Necromanti said:This might not be the right thread for this, but...would this be a good entry in the series for someone who has little to no experience with it? I recently got Samurai Warriors: Chronicles for the 3DS, and have been enjoying it quite a bit.
What are the definitive Dynasty Warriors titles that I should get my hands on?
SailorDaravon said:Does anyone know if any of the DLC so far that's out in Japan has added any trophies or not? I just 1000'd the game last night, this may or may not influence my decision to keep the game as I'm pretty burnt out on it at this point.
AdawgDaFAB said:No added trophies / achievements yet. Most likely won't be unless they make XL or Empires DLC.
SiegfriedFM said:DW7 was supposed to be released in Sweden today but apparently it slipped... again. Is it out in the civilized part of the world?
I'm waiting for someone to do Conquest coop with but if I keep this up I will have finished it myself. I did the Three Kingdoms marathon and won Red Hare at the end, which is awesome.
Die Squirrel Die said:Realistically I wonder what the chances of that happening are? Koei have been pretty good with post-release support for their games this gen, but it's generally been smaller stuff, they've yet to go all out with an expansion sized DLC.
Die Squirrel Die said:So this may be a silly question but are the DLC costumes from previous games remade, or are they straight model dumps? Also do the newer characters get costumes to balance it out?
Awesome, can't wait.Shadow780 said:They said DLCs are coming at the end of this month for NA/EU, my wallet is ready.
Awesome.AdawgDaFAB said:Yesh! Koei Japan announced a Great Ax and Sai DLC weapons for May ^___^.
Marvie_3 said:Is the DLC coming out this week?
That's what they should do. I want some DLC.AdawgDaFAB said:Maybe not due to the PSN outage, unless Koei releases the 360 stuff first and then the PS3 stuff when that comes back online.
Uh.........AdawgDaFAB said:New original outfit DLC (paid) was announced for Japan. Preview:
That's awesome.AdawgDaFAB said:New original outfit DLC (paid) was announced for Japan. Preview:
Hahah oh man. Totally getting this. Makes up for missing the Lawson outfits.AdawgDaFAB said:New original outfit DLC (paid) was announced for Japan. Preview:
Shadow780 said:How much are these together in $?
malfcn said:Free+240+160+80+80..running the numbers = $7.00
Prophane33 said:It is pretty bad of Koei to not only charge for stuff that was completely free in Japan, plus we were lead to believe was free in the states, but they also combined the previously free music and the pay to play stages. So now I have to pay for a stage I don't want, to get music I DO want. This move seriously has me questioning any future Koei purchases, and the fact that I own somewhere between 85-90% of the games they've released in the states since the SNES should at least show you how big of a deal this is.
Each item is like $1-$2. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. This is the same Koei that saves complete characters for their Xtreme Legends expansions.Prophane33 said:It is pretty bad of Koei to not only charge for stuff that was completely free in Japan, plus we were lead to believe was free in the states, but they also combined the previously free music and the pay to play stages. So now I have to pay for a stage I don't want, to get music I DO want. This move seriously has me questioning any future Koei purchases, and the fact that I own somewhere between 85-90% of the games they've released in the states since the SNES should at least show you how big of a deal this is.
Yeah, it's a pretty shitty deal.Prophane33 said:It is pretty bad of Koei to not only charge for stuff that was completely free in Japan, plus we were lead to believe was free in the states, but they also combined the previously free music and the pay to play stages. So now I have to pay for a stage I don't want, to get music I DO want.