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Thank you for the ride, Rushy.

Just wanted to share a video I made with ShareFactory. I always liked the Quantum of Solace opening, so I tried to remake it in DC. Obviously there are no Alfas nor guns in the game (lol), so it just fades into a lap around Holmestad.


EDIT: of course bottom of the page

Very cool opening, but i thought you were going to keep cross cutting throughout the whole video. Then again, it's better you didn't. ;) By the way, there is one Alfa in the game.


Very cool opening, but i thought you were going to keep cross cutting throughout the whole video. Then again, it's better you didn't. ;) By the way, there is one Alfa in the game.
oh yeah the 4C! No, I never really liked the editing of the chase scene following the tunnel, too chaotic. I loved the first part though :)


Finished both new tours and got the time trial gold trophies. Racing against Rushy and co. in their final tour expansion was a very nice touch. I feel bad now for complaining about the shortness of these last few tours, but kudos to them for raising the level caps one last time and adding a good amount of elite challenges. It's obvious that they wanted to leave the game in the best possible shape and overall they've done a great job. My only regret is that we as a community didn't go into more detail with our feedback regarding the drifting changes when Rushy asked for suggestions, but who knew it was their last hurrah? I know some of you did in fact point out the still remaining flaws beforehand, but i guess it got lost in the shuffle.

I wonder what will come of the supposed continued support of Driveclub by Sony. I guess it shouldn't be too hard to put out some elite challenges and raise the level caps every now and then. Is there any more finished or nearly finished content to be released? Will we see the remaining city tracks teased by Rushy? All the tours, cars and bikes are great, but more than anything i was looking forward to the new tracks. It saddens me that they may never see the light of day. This reminds me of Motorstorm Apocalypse and how we never got one of the teased free DLC tracks. It was called The Heights and judging by the teaser picture it seemed to be inspired by the car chase in Bullitt, or at least that's what i imagined. Unfortunately, do to the similarly problematic launch of that game (due to no fault of their own), that track must have gotten scrapped and we only got the track on Alcatraz.

I should think the tour events will be pretty easy to keep putting out, and we know they have sub contracted producing the car models out before. They may retain the guys who do the vehicle handling too as that's a big part of the DC feel. The output of new dlc has slowed recently and as someone who plays regularly I can feel the affects of that - as you can see from the drop off on this thread and the lack of entrants in the challenge (6 at the moment). Sadly it was beginning to feel like DC had run its course and that was before Sony officially pulled the plug on Evo. I'm sure had a season pass 2 been announced like everyone expected then the numbers would have picked up again but now I'm not so sure. Maybe there's some completed city tracks in the bag for them to release at some point which might entice people back, but I don't know if that'll be enough. I've played, talked and thought about DC most days since launch (and driven the missus nuts with it) but I don't know how much longer that's going to last now :-(


I should think the tour events will be pretty easy to keep putting out, and we know they have sub contracted producing the car models out before. They may retain the guys who do the vehicle handling too as that's a big part of the DC feel. The output of new dlc has slowed recently and as someone who plays regularly I can feel the affects of that - as you can see from the drop off on this thread and the lack of entrants in the challenge (6 at the moment). Sadly it was beginning to feel like DC had run its course and that was before Sony officially pulled the plug on Evo. I'm sure had a season pass 2 been announced like everyone expected then the numbers would have picked up again but now I'm not so sure. Maybe there's some completed city tracks in the bag for them to release at some point which might entice people back, but I don't know if that'll be enough. I've played, talked and thought about DC most days since launch (and driven the missus nuts with it) but I don't know how much longer that's going to last now :-(

The only reason I'm not in this week's challenge yet is because I've barely touched bikes and don't have the BMW yet. I've just about unlocked the Ducatti pre-req, so I should be able to get a few runs in before the challenge expires.

But I feel ya, things have definitely dropped off.


I only just got the platinum this month so slowly still going through the content - EVO challenges seem to eat up my play - bit worried that theyll disappear soon which is a shame - as Im only level 75ish its the best way to get to 120...

Havent dont much of the DLC at all surprisingly

How is the Bikes expansion?

ps3ud0 8)


Judging from the leaderboards quite a lot of people have bought the Finish Line DLC so I guess people are still hungry for more content and they can sell at least in the thousands. The MV Agusta expansion doesn't seem to be that popular, but it's always been like that with DC Bikes. People don't seem to like bike racing games in general. Frankly I had my doubts as well whether I should pick it up or not, but it turned to be great even for a bike noobie like me. :)

Season Pass 2 is obviously something much bigger. It could've been a commercial failure, especially since completing Season Pass 1 takes A LOT of time and plenty of people moved on to other games. I still don't understand Sony's decision, though. There was enormous potential for a sequel (or to use DC's engine on a new project) and in the meantime the studio could've improved their financial situation thanks to smaller DLC's and DC VR.
I should think the tour events will be pretty easy to keep putting out, and we know they have sub contracted producing the car models out before. They may retain the guys who do the vehicle handling too as that's a big part of the DC feel. The output of new dlc has slowed recently and as someone who plays regularly I can feel the affects of that - as you can see from the drop off on this thread and the lack of entrants in the challenge (6 at the moment). Sadly it was beginning to feel like DC had run its course and that was before Sony officially pulled the plug on Evo. I'm sure had a season pass 2 been announced like everyone expected then the numbers would have picked up again but now I'm not so sure. Maybe there's some completed city tracks in the bag for them to release at some point which might entice people back, but I don't know if that'll be enough. I've played, talked and thought about DC most days since launch (and driven the missus nuts with it) but I don't know how much longer that's going to last now :-(

Well, i've been playing DC since release and pretty much every day since to some extent.....and for me,hearing the news the other day pretty much drew a line underneath the experience.
Don't get me wrong, i'll still be playing, but knowing there'll be no input from Evolution takes a bit of the fun from the whole game. Plus, with the amount of great games due in the coming months (like with The Division right now) i'll be spending less and less time with DC anyway.

I'll always be thankful to Rushy and the crew at Evo tho as i've made good friends through the game, had some fucking funny moments in game chat while racing online *look up charzarding* and generally had a blast playing it!

In the 40+ years i've been gaming i can safely say Driveclub has been one of the highlights.....Cheers guys. :)


.....and with this post, i finally become a 'Gaf member!
I should think the tour events will be pretty easy to keep putting out, and we know they have sub contracted producing the car models out before. They may retain the guys who do the vehicle handling too as that's a big part of the DC feel. The output of new dlc has slowed recently and as someone who plays regularly I can feel the affects of that - as you can see from the drop off on this thread and the lack of entrants in the challenge (6 at the moment). Sadly it was beginning to feel like DC had run its course and that was before Sony officially pulled the plug on Evo. I'm sure had a season pass 2 been announced like everyone expected then the numbers would have picked up again but now I'm not so sure. Maybe there's some completed city tracks in the bag for them to release at some point which might entice people back, but I don't know if that'll be enough. I've played, talked and thought about DC most days since launch (and driven the missus nuts with it) but I don't know how much longer that's going to last now :-(

Oh man, thanks for reminding me about the challenge, i completely forgot about it amidst this week's bad news. I think it's natural that there is some ebb and flow in interest even among us regular DC players. I took some time off a few times last year to concentrate on other games, but eventually always came back in the end. Buying it a second time digitally last summer certainly facilitated that and i've been hopping on for short sessions more regularly since then. I've mostly kept to offline play, with the occasional multiplayer stint, so on one hand i don't think a drop in population will affect me much, especially since we have private lobbies now and can set up our own sessions when we feel like it. Although, i do regret not having the time to play much online with a friend who i convinced to get DC on a sale last fall. It's a shame we can't add AI racers to the grid in private sessions. That's another thing i think we should have been more vocal about.

Anyway, the possible lack of new content on the horizon might keep people from coming back to the game as often as they did in the past, but by now i must have spent hundreds of hours just setting up random races, way before we got the menu option to do so, so i think i'll keep doing that in the future. Even though i'm better in 3rd person view, racing with cockpit or dashboard cam and the visceral feeling of struggling to keep a car under control as it starts to lose traction still regularly wow me, even after all this time, so i'm sure i'll keep playing this on and off for a long time, even if we don't get any new tour events or new tracks. There's also a lot of accolades i haven't made much progress on, so i'll just keep slowly chipping away at those. :)

.....and with this post, i finally become a 'Gaf member!

Congrats, dude!


Bought and finished "Finish Line" this morning. Loved it. My three favourite tracks racing against the dev team in a car I had long requested was excellent. Thanks again, Rushy.
OK, just gave the current challenge a go. Between that and the elite challenge with the Ducati on Atlanterhavsvegen that i'm currently stuck on, the Norway/bike combo isn't going so well for me. XD
I'll give it a few more tries though, before the challenge runs out.


The only reason I'm not in this week's challenge yet is because I've barely touched bikes and don't have the BMW yet. I've just about unlocked the Ducatti pre-req, so I should be able to get a few runs in before the challenge expires

I'm in the same boat and just haven't had the time to devote to unlocking and then doing the challenge.
Just bought the game and season pass on PSN for $20, I own 93 pieces of DLC with the game apparently which seems insane. Look forward to playing it this weekend, and to finally have something to give my PS4 a workout.
Completed the finish line tour today, as others have mentioned it was really nice to see the dev teams names in that final event even though it was bitter sweet too. Nice to see Nick Pope in there too as he is the guy who met up with us for a few races after the private servers landed.

Is it just me or is the XJ220 way better than it should be? I always liked the car (and bought that old game on my Amiga) but is it really going to be passing McLarens? And I hadn't used the Regera on that Swedish event so wasn't prepared for how deceptively quick it is - it sounds so lazy that it's only when you need to stop that you really how bloody fast it's going!

Finally there is a message saying look out for new content after you finish the tour which I guess is confirmation that they will continue to support it, I guess Sony just decided that they just need content producers and not a full dev team going forward.

Sorry for my kinda downbeat post the other day, I'd had a drink and it did make me melancholy. Like But says, I've had so much fun, met so many great people and had such a laugh playing this game that the news got to me -I'd been pretty fortunate and had a very active team until recently which also affected my views. Anyway, I'm sure we'll all drift away for a while a play the other fantastic games that are due out this year but DC isn't going anywhere just yet and your Amigos will still be lurking on this thread every day :)
I'm convinced the AMG DLC pack is a joke and isn't actually beatable.

Hehe, i thought so too, at first. It was certainly one of the more challenging ones for me, especially the rainy p2p time trial and the race on The Kyle, both with the GT3. But after some
(a lot)
of practice, it was very doable and satisfying. :)
Hehe, i thought so too, at first. It was certainly one of the more challenging ones for me, especially the rainy p2p time trial and the race on The Kyle, both with the GTR. But after some
(a lot)
of practice, it was very doable and satisfying. :)

I feel like once I get a better grasp on drifting it will become more doable but for my skill set now it seems impossible, it's very satisfying though when you finally beat a hard challenge though.
I feel like once I get a better grasp on drifting it will become more doable but for my skill set now it seems impossible, it's very satisfying though when you finally beat a hard challenge though.

I don't use drifting at all in races/time trials and most of the times it's faster to just take the corner properly anyway. The secret is finding a good line and getting a sense for when to ease off the gas a bit so you can sail through a slight bend with minimal loss of speed, and when to floor it. It makes a huge difference.


I'm convinced the AMG DLC pack is a joke and isn't actually beatable.

One goddamn son of a whore, one engine? ;) This would be my number 3 for the event I've spent the most time replaying (it's right after Venom Hot Lap 1 & 2 ;)).

I don't use drifting at all in races/time trials and most of the times it's faster to just take the corner properly anyway. The secret is finding a good line and getting a sense for when to ease of the gas a bit so you can sail through a slight bend with minimal loss of speed, and when to floor it. It makes a huge difference.

Yep I almost never use drifting in races or time trials. The only exceptions are some very tight hairpins taken using cars with poor turning radius.
Some videos I've had in my recordings section for a while that I've finally uploaded...

I think Silver Arrows really wanted to win this one!

I was really pleased with this fight back after a bad start against guys as quick as Ainsz, Vix and AnythingBut. https://youtu.be/nRTtFf6Qthg

For some reason close bike races don't seem to happen that often but this one went right down to the wire (and maybe I'd learned a lesson from the first vid!)

Karma is a bitch :)
Some videos I've had in my recordings section for a while that I've finally uploaded...

I think Silver Arrows really wanted to win this one!

I was really pleased with this fight back after a bad start against guys as quick as Ainsz, Vix and AnythingBut. https://youtu.be/nRTtFf6Qthg

For some reason close bike races don't seem to happen that often but this one went right down to the wire (and maybe I'd learned a lesson from the first vid!)

Karma is a bitch :)

OMG, what a finish on the Taapaca bike race! :)
Some videos I've had in my recordings section for a while that I've finally uploaded...

I think Silver Arrows really wanted to win this one!

This video reminds me what an amazing job Evolution did with the lighting, honestly when the lightning strikes the way the whole track lights up is amazing, that brief moment you can see the full track ahead then it's gone again.

Sorry for the double post
When any one of you screw up, I know that it's one of the few chances I get. So why not take it?

I remember us laughing on the chat while we raced, especially at the end there :) You made your car so damn wide it was so tough to pass and then I choked on the last bloody bend! :)

Cross-posting from the console screenshot thread, got some nice airtime in this week's challenge:



Great shots bud :) That's why I chose that track, getting airborne on the bike is brilliant :)

This video reminds me what an amazing job Evolution did with the lighting, honestly when the lightning strikes the way the whole track lights up is amazing, that brief moment you can see the full track ahead then it's gone again.

Yeah I think so too, what they achieved is incredible. I hope the engine is used again, it would be crazy not to. Nice run with the AMG BTW, that challenge with a tricky car, damn tough track and heavy rain was a bitch.


I can't see anything in the OT so I'll ask again if that's okay. Really enjoying the game, moving through the main campaign and I'm wondering if there is a neogaf club I could join?
DC clubs are limited to six people, so there's no one official GAF club. I suggest looking up people from this OT to see what clubs they're in and if they have any openings. You're welcome to join my club, as long as you're okay with most of us not playing as much. I keep meaning to play more, but Rocket League always pulls me back in!
Well done to Sirenty on carrying on where he finished off and taking the win on week one. Davidrick gave him a tough time this week and was still leading with an hour to go but had to settle for second with Bouniter taking the third position. Thanks to everyone who took part, I know race events aren't the most popular due to the time they take and lack of progress indication, and my choice of a bike that needed unlocking didn't help either.

You should've received the bike skill event for this week's challenge, let me know if you haven't or if you want to take part - I've decided to open it up to non gaffer's too so if your a lurker and want to take part then just send me a PSN message.
You mean the from price or where I saw it?

£180 and it was on HUKD.


So this deal is currently on Curry's website but not available for home delivery; it's click and collect only.

Naturally, not a single one available in a Currys store in Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington or Chester...

Edit: none in Birmingham, Leeds or London either. WTF Currys.

Edit 2: Only place you can pick one up is Douglas, Isle of Man.


Got unbanned yesterday. I'm still mad as shit with Sony. WTF is wrong with these people? Team Ico is there, releasing nothing for ten years, Polyphony is a mess, but they chose to close Evo?! WHAT THE FLYING F*CK?!

And there goes my dreams of having long championships in Driveclub. It would make the game so perfect... ;_;
Got unbanned yesterday. I'm still mad as shit with Sony. WTF is wrong with these people? Team Ico is there, releasing nothing for ten years, Polyphony is a mess, but they chose to close Evo?! WHAT THE FLYING F*CK?!

And there goes my dreams of having long championships in Driveclub. It would make the game so perfect... ;_;

I'm as disappointed as anyone that Evolution got shut down, but the thing with Team Ico is that they're not a separate studio, just a small group of people within Japan Studios, who move back and forth between various projects. They didn't just sit on their hands doing nothing for those 10 years. I don't know what to tell you about Polyphony, other than GT being Sony's biggest franchise, although the last entries didn't pull as high numbers as in the past. But yeah, it feels bad. I'm really going to miss the constant updates, support and communication. :/

Same here :)


Nice! :)

Great shots bud :) That's why I chose that track, getting airborne on the bike is brilliant :)

Thanks! It caught me off guard the first time, but it does feel pretty awesome. :)


I don't know what to tell you about Polyphony, other than GT being Sony's biggest franchise, although the last entries didn't pull as high numbers as in the past.

Gran turismo 5 sold over 10 million copies, and gran turismo 6 sold many millions despite launching after the ps4. It's sales haven't really declined and it hasn't even been three years since the last one. Polyphony aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be.
Gran turismo 5 sold over 10 million copies, and gran turismo 6 sold many millions despite launching after the ps4. It's sales haven't really declined and it hasn't even been three years since the last one. Polyphony aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be.

Well, that explains it then. I don't follow PD news closely and it seems that i let other people's opinions cloud the facts. Thanks for the correction!
There's nothing to say support going forwards for Driveclub will stop. Chances are Studio North West will pick it up. I mean, if Sony are making money on DLC then chances are they might continue with DC as a service; after all, the hardest and most expensive bit of DC is well out the way now.


There's nothing to say support going forwards for Driveclub will stop. Chances are Studio North West will pick it up. I mean, if Sony are making money on DLC then chances are they might continue with DC as a service; after all, the hardest and most expensive bit of DC is well out the way now.

But why wouldn't they have left it at Evo then? They were already slimmed down to a sub 25 person team.


There's nothing to say support going forwards for Driveclub will stop. Chances are Studio North West will pick it up. I mean, if Sony are making money on DLC then chances are they might continue with DC as a service; after all, the hardest and most expensive bit of DC is well out the way now.

If this happens, I'm expecting lower quality and much less fair pricing. You can't just throw it to other devs and expect them to make content with the same quality and heart.

I'm really really hoping that the other city tracks will be patched in, they were clearly partially done. But I'd totally understand if this isn't possible.
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