The DUST panel right now is heavily implying your DUST character will be working in Legion. I feel like your character will be ported between the two.
I'm looking at a Legion panel right now, I don't think I've seen any implication that we'll be transferring characters and frankly I don't think I'd want to have that ability. Legion should be a fresh start for the Infantry side of New Eden and everyone should be on an even playing ground from the outset.
No, it's actually a matter of can we. There are technical questions and restrictions, legal questions (with Sony) and design questions (how do we convert experience when the progression system is different, items are different and ISK works in different ratios).
When we can answer the questions above, we'll share with you. Trust me when we say we want to let people carry over progress. But we just honestly don't know if we can do so yet.
If you contact Sony customer service and explain that CCP promised Dust 514 to have longevity like EVE: Online, but today announced that they are ending development for Dust 514 and shifting focus to a new game on a non-Playstation platform you can get a refund of all your Dust 514 purchases in the last 90 days.
That sounds like BS.
Can't say im shocked people are asking for refunds. Well those last few sp weekends make sense now. Bet quite a few bought some boosters.
A ton of people on the forums feels like there is no reason to play now. Wonder how my corp took the news.
Most EvE players are laughing at Dust players and calling them morons.
Considering a major portion of DUST players are EVE players I would say that isn't true.
Well one's corp is in no way a full representation of the player base. And as for myself, I never played EVE and I'm much more into consoles than PC, I also have a copy of EVE Source, though not signed.The vast majority of DUST players in my corp are EVE alts. The vast majority of them including myself unplugged their PS3s either after Dark Souls II PC came out or before.
I'm pretty hardcore into EVE. I have a copy of the signed EVE Source. For me, EVE is real. Not even blind CCP zealotry got me to continue playing DUST. If it says that much for me, I can only imagine what their real numbers look like.