thinks being sexual with a younger underage girl isn't anything but reprehensible, but don't you want to know that he did exactly that first?

I mean from the little i have seen of him he seems like an idiot, he's not getting any benefit of the doubt though, he should get due process. He knows now obviously since he's had to go through arbitration and has everything around him crumbling but how can you say prior? we just don't know such things without coming to our own personal conclusions. If we see the messages however and theirs proof that he very clearly was trying to have sex with a minor then sure, we can say he knew.

But why would it be different? why wouldn't it just be the exact same scenario? some people calling justice and some people wanting more information, you infer that gaffers would have a different reaction to a different streamer so what would it be?
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Mob justice isn't a legal system, that is why it's called mob justice. people getting together to decide something outside of a legal system is mob justice.

but people are labelling him that, we can't call those who want more information people that "condone" underage inappropriate messaging but not in the same breath mention those who are openly and publically calling him a paedophile.

i don't think anyone thinks being sexual with a younger underage girl isn't anything but reprehensible, but don't you want to know that he did exactly that first?

i mean from little i have seen of him he seems like an idiot, he's not getting any benefit of the doubt though, he should get due process. He knows now obviously since he's had to go through arbitration and has everything around him crumbling but how can you say prior? we just don't know such things. If we see the messages however and theirs proof that he very clearly was trying to have sex with a minor then sure, then we can say he obviously knew.

But why would it be different? why wouldn't it just be the exact same scenario? some people calling justice and some people wanting more information, you infer that gaffers would have a different reaction to a different streamer so what would it be?
Jesus Christ, the level of ass kissing.

I am sorry, but people don't take kindly a grown man texting to a kid that is not his. There was no reason for him to text that person. The guy is loaded. He could have spent money on OF, escorts or Instagram models.


Hopefully you eat your words dude.
I will not have to eat my words, "dude", since I'm just waiting for due process and concrete evidence.

If he solicited a minor, bag him up, I really don't care. I care about the (due) process, and the upholding of the law.

Currently there's no evidence of that. Currently there's a witch hunt. Sadly, most of you are not able to see through that.


Jesus Christ, the level of ass kissing.

I am sorry, but people don't take kindly a grown man texting to a kid that is not his. There was no reason for him to text that person. The guy is loaded. He could have spent money on OF, escorts or Instagram models.
howcome it's either 0 or 100 with some of you?

quote me where I've said once that talking to a minor is ok?

show me.
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I will not have to eat my words, "dude", since I'm just waiting for due process and concrete evidence.

If he solicited a minor, bag him up, I really don't care. I care about the (due) process, and the upholding of the law.

Currently there's no evidence of that. Currently there's a witch hunt. Sadly, most of you are not able to see through that.
This isn't a racist text. This an adult texting a minor. There is no alternative route here.

Even texting a 17 year old girl puts you in hot seat, let alone 15 and younger.

And your evidence is the reason why got kicked out twitch. The guy was bringing twitch alot of viewership and advertisements. Why the hell would they ban their money maker?


This isn't a racist text. This an adult texting a minor. There is no alternative route here.

Even texting a 17 year old girl puts you in hot seat, let alone 15 and younger.

And your evidence is the reason why got kicked out twitch. The guy was bringing twitch alot of viewership and advertisements. Why the hell would they ban their money maker?
Edit: this was not response to me
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And your evidence is the reason why got kicked out twitch. The guy was bringing twitch alot of viewership and advertisements. Why the hell would they ban their money maker?
It was investigated, Twitch had to pay him his full contract, no wrongdoing was found.

Keep on reaching for evidence that isn't there (yet), but you're really starting to bore me.


Since this was in court and he is not in jail and twitchcon would require a legal guardian to attend. The likelihood this was a 17 year old who was found out when twitchcon got mentioned is high.

Does not sound like a Scott Ritter case.

Or the whole US court is compromised.


Gold Member
What "justice" has been done outside of a legal system? Some brands deciding not to sponsor them is entirely their prerogative, as is anyone deciding not to support his streams. Thats not something that gets decided by a court of law, nor do you require a legal reason to not want to support ANY streamer.

A few commentors on the internet labeling someone that way isn't optimal but like I said that's the way things are on the internet and the doc has taken part in thus sort of thing too. He knows the game. Would I label him that? No, but as I said earlier the social stigma of messing with minors makes this inevitable, thats not mob justice because it implies some coalition. Thats not whats happening. These are individuals commentating.

"The image we all picture in our heads" isn't the same image and thats what you have to realize. What may be frowned upon for some may be utterly reprehensible for another.

Dr. Disrespect is well beyond the point of getting any benefit of the doubt that he "didnt know better" because he frankly does. Hes been on the internet for ages. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knows it was wrong now. This isnt an inexperienced guy making a whoopsie, this is a grown man whos been engaging in internet culture for a decade that got caught doing something he knew he shouldn't have been doing. For some people thsts enough to write him off.

Im not keen to start throwing out streamer names, because again some people are going to feel different about some than others will. My general point, I think, is clear. Theres individuals that will get leeway here snd theres individuals that absolutely wouldn't, i don't think that's controversial or hard to grasp given the response to this we've seen. When situations like this arise peoples personal experience snd biases all come to roost, and no one is exempt.

Yeah, the only "justice" at work is in the "court of public opinion" which has resulted in the loss of sponsorships and such. There has been no crime reported and so law enforcement is not in play. "Mobs" involve real people taking matters into their own hands in real life. Outrage on the internet is not "mob justice". That's just hyperbole.

Since this was in court and he is not in jail

There never were any criminal proceedings on this.
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Gold Member
We don’t need to take other peoples stances so seriously. Some are ok with their boy having inappropriate behavior with a minor. Let them. They need extra context on top of what’s known already, while others don’t.

It’s no different from fanboys like Topher Topher that love Starfield and Horizon, no matter how many things are brought to light that the games do wrong. Let the guy just enjoy his games.


Gold Member
It’s no different from fanboys like Topher Topher that love Starfield and Horizon, no matter how many things are brought to light that the games do wrong. Let the guy just enjoy his games.

Angry Season 2 GIF by The Office


howcome it's either 0 or 100 with some of you?

quote me where I've said once that talking to a minor is ok?

show me.
It was investigated, Twitch had to pay him his full contract, no wrongdoing was found.

Keep on reaching for evidence that isn't there (yet), but you're really starting to bore me.
Again, the problem is texting a minor.
His lawyers could argue that he didn't send explicit images, which makes his ban unfair. So they can win the case that way.

But to the public, texting a minor is a no no.


Again, the problem is texting a minor.
His lawyers could argue that he didn't send explicit images, which makes his ban unfair. So they can win the case that way.

But to the public, texting a minor is a no no.
So you value the court of public opinion more than the court of law.

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