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DuckTales Remastered |OT| The Citizen Cane of video games


Ugh stop. I hate PSN update times. Didn't it update like crazy early last week? Press the fucking button Chen.

In my experience the update times have been all over the place. I just get out of work at 6. Im certain it will be up by then. It's a short download too so it's the perfect amount of time to roll one up, crack open a tasty beverage and readjust my nostalgia goggles.


Lives are not an out dated concept, a game exists as a challenge. I love many games that use lives and continues. There are games like Contra Hard Corps which I haven't even beat but get progressively better at with each play. That is the challenge and overcoming it feels great. Ducktales on NES wasn't super difficult so after a few game overs people should be able to beat the game fine. You have to master your skills, that is the fun of many arcade type games. If Super Mario Bros and Sonic saved after each level and gave you infinite lives, think how boring the game would be, you could just play poorly and die whenever you want because the game would be designed that way. That sounds awful to me. When you can get to a farther level or finally beat the game after failed attempts it is a truly great feeling in any game.

Think about it this way, now people ask "how many hours are you into the game." Before people asked "what level are you on." The whole concept of modern games all taking the same amount of time for everyone baffles me. Anyone can play through a game like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed in the same number of hours because there is no challenge.

I find it hilarious that some reviewers had so much trouble beating this game and blame the game itself, not understanding the concept of mastering a game. Guess a lot of reviewers are only familiar with hand holding.

I am very excited to try this game and love Way Forward (studio is in my town too) but the cutscenes are what sounds daunting to me. Do these occur during the levels or just before and after? Is there any setting to turn them off? I was just contemplating whether to get this on Steam or wait for the PS3 retail version. However if the game is going to constantly interrupt me with story elements, forget it. Big fans of the show might like that kind of thing but it sounds terrible to me from a gameplay perspective.


Just got the game on Wii U. Game seems great to me. I don't remember if I ever beat the original, but I do remember playing it. There are now sub-quests to complete to move to the next area of the level. I don't remember those, so I think that is new. I am glad there is a map because of this.

As far as the cutscenes, there are many of them. I just played the Amazon Jungle and there were probably 12 cutscenes total. I watched all of them, but I looked to see how bad it was to go to a menu to skip it and it is just + then A. You do not even need to move your cursor as the Skip Cutscene is alreay highlighted when you go to the menu, so I don't see that as too big a deal. I am sure skipping 12 cutscenes could get annoying though. Some of them are pretty short too.

After I beat the Amazon Jungle, I looked at the collectables and then exited that menu and my Wii U basically locked up. :( I hope that does not happen often.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Does the Wii U version support off-screen play?


I'm really enjoying it, beat both Amazon and Moon before calling it. I had been saving Moon and didn't want that remix spoiled before I experienced it myself.
The animation is lovely and to my ears everything sounds authentic. Scrooge makes a few too many quips as you play, but the cutscenes don't bother me - as discussed, they can be skipped and so far capture the tone of the show quite well.

It really is the original though, it plays like I recall with a few quality of life upgrades, even if I wish they'd let you continue pogo'ing if you land near an edge.

I'm playing on medium and while I've died a few times (and had a real close call on the Amazon boss), no game overs as of yet and I'm not exactly the kind of gamer who beats Dark Souls.
It just...plays like the original and to me that's still absolutely fine. The basic gameplay ideas hold up - cane pogo is still just a ton of fun, and an entirely new game could be based around it.

Though I do think the idea is a bit muddled, it not just a remake, it's also is a tribute to the cartoon - and for someone just looking for a bit of nostalgia and an authentic Ducktales experience, the fact it is almost NES hard on 'normal' seems a bit misguided.
Though I never thought the original was difficult as NES games go, (I beat it and I couldn't get past stage two of Ninja Gaiden II or beat a classic Mega Man game) this isn't that era any more and expectations are different.

If you wanted to use this to introduce a kid to Ducktales as a concept, this game also just doesn't work - and while it may not have been the goal to do so, considering they got everyone they could back, it feels like a shame that something so gorgeous and authentic is hidden behind something most modern gamers won't have the patience to see - nor could really show off to anyone being remotely distracted by a child.
The world Carl Barks created deserves to have the widest audience with as many entry points as possible.

That said it's amazing if you like a platformer - and I really think your enjoyment of good platform game design trumps a love of Ducktales if you're interested.
If you just want Ducktales nostalgia, you may be a bit too frustrated by the journey, but this is a classic platform game and remains so remastered.
The original is amazing. So the real question is:

Do I buy this on Steam, or wait until I get a Wii U later this year and pick it up then?

Or just get both?


The game does support off-TV play. There is no option for it. It just mirrors the TV screen.

I just went into the 2nd area and about skipping cutscenes, to start the Transylvania level, I had to skip 4 cutscenes in a row before I could get to the level, then another one once I just entered the mansion. You would think that would be fine the first time thought, but as the one reviewer said, it does not remember that you already watched the cutscenes. It is surprising there is not a better option because the game encourages replaying the levels over and over again to unlock the collectables.


Game's fun and plays great on PC with the Wii U Pro pad. I suck at it right now, but I think I'll get better. Also, there are health refills everywhere and you can even get extra lives and heart containers. What's the big deal about the difficulty?

The game does support off-TV play. There is no option for it. It just mirrors the TV screen.

I just went into the 2nd area and about skipping cutscenes, to start the Transyvannia level, I had to skip 4 cutscenes in a row before I could get to the level, then another one once I just entered the mansion. You would think that would be fine the first time thought, but as the one reviewer said, it does not remember that you already watched the cutscenes. It is surprising there is not a better option because the game incourages replaying the levels over and over again to unlock the collectables.

All that needs to be done to make that complaint obsolete is a "cutscenes on/off" choice in the options.


From looking at all crash reports, it seems to only happen when exiting the unlockable screen, so maybe avoid using that for now.

I just noticed that your username starts with ratcliff and I saw a Ratcliff in the credits under programmer. Are you that guy? Just curious.
I just noticed that your username starts with ratcliff and I saw a Ratcliff in the credits under programmer. Are you that guy? Just curious.

Yes, yes I am. I don't work for WF anymore, but I enjoyed my time with the company and had a blast working on DuckTales. It's good to see so many enjoying it.


I am very excited to try this game and love Way Forward (studio is in my town too) but the cutscenes are what sounds daunting to me. Do these occur during the levels or just before and after? Is there any setting to turn them off?

Before, during and after. You can pause and skip cutscene easily enough however.


The PS3 version is up in North America if you search the store for it. Downloading now here. 643 MB in size.

Ha, nice. I'll have my code-in-a-box copy in like a week and a half (went for GameStop's budget shipping)...haha. If I can't hold out I will double dip on PC. But I think I can handle it. Must...get...pin...to...offset...cost..of...game...
On Normal mode I've gained two extra permanent hits, one from Amazon and one from Transylvania.

I don't understand the reviews, and that's about the first time I've ever said that. Usually I can understand criticisms, and I said earlier that I did, but it turns out the reviews are flat-out inaccurate. The game is a treat. More challenging than the NES version by virtue of the tweaks, but still never going more than a screen or two without throwing you a life up. You get two 1-ups in Transylvania for more or less nothing! And complaints about the mine cart sections!? They're easy as heck! Play Donkey Kong Country Returns and then tell me the Ducktales mine carts are challenging.

Wayforward, for the second time ever, actually nailed it. Seriously, I can't fault this game. Oh, shit, there are cutscenes. But they're funny and show-authentic, so who cares?



The PS3 version is up in North America if you search the store for it. Downloading now here. 643 MB in size.

Ducktales is up on US PSN! GO GO GO!

On Normal mode I've gained two extra permanent hits, one from Amazon and one from Transylvania.

I don't understand the reviews, and that's about the first time I've ever said that. Usually I can understand criticisms, and I said earlier that I did, but it turns out the reviews are flat-out inaccurate. The game is a treat. More challenging than the NES version by virtue of the tweaks, but still never going more than a screen or two without throwing you a life up. You get two 1-ups in Transylvania for more or less nothing! And complaints about the mine cart sections!? They're easy as heck! Play Donkey Kong Country Returns and then tell me the Ducktales mine carts are challenging.

Wayforward, for the second time ever, actually nailed it. Seriously, I can't fault this game. Oh, shit, there are cutscenes. But they're funny and show-authentic, so who cares?




So uh, Greenman, umm...where's my key for the game. Huh?!?

Damn Greenman Gaming. I never get my launch day key when I preorder from them. Every.Single.Time. I should have learned by now :/
Called my local EB, said that the vendor delayed releasing the physical PS3 version here so I won't get my copy till the end of the week. Sucks, but what can you do.


Gives all the fucks
Called my local EB, said that the vendor delayed releasing the physical PS3 version here so I won't get my copy till the end of the week. Sucks, but what can you do.
Did they say when the new release date was? It's suppose to come out next Tuesday, the 20th.
Two things from watching live streams and youtube:

Moon Theme is amazing, the music overall is great.

There is no depth scale in the money vault, big mistake there.
Did they say when the new release date was? It's suppose to come out next Tuesday, the 20th.

She didn't give me a date, just said that they were hoping by the end of this week.... so I'm going to take a guess and say that the 20th sounds like a more likely release date.

El Odio

I played through the Amazon and Transylvania before calling it quits for now. Playing on normal and I gotta say it's actually quite difficult. I managed to get the two health upgrades in both levels and that barely managed to help me on the Magic de Spell fight. It's not as hard as some of the reviews made it out to be but I can see why some people might have a problem with it. Having a real blast though and I think the cutscenes are great.
Don't care what some of the reviews say, really looking forward to playing this, WayForward is solid. Also just wanted to say it's an absolute crime that Alan Young and most of the original voice actors are still alive to do this yet the idiots in charge of Disney Animation haven't bothered to make a sequel series all these years. There's still a wealth of material they could draw off from both Bark's and Rosa's stories. Gotta keep pumping out that Disney Channel garbage I guess.
Two things from watching live streams and youtube:

Moon Theme is amazing, the music overall is great.

There is no depth scale in the money vault, big mistake there.

What do you mean by depth scale in the money vault? Potential spoiler:
the level raises depending on your total money count, but it's pretty gradual


Played through the first stage, the Amazon and Transylvania today. Really enjoying it but is anyone else having pogo issues on classic/hard pogo settings? Sometimes he just doesn't do it. It's driving me nuts and it actually forced me to go back to easy pogo. Even easy pogo sometimes doesn't register, but I feel like hard pogo registered only 75% of the time. A huuuge bummer. I've taken many hits and have even died because for whatever reason the pogo just won't register. I'll go to jump on an enemy, hit the button and it just won't activate it. For those curious, I'm playing the Wii U version too.


At home so I can't check, but I had the game pre-ordered on PSN, exactly how does that work? I've never pre-ordered a game on PSN. Does it just show up as owned if I go to the page on the store or something?


I kind of wish I had bought this on Wii U instead of PS3 for the Off-TV Play, but I got it for $11.99 on PS3 AND I get PSN credit back from it, so I ended up going with it there. Regardless, it's now downloading and I'm excited.

At home so I can't check, but I had the game pre-ordered on PSN, exactly how does that work? I've never pre-ordered a game on PSN. Does it just show up as owned if I go to the page on the store or something?

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