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DS sleeve art, Japan style


Gold Member

One of the scariest box arts I've ever seen. That's just NASTY.

The Super Mario 64 DS box art is a lot better. As some pointed out, the artful use of space does a lot - although I understand that it doesn't go with the Procter & Gamble school of Point of Sale understanding. The typography is a lot better, too.

The Wario art is very insightful as well. I love the sketching idea. Subtle. And the art for Zoo Keeper is fantastic. Although I'm really suprised with the obvious Hitler reference. Japanese people have sometimes an odd sense of political correctness. Props also for the brave One Line Puzzle box art. Never in the West as simple as that.


WarPig said:
Yeh. The Japanese have good graphic design, but weak publication design. They seem to love stuffing as many fiddly bits of content as a page can hold into all the corners.

I mean, I can see why Famitsu looks how it does, 'cuz they've got a week to produce the fucker, but why monthly mags have to follow such a similar style I'm not sure.
That's quite a generalization. You wouldn't say all UK mags look as bad as CVG ;) I obviously bring up CVG because it's comparable to Famitsu in many ways - they just need to make it weekly and it'll basically be the same mag. Edge has slick design, but there are plenty of Japanese non-gaming magazines that have slick design too. What Japan needs is its own Edge. Continue has cool design, but it's way too leftfield to be compared to Edge.
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