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Dungeon Defenders |OT| |XBLA PSN PC MAC iOS ANDROID| cross-platform coming soon


CitizenCope said:
Wish I didn't choose huntress. My traps seem to be useless compared to the other characters.

Not at all. Upgrade detonation count first and foremost until you have ~5 detonations of proximity mine. Then capitalize with inferno trap followed immediately by a gas trap (keep them stunned in your inferno) with a prox mine behind it (if they happen to make it through). That'll take care of you for awhile.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man, using Huntress online kinda sucks. Trap goes down on the other side of the map, hurry over to re-set it, but nope, someone's laid a trap of their own before you could get there, maxing out the Defense Units! Of course this could happen to any class, but I find it happens to the Huntress especially often since her traps go down much faster than other classes towers.

I think Trendy did a pretty good job with the game, don't get me wrong, but I also feel like they didn't take into account the inherent selfishness of a lot of gamers. Why let someone else re-set their trap when you could just lay a trap of your own, garnering more XP! Bah. There's just too many competitive elements in what's supposed to be a cooperative game.

I really hope XP sharing is implemented at some point, to give people less of a reason to do shit like this.

I also think there should be some sort of XP bonus, even a small one like 1 or 2 XP per second, for repairing or upgrading traps during battle. Just to encourage more people to actually do so, instead of running around trying to Rambo as many enemies as possible. I'm used to being a support character in online multiplayer games, so I do run around during battle and repair towers and re-set traps, but often I see other players completely ignoring traps and jumping headlong into waves of enemies. I think people would pay more attention to the condition of their traps if given some sort of visible incentive to repairing and upgrading.


Seraphis Cain said:
Man, using Huntress online kinda sucks. Trap goes down on the other side of the map, hurry over to re-set it, but nope, someone's laid a trap of their own before you could get there, maxing out the Defense Units! Of course this could happen to any class, but I find it happens to the Huntress especially often since her traps go down much faster than other classes towers.

I think Trendy did a pretty good job with the game, don't get me wrong, but I also feel like they didn't take into account the inherent selfishness of a lot of gamers. Why let someone else re-set their trap when you could just lay a trap of your own, garnering more XP! Bah. There's just too many competitive elements in what's supposed to be a cooperative game.

I really hope XP sharing is implemented at some point, to give people less of a reason to do shit like this.

I also think there should be some sort of XP bonus, even a small one like 1 or 2 XP per second, for repairing or upgrading traps during battle. Just to encourage more people to actually do so, instead of running around trying to Rambo as many enemies as possible. I'm used to being a support character in online multiplayer games, so I do run around during battle and repair towers and re-set traps, but often I see other players completely ignoring traps and jumping headlong into waves of enemies. I think people would pay more attention to the condition of their traps if given some sort of visible incentive to repairing and upgrading.

Even better is people who sell your traps and build their own in its stead. That's when I leave.

Either way, I wholeheartedly agree that xp sharing NEEDS to be implemented. It's a co-op game at its core but the gameplay encourages selfish behavior. Plus, even more important to me, it's very difficult to keep 2 players at similar level over time. One person is a better class and starts to pull ahead and just keeps going from there as he gets stronger. My poor friend desperately wants to keep playing his apprentice but I'm now in my 20s and he's level 11. He's giving up on his apprentice and rolling a squire.

I'm perfectly happy with xp bonuses for things like first kill, knight, etc etc. I love that aspect. But a kill on a map should yield experience for everyone regardless of who's trap, tower or sword lays down the killing blow.
garath said:
Better class and starts to pull ahead and just keeps going from there as he gets stronger. My poor friend desperately wants to keep playing his apprentice but I'm now in my 20s and he's level 11. He's giving up on his apprentice and rolling a squire.

I'd suggest if you're a squire building the wall in front of his DPS towers. That way he'll get the majority of the XP and catch up.


Impeccable said:
I'd suggest if you're a squire building the wall in front of his DPS towers. That way he'll get the majority of the XP and catch up.

Huntress unfortunately. I've been letting him build most of the defenses lately but it's not the most efficient way to do it and we get our butts kicked quite a bit.

It's unfortunate that we have to actively stop focusing on how best to beat the challenge and instead focus on how to get the other person a fair share of the xp.


Seraphis Cain said:
There's just too many competitive elements in what's supposed to be a cooperative game.
garath said:
It's a co-op game at its core but the gameplay encourages selfish behavior.

Yeah. Its really a shame. Why did the developers promote competitiveness in a co-op game?


I swear there is xp sharing in the game, I started playing at level 1 with level 28's and they were building pretty much all the traps and I only was getting like 30 kills on a map, but I was levelling up much faster thaan they were and I eventually caught up so I was only 2-5 levels behind them even though I Was barely killing anything. We were playing on Hard however so maybe the xp bonus on that was simply that large to level me so quickly.

Also, Huntress starts off really weak early on, but once you level up and put some points into detonation count so you traps have at least 12+ charges so you dont have to keep reapiring them, she becomes awesome to play.
Loaded this up for a few minutes to check it out and I'm very impressed with what I have seen so far. Graphics and animations look a lot better than I expected. Can't wait to really dive into the game when I have some more time.


CitizenCope said:
Wish I didn't choose huntress. My traps seem to be useless compared to the other characters.

All depends on what you're leveling. To be honest, huntress traps are pretty good in the earlier stages of the game in terms of effect / damage / duration. Your biggest problem is going to be keeping them up since most of them will only have about two charges.

If you want to go traps, I'd recommend raising your trap detonation count - you could put hard points into the stat or use a combination of items / pets. I'm at about level 16 right now and my Detonation stat is sitting at 20. That usually equals about 8 charges of proximity mines, 5 charges on infernos, and 6 or 7 charges of gas traps.

As a huntress, your best traps are the first three you get - proximity, gas, and inferno. Each has its own place and learning where to use each one is the first thing you'll need to work on (if you're going trap / hybrid).

Gas traps work well in front of slow-firing / high-powered towers because you can gather enemies up into a single group before they wander into the line of fire. Works well when placed before a proximity mine or after an inferno mine. In the former example though, you'll need to be mindful of poison resistant enemies as they will wonder through your gas trap and trigger the p.mine prematurely.

Gas traps also work well when you need to buy some time (e.g. sealing off a choke before the E.Crystal.) To be honest, I wasn't that impressed with gas traps in the beginning, but I've come to appreciate them greatly.

Unfortunately, the Ethereal Spike Trap and Darkness Traps are of limited use. The EST does huge damage (hits for about 5,000 at level 16ish) but only hits ONE mob and that is at random. If you can isolate a slow moving boss or if a character can succeed in gaining aggro on the boss you can lead them into the EST - even chaining them together (placing multiple ESTs so their trigger radii overlap) and do huge damage. It's a lot of work though and sucks when you spike some goblin for 5k damage (no regrets if you spike one of those TNT carrying suicide kobolds though, stupid martha-fockers.)

The darkness trap is another one trap of seemingly little use. In most cases it's better to contain your enemy with a gas trap then let them wander around aimless with a darkness trap. I haven't gotten around to really testing it that much but initial results don't look good.

On the other hand, you could go (as Hazaro suggested) with a hybrid / DPS build. If you do so, I'd recommend getting a weapon that has a high rate of fire (4+) and a decent clip size. I haven't found any weapons that fire multiple projectiles yet but I've heard they're out there. When upgrading attack power - you'll need to choose between generic attack power (which is modified by your hero strength stat) or the more easily modified elemental attack power (where applicable.) The gain for each level of upgraded Elemental Attack Power is much higher than with generic attack power - but you'll face problems when coming across enemies with those resistances. It also doesn't take your hero attack strength into account. Which you'll need to upgrade depends on you, though.

Good luck! I've easily had the most fun playing on my huntress. She's a lot of fun and plays a bit differently than the rest. Seems like you've always got something to do (fun) and are always waiting for your weapon to reload (not fun.) Keep us posted!

garath said:
Even better is people who sell your traps and build their own in its stead. That's when I leave.

I think there's a place for it. I don't do it often though, because when I'm playing on my lunch break at work, people start freaking out when I talk on the mic so I stick with the basic plan of no mic = no selling other people's traps.

The big problem comes when you throw a bunch of people who don't know each other into a match and then expect them to fully cooperate with each other unselfishly. I'm a trap huntress and I often run into other huntresses who are specced into hybrid or hero builds. They still continue to plop down their traps even when the number above their proximity mine reads 2 or 3 and mine reads 8. I usually let it go though and if I can keep it repaired without sacrificing my own traps I make an effort to do so. If their trap falls though, I usually replace it with my own. Just to clear, when the battle round starts, if you need to place a tower or trap - then I have no problem with anyone throwing one out even if it's a pure DPS(Hero)-specced character. Defending the crystal is the only, really important thing in the game. Once we're in the build phase, I'd expect that trap-focused characters should be given priority in terms of placing traps if it looks like you're going to be hard-pressed to clear the next wave. I often sit back and let Squires throw their towers down in choke points instead of building my traps just because they're usually much stronger (*sigh*). Of course, this leads to XP sharing and player ego which I touch on below. :/

Having come into a game-in-progress (or playing with my weak ass trap monk) a few times, I can understand what a crappy feeling it is to think that you aren't really contributing anything and that the team doesn't really need you. So naturally, it seems like others are competing against you - trying to rack more kills or guard "their area" without really thinking about the big picture.

XP sharing might go a ways to assuage this feeling, I can see the arguments for it. I wonder if they were worried about high level characters boosting their friends or low level characters entering higher / harder difficulty maps and then just camping in the middle to earn XP. It's a tough problem but I bet it's one that they've thought of when they made the game.

garath said:
Huntress unfortunately. I've been letting him build most of the defenses lately but it's not the most efficient way to do it and we get our butts kicked quite a bit.

It's unfortunate that we have to actively stop focusing on how best to beat the challenge and instead focus on how to get the other person a fair share of the xp.

I imagine you've probably already thought of this then but a mixture of gas / darkness traps stationed in front of his walls may help. If his towers aren't killing them fast enough, then you may want to try a base Inferno trap and just not upgrade it. I'd shy away from him relying on Fireball Towers though because fire-resistant mobs will walk all over you. Other than that, I guess you could just work on upgrading his towers first?


Sorry for the double post.

Just came back from my lunchly Dungeon Defending and got absolutely decimated by a Squire about 2-3 levels lower than me. I don't think he was running a Tower build but he didn't need to - his towers were just destroying everything in the two stages we went through (Alchemical Lab and Servant's Quarters.)

I'd set up a Gas / Inferno choke and he'd put a Bouncer Barrier in front of it. Thing was I really couldn't complain because his one trap was more than sufficient. I ended just selling my traps and then sticking them in random places. So disheartening.

I imagine that Monk has it a lot worse.


garath said:
Honestly, I've already gotten $15 worth of fun out of the game. I've put in almost 15 hours just playing different characters and exploring the game. I haven't even gotten to the meat of it.

Its not that the game isn't worth it, my backlog is just so huge ad my gaming time that limited that I don't have time for another time consuming multiplayer game. But it seems like an ideal game for my next LAN (roughly once in a half year, around 4 people) - so during a sale, I'll most likely buy a 4 pack.


relies on auto-aim
Levels don't mean much when you get level up so fast on Ramparts :p

My Huntress DPS is is really high since you can just spam Piercing Shot when it 1 hits smaller enemies and take their mana for another shot. Upgrading a bone bow with 9 attack speed and 3? 6? reload. It's pretty funny to watch.

imo DPS seems much more useful later one (especially ranged). You'll still need a Squire doing towers, but attack damage seems to scale much much better.
gonna try this over the weekend with my gf...

After reading all this, which 2 classes would you guys recommend we play that best complement each other so that one will not be stuck while the other keeps leveling later?

I assume Monk is out right?


Neo Member
Winnie the Pimp said:
gonna try this over the weekend with my gf...

After reading all this, which 2 classes would you guys recommend we play that best complement each other so that one will not be stuck while the other keeps leveling later?

I assume Monk is out right?

Here's what I did with my gf as I've only solo'd and played co-op with her.

Myself: Apprentice/Huntress (spec'd heavily into towers/traps)
Gf: Squire (spec'd heavily into melee)

This way I wouldn't have to worry too much about her building towers/traps in strategic positions and repairing them if necessary. I just set her up with good gear, good stats, picked a good choke point for her to be at and she pretty much spammed the Square button.

Monk isn't necessarily out, but the above combinations would probably be better for your first time through. Also, unless you both have a lot of gaming experience, I recommend playing most/all of the levels on Easy on your first playthrough.
Thanks for the tips!

So i take it "apprentice" is the mage class then right?

Not sure about easy... actually she is VERY good at tower defense games but not sure how she fares in this one since it's more of a action rpg/TD hybrid it seems hmmm and i know she hates it if the game is too easy but is also easily frustrated if it's too hard so still deciding between normal and easy at this time ..


Winnie the Pimp said:
Thanks for the tips!

So i take it "apprentice" is the mage class then right?

Not sure about easy... actually she is VERY good at tower defense games but not sure how she fares in this one since it's more of a action rpg/TD hybrid it seems hmmm and i know she hates it if the game is too easy but is also easily frustrated if it's too hard so still deciding between normal and easy at this time ..

If she's a big fan of the TD genre, she might be good with the Apprentice (wizard) since his towers are most like what you'd find in a normal TD. His towers hit both ground and aerial targets and he has a decent attack. He's a good character.

You can support her choice with a Squire and go mostly into Hero stats acting as a walking barrier to give her towers more time to attack.

If she's not into that or wants a more active role in combat, letting her go with the Squire is one choice.
Cannonball towers are so awesome. You can set them up above the enemy and they'll rain down on them and keep on bouncing. And level 3 towers absolutely destroy ogres. Definitely better than bumpers in my opinion.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I should not have bought this game. All it is is a time sink so far. :lol

Gotta get the rest of my friends into it now I guess. It's like a disease.
Do the pets in the store go down in price as well as up? I dunno whether to lock the price as it is now or wait until later when it might be cheaper...


How do I equip the TF2 familiars from Steam?

UI is kind of turning me off; seems really hard to navigate.


Neo Member
Winnie the Pimp said:
Thanks for the tips!

So i take it "apprentice" is the mage class then right?

Not sure about easy... actually she is VERY good at tower defense games but not sure how she fares in this one since it's more of a action rpg/TD hybrid it seems hmmm and i know she hates it if the game is too easy but is also easily frustrated if it's too hard so still deciding between normal and easy at this time ..

What I would do in this case is give her Apprentice, as on my solo Apprentice once you get the towers setup you can just monitor them and don't need to go hop in the fray (though it can definitely help in some cases if she wanted to). I would start you 2 off on Normal, but you can swap the difficulty at the level select screen. This way if you find a difficult level after you fail you can turn it down to Easy and try again.

KuroNeeko said:
If she's a big fan of the TD genre, she might be good with the Apprentice (wizard) since his towers are most like what you'd find in a normal TD. His towers hit both ground and aerial targets and he has a decent attack. He's a good character.

You can support her choice with a Squire and go mostly into Hero stats acting as a walking barrier to give her towers more time to attack.

If she's not into that or wants a more active role in combat, letting her go with the Squire is one choice.


Also, I just found the secret room in the tavern (that unlocks after you beat the game) last night. Good stuff in there!


GAF parliamentarian
Ken said:
How do I equip the TF2 familiars from Steam?

UI is kind of turning me off; seems really hard to navigate.
The font is just....my GOD, guys, what did I ever do to deserve this?
The Dungeon Defenders Halloween Character and Mission Packs are now available on Steam for FREE!

Halloween Costume Pack


Want to spice up your heroes? This pack includes 4 scary outfits for your TrendyNet Dungeon Defenders characters:

Devil – Monk
Mummy – Apprentice
Pirate – Squire
Witch – Huntress

Halloween Mission Pack


Celebrate Halloween with everyone on TrendyNet! This Halloween Mission Pack contains:

1 new Halloween-themed mission
8 exclusive Halloween weapons
4 ultra-rare, unlockable character skins:
Ninja – Monk
Vampire - Apprentice
Death Knight - Squire
Angel - Huntress


Not working for me. I try to download the DLC but nothing happens and the costumes are locked when I try to select them in game.

I add the DLC to cart but can't 'buy' it.

It says I already own it but I can't seem to use the stuff in the game.


How do you use the new outfits? 'Downloaded' them off the DLC page but they still show up locked when creating a character?

I guess I should also ask: what's are important stats to increase with level ups? I'm playing as the Squire.


Im playing local co-op with my friend, steam version using 2 360 controllers

my only gripe is with the item management interface using pad's, clusterfuck as hell

awesome game


Dalauz said:
Im playing local co-op with my friend, steam version using 2 360 controllers

my only gripe is with the item management interface using pad's, clusterfuck as hell

Item management seems kind of weird even on KB/M with one person. I wonder what the chances are of them releasing a redesigned UI/modded UIs.


So after being totally excited to use the engineer familiar wiith my hunter for trap maintenance, I've realized that it's a horrible pet. Sure, it's great at healing traps, but sucks up all available mana in no time. If you're not careful you won't have any mana left to build new traps for the next round. Very disappointing.


Cloudius12 said:
Hmm, I can access the Mummy outfit but the Vampire is locked.
What I've heard is that you need to beat the Halloween level on Insane (or hard?) in order to unlock them. I don't know if you have to do it with each class to get each different costume, or if there is any truth in that statement at all.


Foofaraw said:
What I've heard is that you need to beat the Halloween level on Insane (or hard?) in order to unlock them. I don't know if you have to do it with each class to get each different costume, or if there is any truth in that statement at all.

Is that possible for new, low-level players? Want that Pirate outfit but I just started today. How do I even access the new level?


Ken said:
Is that possible for new, low-level players? Want that Pirate outfit but I just started today. How do I even access the new level?

When you pick your character from the main menu click "Edit Hero." You'll be able unlock the DLC and change costume from there. If you try to change into the second outfit it should take you to the page to unlock the new mission, too.


SmokinDan said:
When you pick your character from the main menu click "Edit Hero." You'll be able unlock the DLC and change costume from there. If you try to change into the second outfit it should take you to the page to unlock the new mission, too.

Still shows them as locked. Clicking Unlock sends me to the Steam page but I've already "downloaded" both of them so they have the option to "Play Game."
Ken said:
Is that possible for new, low-level players? Want that Pirate outfit but I just started today. How do I even access the new level?

Nope, unless you can get a high level to run you. The event level itself spawns over a 1000 monsters about 3 waves in, so it can a good place to try and power level if you can cover three crystals.

Ken said:
Still shows them as locked. Clicking Unlock sends me to the Steam page but I've already "downloaded" both of them so they have the option to "Play Game."

One of the new things are from finishing the event map on Insane, the other is given to you for free. So you'll have a total of 3 different looks to cycle through.


So who's the best class for a pure hero build?

I'm doing a squire, which is turning out well, but if the other characters are more powerful...


relies on auto-aim
Beat new map on medium.
That map is bullshit.


Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Javaman said:
So after being totally excited to use the engineer familiar wiith my hunter for trap maintenance, I've realized that it's a horrible pet. Sure, it's great at healing traps, but sucks up all available mana in no time. If you're not careful you won't have any mana left to build new traps for the next round. Very disappointing.
Wat? I thought it was a freebie fix! So it fixes as you fight? Sunova....
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