This isn’t a thread to compare specs and graphics as these console topics often descend into. It’s to appreciate and discuss the less tangible things like art styles, music and aesthetic.
So, let’s compare it to its contemporaries first
PlayStation 2
Minimalist and slick, it’s designed for any living room to complement a flat WEGA TV or Hi-Fi. Big games tend to be a bit darker and more mature than contemporaries, appealing to post-pub PES/FIFA sessions
Demographic: 19yr old clubbers
Vibe games: WipEout Fusion/Pulse, MGS, Silent Hill, GT, The Getaway
Chunky tank of a console, it’s powerful, large and in charge. It’s all about online fragging and kicking ass. It’s Dwayne Johnson telling Bill Gates to shut up. It’s the pickup truck of consoles
Demographic: 17yr old dudebros and jocks
Vibe games: Halo 1/2, Forza, Doom 3, NFL Fever, Unreal Championship
Cutesy purple lunchbox, it’s the total opposite of the above. While great games should be enjoyed by all ages and Nintendo has the most of any company, it’s aimed squarely at kids bedrooms.
Demographic: 9yr olds
Vibe games: Wind Waker, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing
So where does this fit in? It’s a bit small and cute like the GameCube (along with the Fisher Price looking controller), but a bit more sleek like the PS1. Whether it’s the US/JP orange or the UK/EU blue, it’s inspires summer vibes.
Demographic: 14yr old arcade lovers
Vibe games: Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, Jet Set Radio, Daytona
But it’s the games that really stand out here, particularly those of Sega Japan and Capcom.
The visuals and worlds feel so warm and welcoming, it’s always sunny with blue blue skies in Dreamcast land. The music is always upbeat, and often energetic and dancey.
So, let’s compare it to its contemporaries first
PlayStation 2
Minimalist and slick, it’s designed for any living room to complement a flat WEGA TV or Hi-Fi. Big games tend to be a bit darker and more mature than contemporaries, appealing to post-pub PES/FIFA sessions
Demographic: 19yr old clubbers
Vibe games: WipEout Fusion/Pulse, MGS, Silent Hill, GT, The Getaway
Chunky tank of a console, it’s powerful, large and in charge. It’s all about online fragging and kicking ass. It’s Dwayne Johnson telling Bill Gates to shut up. It’s the pickup truck of consoles
Demographic: 17yr old dudebros and jocks
Vibe games: Halo 1/2, Forza, Doom 3, NFL Fever, Unreal Championship
Cutesy purple lunchbox, it’s the total opposite of the above. While great games should be enjoyed by all ages and Nintendo has the most of any company, it’s aimed squarely at kids bedrooms.
Demographic: 9yr olds
Vibe games: Wind Waker, Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing
So where does this fit in? It’s a bit small and cute like the GameCube (along with the Fisher Price looking controller), but a bit more sleek like the PS1. Whether it’s the US/JP orange or the UK/EU blue, it’s inspires summer vibes.
Demographic: 14yr old arcade lovers
Vibe games: Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, Jet Set Radio, Daytona
But it’s the games that really stand out here, particularly those of Sega Japan and Capcom.
The visuals and worlds feel so warm and welcoming, it’s always sunny with blue blue skies in Dreamcast land. The music is always upbeat, and often energetic and dancey.

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