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Dubai is getting another tall building higher than the current world's tallest

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awesome. no doubt the breadth of construction and contractor talent there in dubai will help expedite this project. really quite a lot of passionate workers there.
Part of me can't wait till the oil money runs out just to see what happens to all those buildings.

awesome. no doubt the breadth of construction and contractor talent there in dubai will help expedite this project. really quite a lot of passionate workers there.

You mean slaves, right?



It's beautiful and horrifying.
In the future when the world becomes a JRPG, Dubai is going to be that desolated city you visit where you hear tales about mans aspiration to build and further civilization or something from the random NPCs who decided to stick around.
Looks amazing.

This could have been a great thread thread to read about big skyscrapers all around the world.

Instead OP himself instantly derailed it


In the future when the world becomes a JRPG, Dubai is going to be that desolated city you visit where you hear tales about mans aspiration to build and further civilization or something from the random NPCs who decided to stick around.
That's a fun reference.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Can't wait for the death of oil (due to solar/others), or for the middle east to run out of it.


Looks amazing.

This could have been a great thread thread to read about big skyscrapers all around the world.

Instead OP himself instantly derailed it

I'm so sorry I didn't let this thread be a travel ad for a tacky place featuring one of the most dreadfully poor records on human rights and theocracy. Their big buildings totally should have trumped any context.
~2+ centuries from now if said building still exists and if we don't kill ourselves off, we will look back at Dubai and go, "Why the fuck did we build this shit?"
So what's the point if most of it isn't even usable space? Like what, they basically just build a really tall tower and then stick an antennae on it to push it into world's tallest category?

Also, I would hate to be anywhere near it if/when one of those cable breaks.


They should just pile all the dead slaves on top of each other and call them a building. It will break the record with ease.
I'm so sorry I didn't let this thread be a travel ad for a tacky place featuring one of the most dreadfully poor records on human rights and theocracy. Their big buildings totally should have trumped any context.

Not arguing but shouldn't you have started a thread to discuss those topics?!

Seems like you wanted to talk about buildings from a glance

What's with the random assortment of platforms in the sea around the tower?

Some of them look like solar panels, others look kind of like secluded little environments? So like you stay at this place (what is it even, a hotel?) and you wanna go to the beach, they have a walled-off man-made beach area for you to go chill in. Don't know why there's a few that are just... ocean inside.
I don't know if its hate or jealousy in this thread?

Love to see it though...

If you read through it mostly seems hate at the rulers of Dubai and what would go in to actually building the tower (slaves), not many people seem to be shitting on the design of the tower itself. It is kind of weak that the majority of this particular tower is useless, though.

Also how the hell does Dubai not have plumbing? Didn't we as a people figure that one out like... a long time ago?
Glad NY got it out of our system back in the 30's

The tallest building craze in NYC started in the Roaring 20's. The Empire State Building was in planning before the Crash. I don't think it's a coincidence that this was also a time of great income inequality. In a way these tall buildings are an ominous physical separation of the ruling class versus the commoners; modern versions of the Egyptian pyramids designed to elevate (physically and metaphorically) the status of the wealthy and make the ever-increasing distance between rich and poor known to everyone else. And in all three of these eras, the buildings were/are ironically built on the backs of poor immigrants and slaves.


Tall buildings scare the shit out of me. They are not going well with my fear of heights. 9/11 didn't help either.

I just love being on the ground.


someone must really want to reach Heaven...

hopefully it's not a Steamroller-dropping Vampire that can stop time...
Comparing skyscrapers to the pyramids is pretty naive. The pyramids exhausted the budget of the kingdom of Egypt, while skyscrapers are buildings built with private funds and constitute a minuscule amount of the total economy.

That's a fairly pedantic dispute when I'm only comparing the societal relevance and symbology of the two. The pyramids and skyscrapers both come from the ruling class, whether that class is royalty or the uber-wealthy.
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