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Dying Light 2: Stay Human |OT| Hey GAF, wanna play a parkour game?

Thanks. I want this game but I’m really considering grabbing the original. Everything I’ve read about it sounds significantly more appealing.
I think it's a GTA4 to GTA5 situation. The game progressed in some aspects and regressed in others.


Gold Member
One annoying bug is if I die during combat the music keeps playing after I respawn as if I was still in combat and I have to quit to the menu and back to reset it. Also had a help message continue to appear until I restarted as well.
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So it is true after all...

Still have to try the game myself but if they fucked up the combat i see myself getting bored very quickly...

Edit: reading through reddit, yep it seems like they fucked up greatly.
Thanks. I want this game but I’m really considering grabbing the original. Everything I’ve read about it sounds significantly more appealing.
I agree that the combat isn't quite as impactful as it used to be. Im still early on and hope that will change a bit once you start getting more powerful weapons.
Not at all my experience with the game

I've finished the first game 3 times, and the combat in this one feels like an improvement in all fronts except some ragdoll physics

Hits are impactful, enemy reactions are great, combat feels weighty, parrying humans is always satisfying, way more moves than before ...

Some of these reactions from Reddit are ridiculous. "Zombies dont fall out of buildings anymore, game is shit"

It feels awesome, I garantee


Not at all my experience with the game

I've finished the first game 3 times, and the combat in this one feels like an improvement in all fronts except some ragdoll physics

Hits are impactful, enemy reactions are great, combat feels weighty, parrying humans is always satisfying, way more moves than before ...

Some of these reactions from Reddit are ridiculous. "Zombies dont fall out of buildings anymore, game is shit"

It feels awesome, I garantee
Mechanically it is better, no one is saying otherwise, even redditors say that they enjoy combat vs humans more, it is everything else that is downgraded, like i said, you probably just don't care about this stuff to even notice it or being bothered by it, but the downgrade is pretty clear to my eyes because what is trivial for you, is not trivial for everyone.

Seeing zombies acting like stupid zombies, stumbling from roofs, stumbling on obstacles and not looking like stiff sack of potates was one of the best thing in the first game for many people.
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Mechanically it is better, no one is saying otherwise, even redditors say that they enjoy combat vs humans more, it is everything else that is downgraded, like i said, you probably just don't care about this stuff to even notice it or being bothered by it, but the downgrade is pretty clear to my eyes because what is trivial for you, is not trivial for everyone.

Seeing zombies acting like stupid zombies, stumbling from roofs, stumbling on obstacles and not looking like stiff sack of potates was one of the best thing in the first game for many people.
"It is everything else that is downgraded" is a huuuuge overstatement

But lets agree to disagree


I can't believe they chose a voice actor for Aiden that sounds almost exactly like Roger Craig Smithd did in the first game lol
It's so distracting every time he speaks.
Brazilian Portuguese dub is completely different from the first game so I'm loving it! (Not that the Brazilian dub from DL1 was bad or anything either)
Alright, getting too old to be staying up until 2am gaming but this game's doing it for me, absolutely loving everything about it. Good 8 hours in and zero technical issues so far *except* this bizarre black flicker that usually occurs during cutscenes, surprised no one else has mentioned it, impossible not to notice. Tried Quality/Res modes and they run like absolute dog shit, if you're on console avoid like the plague, Performance all the way.

There are some truly great characters in this game, genuinely surprised and looking forward to those eventual big story choices that impact the game world. I'm impressed by so many facets of this game (that soundtrack tho!), Techland put a lot into it and it shows.


Btw did anyone find the game as broken as Cyberpunk 2077 like some IGN review called out?
Playing on PC:

No, that article was as clickbait as they come.

Only glitches I've had were one with the deluxe pre-order outfit and the breathing sound when running which both corrected themselves when I got to the new area within the first hour.

Those hospital cutscenes with the kid though...those are broken cause they're laughably bad 🤣


I dunno why I bother ordering online anymore. Game won’t be delivered until tomorrow now. Most likely due to the weather
7 hours in and no bugs yet, I know I could still encounter something but I haven't done anything but have a good time.....but pressing the right stick all the damn time made my controller hate me and my thumb hate it, im playing on PC(I think it's hold down 'Q' on the keyboard but I wanted to go controller lol)


Gold Member
Seeing zombies acting like stupid zombies, stumbling from roofs, stumbling on obstacles and not looking like stiff sack of potates was one of the best thing in the first game for many people.
I agree, I like the game but there's no downside to bitching about the missing ragdolls. Worst case it could yield an answer from the devs, best case it would make the devs feel they have to "fix it".


No, I'm limited by my PC monitor that is only 1080p. I therefore don't even get a higher option to select in the game resolution drop down.
What I will try tonight, following Arun's suggestion, is to connect my PC to my 55' OLED (that should give me the 4k option to select), cap the framerate at 60 fps in the nvidia control planet and pick dlss performance or quality in the game menu with high quality ray tracing. Afterburner should tell me what my frame rate then looks like but I can only hope it will be 60. Might be less than that.
I was getting something around 39 fps with the above (3080/5900/32). after setting the shadows and fog to medium I now have stable 60. all I can say is thank god for DLSS. No way I would have come even close from touching 4k otherwise.


Anyone else find it a bit weird how you play as a completely different main character to the first game, with a completely different voice actor, yet the main character in this sounds EXACTLY the same as Crane from the first game?.

It is wildly jarring especially given how even the voice inflections are the same.

The nighttime gameplay is so much better than in the first game. In DL1 I'd just go to bed. Fuck those volatiles.

More - combat in general is just more interesting. I don't know about anyone else but I got sick of the combat encounters in DL1. . .they were just a hinderance to getting to a chest or saving a survivor. The encounter in the tutorial. . .and then the combat encounter during the "We're setting up the narrative stakes of the game" shortly after, were much more enjoyable than anything in DL1 (where I just ran and slid breaking legs).

. . .but most definitely, actually having nighttime be something explorable and to be interacted with is a massive improvement above the first.

The bugs though are starting to rear their head.

PC optimization on point or nah?

If you aren't trying to punch up, then yes it is on point. A lot of people on STEAM are trying to punch up I imagine (this is separate from the bugs, of which there are a few).


Gold Member
If you aren't trying to punch up, then yes it is on point. A lot of people on STEAM are trying to punch up I imagine (this is separate from the bugs, of which there are a few).
Thanks. Always hard to tell with so many people complaining.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Aiden sounds so much like Drake from Uncharted I had to look up if Nolan North was voicing him. He isn't :messenger_winking:
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The hell they did to the control responsiveness? :messenger_pensive: Game feel a lot less responsive even at 60 FPS. There is something off about the buttons. During the combat everything feel so laggish. I miss the controls of the prequel so much.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
One annoying bug is if I die during combat the music keeps playing after I respawn as if I was still in combat and I have to quit to the menu and back to reset it.
Happened to me 2 times so far on XSX. Reload latest save to kill the music.
This appeared also on AC Valhalla with the "investigation" music (That John Carpenter "poom poom") that just wouldn't go away once the investigation was done.

Very minor but annoying.

Alpha Male

The hell they did to the control responsiveness? :messenger_pensive: Game feel a lot less responsive even at 60 FPS. There is something off about the buttons. During the combat everything feel so laggish. I miss the controls of the prequel so much.
Decrease the dead zone and increase sensitivity in controller settings


I really enjoyed Dying Light 1 when it came out. Recently I've been trying to play The Following and I just can't stand it. Was trying to convince myself I needed DL2 but fuck I'm just not feelin this shit.


The nighttime gameplay is so much better than in the first game. In DL1 I'd just go to bed. Fuck those volatiles.
I mentioned this to my wife but couldn't quite put my finger on it having not played DL1 in a few months. But I do remember purposely avoiding nighttime previously cause it was almost a nuisance more than anything.

Here I definitely feel more motivated to venture out at night and I feel the game does a much better job explaining the benefits of doing so.
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Gold Member
The hell they did to the control responsiveness? :messenger_pensive: Game feel a lot less responsive even at 60 FPS. There is something off about the buttons. During the combat everything feel so laggish. I miss the controls of the prequel so much.
Go into the options and control and change the dead zone of the controller, it's set at 5 so I moved it down a couple of notches and it felt much better to me. I also turned off auto aim for melee.
I’m very on the fence

I love open world games but this feels like it might have a lot of bloat

Also game doesn’t look amazing in review videos I’ve watched but I know sometimes YouTube doesn’t do justice


Gold Member
I play with an Xbox Elite V2 and I was able to use Rewasd to setup auto run by double tapping one of my paddles as my thumb was getting tired of pushing up on the left stick. I wish this was a feature in the game. I also mapped the R3 click to a paddle as well as I hate clicking in the sticks.
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Liking it myself so far, the story isn't so bad and the acting is alright. Its a bit of a slow burn to start but its alright, decent pacing between story beats and gameplay. I think it looks nice as well, playing on Series X in Quality Mode. I haven't played DL1 in a few years so maybe its because I'm easy to please, but I'm enjoying it. The only bug I've encountered was in a tunnel during the tutorial where the whole world would flicker into a different bright hue, with strong darks. Had to reload a quick save and has yet to happen again(knock on wood).

Looking forward to playing more, just too tired after a long day.


I really enjoyed Dying Light 1 when it came out. Recently I've been trying to play The Following and I just can't stand it. Was trying to convince myself I needed DL2 but fuck I'm just not feelin this shit.

Agreed with you on this. DL1 was one of my favourite games last gen but The Following was just kinda boring. For me the joy of DL was exploring and navigating the city. Setting the Following in that large open farm land area was the opposite of what made the original fun for me.
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Before I left for work this morning my steam counter said I was already at 9 hours. My story mission was finally going to the Bazaar for the first time. Yea I'm not gonna beat this in 20 hours and anyone who does is insane and I wouldn't trust their opinion.
Yooo I was at 7 hours myself before work this morning and all I did was up to the point where you cut loose to explore….im super impressed with the interiors of the buildings…it’s so much here
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