I posted this in the other warriors thread but, am I the only one here who really dislikes the new VO for Zhang Liao?
Nope, physical. I'm just looking at Lu Bu forever.Digital? A lock with game icon?
Sounds like a licences issue.
Yeah doesn't really suit him, but then again we had the same VA for several titles that it makes it plain weird.I posted this in the other warriors thread but, am I the only one here who really dislikes the new VO for Zhang Liao?
wait, they released the vita version w/o the patch? or is it a second patch people are talking about? for info:
v1.02 is released on January 17th
v1.03 is released on February 25th
The v1.03 is supposed to be the latest update of DW8XL CE Vita which eliminates all lags and framerate problem in the game..
I Confirmed it from the feature of the game itself from the JP ver. changelog.
1.02 changelog:
The NA ver. include all feature from v1.02 (Custom playback and a save feature on the menu screen of the free mode)
1.03 changelog:
There is NO filter feature on the weapon selection screen and weapon store of the NA ver..
on 1.03 jp ver, you can filter the weapon using the L button.. (L1 on PS3).
Just look at the 1.03 changelog above if you want to see the filter feature screenshot.
New DLC Weapon announced for Japan. I hope the gap to get the Stone Pillar and these aren't too long.
I posted this in the other warriors thread but, am I the only one here who really dislikes the new VO for Zhang Liao?
Lianshi getting a possibly fast/mobile weapon intrigues me.
It's going to be interesting to see where all these DLC (there's already 8 of them now announced) will actually go
The Flame Blade and Twin Fans going to Quan and Xiao seem almost like a given.
They are better fits and it would remove 2 of the 6 weapons generics use from being EX weapons.
Speaking of which, I sooooo want Ping to get his DW5 Zanbatô back. ;__;
I hope the Pillar goes back to Meng Hou.
The gloves moveset just don't feel right for him. I like the grabs and whatnot, but they'd feel better on a new character. Meng Hou's old gloves moveset fit him much better with the wilder attacks (C1 Animal Run, Crossbody Blocks, Cannonball Splashes, etc...). If the Pillar doesn't go to him, I can easily see them adding a new clan member to put it on.
I could see them giving Suo the Sabatons.
They fit him well since his Ex and Musous are more focused on kicks anyways (unless they changed them / I forgot something).
Lian Shi with the Mandarin Duck Hooks works well considering her relationship with SSX.
However, I could also see them leaving the crossbow on her and putting them on someone new.
Same goes for the Bladed Crossbow and Yueying.
She already has her classic Scythe and it doesn't need to be replaced.
I hope we get brand new characters for the Rotating Crossbow and Eimei Piercers.
Hmmm Ambition mode's framerate is more tolerable for the current version of DW8 on Vita.
Will the DLCs bought from the PS3 version be downloadable via the next patch or waiting for something to be enabled?
>__< I have a similar feeling lol, they had better release all the weapons first.Not patch but supposedly whenever the DLC gets released (again) for the PS4/PSV versions, they should be free for those that already bought them the first time on the PS3 version.
I for some reason expect something to go wrong regarding this though, lol.
It's more annoying, in that sometimes the lag throws of the timing of my button presses so I use the wrong move, it's more a free mode/story mode problem. Not as bad in ambition mode, but hopefully the patch that gets rid of the lag comes out soon. Would like to play the new stories.I only have access to a Vita, and was looking forward to this. But all the tales of poor FPS are putting me off, is it really that bad? Unplayable or just annoying?
Out of interest which stages have noticably bad frame rates in story mode on the Vita version? I'm playing the game on the Vita at the moment and haven't encountered any real instances when I'd say the frame rate was bad enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game. Its a pretty fun port so far, being able to take it to work with me to play a mission here and there is cool. Can't wait to get my hands on my import copies of Samurai Warriors 4 and Shin Gundam Musou now...
I miss the old SunshangXiang and Xiahou Dun hairstyles.
Edit: I cannot believe they didn't include the arrow-eye-eat-ambition-scene with Xiahou Dun in DW8.
Out of interest which stages have noticably bad frame rates in story mode on the Vita version? I'm playing the game on the Vita at the moment and haven't encountered any real instances when I'd say the frame rate was bad enough to ruin my enjoyment of the game. Its a pretty fun port so far, being able to take it to work with me to play a mission here and there is cool. Can't wait to get my hands on my import copies of Samurai Warriors 4 and Shin Gundam Musou now...
Battle of Chibi will probably the absolute worst one. And not even when it's on fire.
Vita means life. Vita also hates fire.
Anything with fire drops the FPS down to the 10s.
Any levels with burning buildings will tank your fps. Louyang, the banquet, etc. Chi Bi is pretty bad too. Also anytime Taishi Ci appears on screen during a fire it slows a little. If you have more than 5 significant officers on screen, it tanks. If you have more than 5 significant officers on screen and are in a burning building and there are peons all around you, the game can actually go as low as 3 fps. Not even joking. It's only happened once, but it was absolutely terrible. This was on Chi Bi.
So I asked the local video game place to boot this up so that I could give it a try. Damn, this series got a lot more complicated since I last played it on PS2. Musou moves out the asshole, and "real time...weapon change!" (lol).
So I guess you can't shoot arrows anymore, huh?
This game an improvement? Think last one I played was 7, but didn't play it more than a few hours.
Nope, physical. I'm just looking at Lu Bu forever.
It really boils down to TK having no idea how to optimize in HD.
If you'll notice, their graphics have barely improved since the PS2 beyond plants and FOV. Seriously, go look at Sub HD Warriors Orochi 2 on PSP and compare it Dynasty Warriors 8 on PS3. The PS3 one looks a little better.
Another good example is DW 6 PS2 vs PS3. They look the same almost.
How do you combine weapons for skills? Or should I just sell all my level 1 and 2 weapons
Don't remember the names of them, but there are three options in the blacksmith. (you might need to raise the blacksmith's level in Ambition mode up first)
The first one is useless and no one cares about it.
The second one is like WO3's where you choose one weapon as its base and another to add its skill on it expect what skills get added is random and you can't delete skills off the base. It uses weapon materials.
The third and superior one is the same idea expect you can choose what you add from the second weapon onto its base and it uses the gems you find in free and ambition mode. I don't know if you can delete skills off the base weapon but I imagine you can.
I think just keep whatever level 1 and 2 weapons that have skills you want to keep as fusion fodder.
What are the best attributes?
Well, now that you know how to build your weapon of choice, you might be wondering what attributes you should put on your weapon.
For a Chaos run, I recommend choosing 6 attributes from the following:
Cyclone, Slash, Thunder, Induction, Explosive, Flash, Flurry, Velocity, Thorns, Jubilation
Personally, my default setup is [Cyclone, Slash, Induction, Explosive, Thorns, Jubilation]. However, I may make changes depending on the weapon's moveset. For example, I'll use Velocity on weapons with really slow attacks (Great Sword, Crossbow, Spinner, Club, etc.) and remove Thorns. Velocity is also great for weapons where the best attack comes late (C5 or C6) because it provides quicker access and less chances of interruption. If I'm using a Dive-type weapon, then I can replace Thorns with something else.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide what you want. The "right" attributes are usually based on your playstyle, which differs from person to person. For an "optimized" playstyle, the correct set of attributes is dependent on the weapon's moveset. It's always better to get feedback from an entire community when it comes to this topic, so ask away on the forums.
How many levels in the blacksmith do I need for tempering?
Speaking of DLC weapons, gameplay of the (Japan only for now) Stone Pillar weapon DLC.
It looks awesome and a lot better than the gloves for Meng Huo.
I hope Koei hurries up and starts releasing DLC already.
I only have access to a Vita, and was looking forward to this. But all the tales of poor FPS are putting me off, is it really that bad? Unplayable or just annoying?
Looks like we may never get audio on ps4 direct streams for Koei's Musou games, because of VA rights issues.
Looks like we may never get audio on ps4 direct streams for Koei's Musou games, because of VA rights issues.
Looks like we may never get audio on ps4 direct streams for Koei's Musou games, because of VA rights issues.
My quest to defeat Lu Bu....
My quest to defeat Lu Bu....
That doesn't sound like a legit reason with all other PS4 games not having that problem. Is it because this is a port and didn't bother getting permission for the old VA's?
When you choose the factions in story mode there's a "tutorial faction".um where's the tutorial
I did a mission as CAO CAO and now I am being one of his cousins.