DarienA said:Please stop, really... stop.
Please tell me you are kidding. Most shotguns are fired into the air for sport and for hunting. How far do you think those pellets really go dude? Use your brain.
DarienA said:Please stop, really... stop.
When you're in a forest you have an extremely high chance of hitting some part of a tree or at least something that's not a person if you miss.akascream said:Please tell me you are kidding. Most shotguns are fired into the air for sport and for hunting. How far do you think those pellets really go dude? Use your brain.
Hitokage said:When you're in a forest you have an extremely high chance of hitting some part of a tree or at least something that's not a person if you miss.
1st - shotgun pellets aren't fired at nearly the same speed as rifle or pistol bulletsakascream said:Please tell me you are kidding. Most shotguns are fired into the air for sport and for hunting. How far do you think those pellets really go dude? Use your brain.
Justin Bailey said:1st - shotgun pellets aren't fired at nearly the same speed as rifle or pistol bullets
2nd - rifle/pistol bullets are heavier than a single shotgun pellet
I've actually been hit with a falling shotgun pellet, it's a slight sting and that's it. This baby, however, was hit with a bullet and it broke through it's skull. There's a *slight* difference there.
Forest, Plains, Swamp, whatever... you can still get away with a lot more than you could in a populated area regardless of gun.akascream said:Yeah, cause lots of skeet and bird hunting happens in forests. Bullets travel much further than shot.
Hitokage said:Forest, Plains, Swamp, whatever... you can still get away with a lot more than you could in a populated area regardless of gun.
Police say finding the person who fired the gun could be tough. Depending on the caliber or gunpowder, the bullet could have traveled anywhere between a few hundred yards up to a mile.
Police say finding the person who fired the gun could be tough. Depending on the caliber or gunpowder, the bullet could have traveled anywhere between a few hundred yards up to a mile.
aparisi2274 said:Can a bullet really travel up to a mile from a handgun? No matter how powerful?
That seems a little far fetched....
You don't have to fire a gun only where you live.tenchir said:Up to a mile? Since they have the bullet, can they identify the gun that fired it? They would then be able to identify the all owners who owns that type of gun within the mile radius. if they can identify the direction the bullet had fallen from, then that would cut down on the possibilities significantly.
Hitokage said:Considering only the initial upward velocity and gravity, the bullet will come down just as fast as it was originally shot; however, air resistance acts on it for the entire trip so it doesn't get quite that bad. Still highly dangerous.
... no, the bullet would jump from a velocity of 100 feet per second to -50 feet per second, instantaneously.Marty Chinn said:Are you sure about that? Wouldn't the bullet rise until its velocity hits 0 and then essentially free fall at the rate of gravity? I don't think they would be the same because the force that pushed the bullet out initially will be different than the force of gravity in which the bullet will then fall back to the ground.
Gravity acts on the bullet from the moment it is fired. The distance and time it would take for gravity to reduce the vertical velocity to 0 is the same distance and time it would take for the bullet to achieve initial vertical firing velocity in free fall. If X - Y = 0, 0 - Y = -X.Marty Chinn said:Are you sure about that? Wouldn't the bullet rise until its velocity hits 0 and then essentially free fall at the rate of gravity? I don't think they would be the same because the force that pushed the bullet out initially will be different than the force of gravity in which the bullet will then fall back to the ground.
Bacon said:Hey I bet the person that shot the gun was a conservative am I right or wrong boys?
Solo said:It means nothing really. Its just fun as a Canadian to put down Americans :lol .
Incognito said:Let's hate America, conservatives, and the 2nd amendment because of one isolated incident.
:gay :gay :gay :gay
GaimeGuy said:Because there have been SOOOOOOOOOOOO few incidents involving homicide and/or assault with guns compared to the amount of incidents where someone having a gun saved them from rape or robbery or death.
The 2nd ammendment is bullshit in this day and age.
I mean it's bullshit in that for every life a gun saves, 100 other lives are taken by guns in america. (I pulled that figure out of my ass, but you know that guns do a hell of a lot more damage than good)Incognito said:How is it bullshit?
I'd be willing to betCabbageRed said:"I pulled that figure out of my ass..."
Actually though, does anyone have actual numbers on guns reported to be used in self defense versus guns used for crimes/accidents?
Yeah it was a misunderstanding. Nice jab, btw.akascream said:Sounds like we are in agreement? Reading comprehension wins again.
I'm willing to bet that too. I'm also more than willing to bet that this ratio would increase by a literally infinite amount if citizens were not legally entitled to use guns in self-defense.GaimeGuy said:I'd be willing to bet
(gun crimes and accidents) / (gun self defense) >= 100
Fight for Freeform said:Why do people need to fire guns into the air...period? This happens all over the World, among a diverse set of cultures, it's not restricted to the deep south of the US.
Referring to a Chris Rock standup joke...if bullets cost $50,000 each, you wouldn't see incidents like this.
GaimeGuy said:(I pulled that figure out of my ass, but you know that guns do a hell of a lot more damage than good)
SonnyBoy said:You can take guns away from your average Joe but the criminals will still have them. I bet you'd miss that gun when a burglar breaks into your house with a gun and all you have are socks in your drawer.
They did that here in LA too because of how crazy people get on New Years, despite the campaigns, people still start shooting like crazy near my area.this type of incident happened a lot of times from where I live, specially on holidays drunken people that have a gun for no reason at all start shooting bullets at the sky. Sad thing about all this is that the one who always gets the bullets is either a child or a baby, here where I live they ran a massive campaign so that people stop doing this kind of thing, apparently it worked becuase I have not heard of a incident like this for a long time now.