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Dynasty Warriors 8 + XL (PS3) / CE (PSV/PS4) |OT| Don't Pursue Lu Bu (In Next Gen)

Logged into the PS4 yesterday to see all this DLC, the descriptions are weird but I am assuming each stage "pack" is one stage from the pack?

They really need like a season pass or something if you want all of it.

Each stage pack gives you 3 new stages in free mode.

They generally come with something extra like a new animal or a new stage for ambition mode but at the same time aren't completely necessarily either.

It's mostly for call backs to previous games stages or more what-if stuff.

I'm also kind of disappointed that there's no way to buy or unlock the special alternate outfits for the 7 newcomers from 7 Xtreme Legends.

It wouldn't surprise me if those come as DLC costumes someday.

I mean Koei has already released the DW7's fantasy, school and the other newcomers outfits sets as DLC.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Each stage pack gives you 3 new stages in free mode.

They generally come with something extra like a new animal or a new stage for ambition mode but at the same time aren't completely necessarily either.

It's mostly for call backs to previous games stages or more what-if stuff.

Are they new maps, or just new scenarios?
Are they new maps, or just new scenarios?

/late but I know the first few DLC maps that was released for DW8 were new maps.

Unsure about the latter ones since I never got around to playing them >_>

Also, looks like this week's DLC is all the 5th starred and joke weapons for all the non-DLC and DW8XL weapons! Woot! I can maybe start this on my Vita again.


He touched the black heart of a mod
/late but I know the first few DLC maps that was released for DW8 were new maps.

Unsure about the latter ones since I never got around to playing them >_>

Also, looks like this week's DLC is all the 5th starred and joke weapons for all the non-DLC and DW8XL weapons! Woot! I can maybe start this on my Vita again.


Cool that they broke their bi-weekly DLC release scheduling. Still waiting on those new weapons.

The joke weapons are fun and all, but much like the themed outfits, I'd never use them for a Dynasty Warriors game. I just don't see the point of dressing everyone up in school uniforms if they're just going to be battling it out in ancient china. I'd prefer more alternate costumes, like the "fantasy" costumes for the DW7 characters here.

The DW8 characters are also lacking big time in costumes.

Velcro Fly

Almost done with the Shu story mode. I play this in spurts where I'll play for 3 hours and then won't play again for a few days. I did a few stages on a flight last Saturday and it was awesome.

I love being able to use different weapons with different officers too!
Here's some news I think people were waiting for

Sorry for the delay. Our team has fixed the problems on the Japanese Voice DLC for DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition and DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends. It's now been patched to the PC version.

For PS4, PS3 and PS Vita versions, they're scheduled to come on July 29(US) / 30(EU). As we have submitted the content, we're still waiting Sony PlayStation for the final approval.

This is the update to let you know it's coming and it's free of charge.

Nice to see they didn't forget about it barring any future delays of course.


Here's some news I think people were waiting for

Nice to see they didn't forget about it barring any future delays of course.

Good to know its coming, obviously the XL added an extra month so thats why its four months after launch as opposed to three months like the original ;)

I wonder will we get the DOF patch at the same time? It also wouldnt hurt if they accelerated the pace at which theyre releasing the DLC, always annoying when a company makes it difficult for yout to give them money
No idea about the patch or whatever. Koei has been pretty mum about it.

In huh, these DLC are already out, this week we are getting:
- DW7 Newcomers Fantasy Outfits
- DW7 School/Job Outfits

Yes, Koei is making you rebuy them, blah blah blah
No idea about the patch or whatever. Koei has been pretty mum about it.

In huh, these DLC are already out, this week we are getting:
- DW7 Newcomers Fantasy Outfits
- DW7 School/Job Outfits

Yes, Koei is making you rebuy them, blah blah blah

damn it Koei...and I will probably get them when DW8E comes out.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Dang it. Well I got the 7 newcomers fantasy outfits. I wish they would release the 7XL outfits too, and make something similar for the 8/XL newcomers.
goddamnit, i was waiting for the PS4 version to drop to 30$ or so, but now SCEE are teasing me with the Vita version being cheap :D

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (PS3) – Was £29.99/€39.99/$49.95, now £15.99/€19.99/$24.95
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (PS Vita) – Was £34.99/€39.99/$54.95, now £14.99/€19.99/$24.95
im not going to hold my breath on a daily since

a) japanese title
b) niche
c) didnt exactly burn the charts when release
d) bad word of mouth at first due to technical issues
I'm legit shocked at this being a daily. Time to double dip!

Is there any mod tools available? I'd like to use unlimited ambition mode materials and gold to get my save as close as possible back to my ps4 save (100%ed Ambition and Challenge mode but was waiting for JPN voices to plah any stories).


Just bought this on vita.

Is there a tutorial anywhere? Is it in lu bu story maybe?

The Tutorials are in non-Lu Bu Story mode. Hit up any of the other families (Wu, Shu, Wei, or Jin). The tutorials are all the same, just with different characters.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Tutorial is listed as it's own "kingdom" in story mode.

Now, a little list-style rant.

I'm really happy that they've finally got unique weapons for every character in the game, but man do a lot of the weapons need tweaking. The flail was kind of lame in the last game, but they gave it new moves for Gan Ning, and it made a big difference. They ought to do the same for some other characters.

  • The number one offender is Lian Shi's Crossbow. It's slow, boring, and overall a horrible weapon. It might be effective, but that hardly matters when it's absolutely no fun to use. At the very least they out to make her somewhat mobile as she uses it, and change some of the charge attacks so that they aren't so similar. A speed boost wouldn't go amiss either.
  • Diao Chan's Chain Whip seems too slow, since it also lacks power and (surprisingly) range. Moves like her extended C3 are wastes of time because of it. The weapon ought to have a faster base speed and her EX speed boost should last longer as well (or there should be a skill/weapon attribute that extends the effects of EX boosts).
  • Lu Bu's Halberd is all right for the most part, but it doesn't need two grapples (LB's EX1 and the C5), and the C2 is too slow. I feel like Whirlwind is wasted on the weapon as well, given it's range. I'm a big fan of Shadow Sprint, and I think it would be great in letting Lu Bu dole out near endless combo strings.
  • Zhuge Dan's Rod is an interesting weapon, but very inefficient. It seems designed for one-on-one combat (most of the charge attacks are grapples) but the charge attacks are way too slow and flashy for the damage they exhibit. There are many other weapons that can both attack at a range or focus on a single officer better than the rod (Gloves, for example). If the animations are going to be so slow, then they need to have a bigger effect on crowds than they currently do. Also, Shadow Sprint is completely wasted on this moveset. It's slow, has little range or damage, and can only be initiated long after a charge attack completes.
  • Zhang Chunhua's Wired Gloves are tricky. They're a neat idea, but I can't help feeling disappointed with them, especially when trying to use them without her EX attacks. The freezing enemies idea is neat, but seems like it's more for style than usefulness, since they unfreeze before you can perform another attack, unless you dash cancel. Problem is, the aerial attacks aren't so good, one is very basic, and the other takes too long to pull off. I think Shadow Sprint would be more suitable for the weapon.
  • Lu Meng's Pike is simple and effective, I just think it's really boring and a little slow. I think he deserves a new weapon. At the very least, they should change his EX 1 (the grapple), because it still stinks. The new EX is amazing though.
  • Li Dian's Wheeled Halberd simply needs to have a faster 4th regular attack, the one he has now (he holds out the halberd and lets it spin for a little bit) ruins the flow of his basic attack string.
  • Pang Tong's Shadow Fan needs a better C6. The one he has now is too weak, and often has trouble hitting it's target. He could also use a better EX2, or at least one that does damage when he uses it, because right now, the fire boost doesn't do enough additional damage or last long enough to warrant the fact that activating the boost itself doesn't damage anyone surrounding (unlike the godly heavenly Zhang Jiao). His C4 seems a little weak too.
  • Wang Yi's Trishula has an auto-block feature that can really ruin the pace of combos when you're being attacked by arrows. I don't know if I like it in it's current form
  • Liu Bei's Twin Swords could use a different C5. The grapple he's got now is fun to watch, but not effective enough to use often.
  • Cao Pi's Dual Blade C1 gimmick needs to make sense or not suck or something. There's little to no reason not to charge the orb completely, except that it takes so long. It just seems weird. I haven't used the weapon in a while, but it also seemed just kind of weak or boring overall, not sure why. Also, Dive needs to be tweaked, otherwise it's a complete waste for all who have it.
  • Yuan Shao's Extension Blade is alright for the most part, but the C1 needs to break guards, and for the love of god, he needs a better EX2. I don't know what the joke is with his current one, but it's terrible terrible terrible. I feel like they could do more with the extension aspect as a gimmick, as well. Also, can we please have PS2 era Yuan Shao back, please? I used to love this guy. His conflict with his old friend Cao Cao used to have drama. Now he's a cartoon character.
  • Xiao Qiao's Iron Fan is a joke, but then again, so is she. Can she please stop being 5 years old? I liked her in Red Cliff.
  • Jiang Wei's Double-edge Trident is good for the most part, but his aerial basic attack combo is weird (the second of three attacks knocks all of your enemies away, then the third strikes down enemies that are nearby, of which there are none, because you just knocked them away), and Shadow Sprint is wasted on him if half of his charge attacks leave him in mid-air.
  • Guan Xing's Wingblades are really really terrible. Most of their attacks (I'm looking at you, C1, C2, C3) are really weak, and the others (C4 & C6) scatter enemies away from you. His C5 is all right when it actually works the way it's supposed to, but as is, this weapon is a mess. It's only redeeming value is that you can do your switch attack in mid-air and dash cancel out of it and other moves. Right now, to do anything remarkable with the weapon requires a lot of skill and effort with less payoff than almost any other weapon available).
  • Ling Tong's Guan Suo's Nunchaku charge attacks have way too much going on in each one. There doesn't seem to be any sort of rhyme and reason like there is with the other weapons (C1
    breaks guards, C2 lifts a few enemies into the air, C3 can often be extended and ends in a stun, C4 knocks enemies back, C5 lifts several enemies into the air, and C6 is special, but usually powerful). It's just whacky moves left and right. Also, can Guan Suo be completely different in the next game? I really don't like him, and he's not even popular with the Japanese audience (rated less popular than Dong Zhuo as of DW8).
  • Zhang Bao's Flail Sword either needs to have a point to the sword being un-extended (like a notable increase in damage, or different charge attacks or something) or remain extended at all times (as of now having the blade extended causes it to have greater range with no downsides). If they do decide to make the shortened blade have a point besides being unarguably worse, then his C1 should toggle between the two.
  • Zhu Ran's Flame Bow is a really cool idea, but needs some major tweaking. It's really hard to control, enemies block the charge attacks too often, and his horse charge is ungodly for some reason. It needs work. Also can Zhu Ran not be Lu Xun 2.0 with more fire, please?


Lastly, Whirlwhind is really boring and shouldn't have so many weapons attatched to it as their compatability. Dive is a complete waste as is. I think it should have a counter-attack component to it, thought that was inspired by Fa Zheng's/Woven Cloth's secret C1 counter attack. Dash is great, though sometimes misplaced and less useful than it should be. Shadow Sprint is amazing, though again, sometimes misplaced (Gan Ning's is mostly pointless, as is Zhuge Dan's, as is Jiang Wei's), and also very underused overall.

That's all I've got for now, but with 80+ weapons (and the DLC ones I've not had the chance to use yet), I'm sure I'm forgetting something or other. Probably a lot in the Musou attack department.

Anyone else have anything to add?
^ I know some of those weapons were retooled/balanced from DW7. The crossbow was a major one, Lian Shi was super powerful with it in DW7 when they introduced her. But yeah a lot of the weapons mentioned were nerfed to hard imo and made them boring or annoying to play.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Lian Shi's Crossbow was still a bad weapon in 7, even if it was powerful. The way it's designed to be used is extraordinarily boring, and atypical of a Warriors game.


Lian Shi was absolutely godly in Orochi 3, though.
This. I was absolutely baffled out why they made her so dull and bad in Dynasty 8. All she has going for her now are her EX attacks that cover 360 degrees or dive her out of the crowds she will inevitably be buried by.

I honestly think she could work if she had Zhu Ran's dash tools.
I guess to comment on the weapons remark:

- Crossbow: I'm rather fine with how it is. Yes, it's not flashy and a bit slow at times but it works well as a long range weapon. I can basically snipe stuff with its C4 and murder things works all fine with me. She does get a speed boost after weapon switching it in and I believe a fire element activation after using a latter charge attack or something.

- Chain Whip: I think its fast enough once you put Velocity on it. And her C2-EX works well enough for me in terms of range. Sure, her C3 sucks but not everyone has all useful charges.

- Halberd: Eh, with its buff of going into it with weapon switch which lets it murder pretty much everything, I don't see any complaints with it.

- Short Rod: I do agree the moveset leaves something to be desired with but it is lucky it has shadow step and an easy move to chain it with (C1). It could be better of course.

- Dual Blade: I think the C1 gimmick works well enough since you can chain almost all of the other charges into his EX.

- Iron Fan: Just wait for her to get her Double Fans back someday. But I found her C4, C5 and switch attack are good enough.

- Double-Edge Trident: I found for any of his charges that leaves him into the air to air charge back to the ground and shadow step from there works for him.

- Nunchaku: Just wait for Guan Suo to get the Sabaton.

- Flame Bow: It isn't bad, just gotta remember to not move Zhu Ran in the normal attack chain. And please, of course Zhu Ran will be Lu Xun with more fire.

And yes, I think the Shadow Fan and Wingblades are terrible weapons too. Though besides that, I do find most of the weapons have pretty good parts for them.

At least people are updated movesets and stuff compared to the Samurai Warrior characters, hehe
I purchased this on steam during the sale as I never really gave the franchise a chance. I started off in one of the story missions and ended up playing a woman with crazy wire claws; it ended up being pretty fun massacring dudes with my garrote fingers and I even had a close call against some fire breathing machines of war because I had no idea what I was doing.

I'm wondering what's the best way to play the game though? Should I play through story, freeplay or ambition if I don't care all that much about the story?


I purchased this on steam during the sale as I never really gave the franchise a chance. I started off in one of the story missions and ended up playing a woman with crazy wire claws; it ended up being pretty fun massacring dudes with my garrote fingers and I even had a close call against some fire breathing machines of war because I had no idea what I was doing.

I'm wondering what's the best way to play the game though? Should I play through story, freeplay or ambition if I don't care all that much about the story?

If you don't care about the story you should go Ambition mode, you really should play the Story mode though.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I guess to comment on the weapons remark:

One thing I should mention is that I'm not complaining solely about effectiveness. I'm complaining about weapons that I feel have loose ends that ought to be tied up. A weapon can be a good weapon overall, but if it has a charge attack that's useless, I see that as an issue that should be corrected. A weapon can do insane amounts of damage, but if it has something that holds the weapon back somehow, in flow or usability, I see that as an issue. Ideally, no moves would be wasted, and no weapon would have to be stat-altered to be useful (ie, Diao Chan's whip. I'd love to use her 6th weapon, but it doesn't have Velocity, and PS4 users don't have the patch to let you customize those stats yet. Probably still a month out...)


I purchased this on steam during the sale as I never really gave the franchise a chance. I started off in one of the story missions and ended up playing a woman with crazy wire claws; it ended up being pretty fun massacring dudes with my garrote fingers and I even had a close call against some fire breathing machines of war because I had no idea what I was doing.

I'm wondering what's the best way to play the game though? Should I play through story, freeplay or ambition if I don't care all that much about the story?

Even if you don't care much about the story I think you should start with story mode to get introduced to the gameplay and see various characters in action. Ambition can come later after you're more familiarized with the gameplay.
One thing I should mention is that I'm not complaining solely about effectiveness. I'm complaining about weapons that I feel have loose ends that ought to be tied up. A weapon can be a good weapon overall, but if it has a charge attack that's useless, I see that as an issue that should be corrected. A weapon can do insane amounts of damage, but if it has something that holds the weapon back somehow, in flow or usability, I see that as an issue. Ideally, no moves would be wasted, and no weapon would have to be stat-altered to be useful (ie, Diao Chan's whip. I'd love to use her 6th weapon, but it doesn't have Velocity, and PS4 users don't have the patch to let you customize those stats yet. Probably still a month out...)

The thing is most if not all weapons have a part of their moveset, a charge attack, part of their normal string, an EX or a musou attack, that isn't very effective. I mean it is good balance so a character might have their good moves as late charge attacks or their air game isn't as good.

And really, it's good that Koei has been balancing them to some extent in the first place for Dynasty Warriors. Better than some of the Samurai characters having the same moveset since SW1 or some of the Orochi characters being copy+pasted over from Orochi game to Orochi game. :p


He touched the black heart of a mod
The thing is most if not all weapons have a part of their moveset, a charge attack, part of their normal string, an EX or a musou attack, that isn't very effective. I mean it is good balance so a character might have their good moves as late charge attacks or their air game isn't as good.

And really, it's good that Koei has been balancing them to some extent in the first place for Dynasty Warriors. Better than some of the Samurai characters having the same moveset since SW1 or some of the Orochi characters being copy+pasted over from Orochi game to Orochi game. :p

I don't know, I think that they can achieve an effective balance without making moves needlessly bad. If there's a charge attack that is so ineffective or pointless that you would never want to use it, I'd call it a waste of space.
i think the whole switching weapon mechanic for boosts is a detriment to the flow of battle since unless you find two weapon combinations you like or have two of the same, the interruption during combos to get the buffs is annoying.

maybe going back to the "musou bar must be full for extra stuff to activate" method would be a better option

Just My opinion.


i think the whole switching weapon mechanic for boosts is a detriment to the flow of battle since unless you find two weapon combinations you like or have two of the same, the interruption during combos to get the buffs is annoying.

maybe going back to the "musou bar must be full for extra stuff to activate" method would be a better option

Just My opinion.

Considering that your Musou is basically the "money shot" as well as generally being quite powerful it feels counterintuitive that you shouldnt be using it in order to get buffs

Edit: Anyone had much look tarting up the PC version with Gedosato/Nvidia inspector/sweetfx etc. ?
Considering that your Musou is basically the "money shot" as well as generally being quite powerful it feels counterintuitive that you shouldnt be using it in order to get buffs

Edit: Anyone had much look tarting up the PC version with Gedosato/Nvidia inspector/sweetfx etc. ?
I've messed around a little bit with SweetFX. Improves the look of the game immensely.


What is the best/fastest way to level up on free mode?

Well in the original Dynasty Warriors 8 there was a glitch on the last hypothetical Wei stage where the juggernauts would keep respawning endlessly in the same corner so you could just spam your attacks and level up; took me like 5 - 10 minutes to get to max level.
Link here
I'm really not sure if it's been patched in the XL/CE versions though.
Not so the US is left out (besides the PS4 version), DW8XL/CE is going on sale tomorrow:

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (PS3) $19.59(PS+) $27.99
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (PS Vita) $19.59 (PS+) $27.99


He touched the black heart of a mod
What is the best/fastest way to level up on free mode?

Having three bodyguards with Assistance: Growth as their attribute and Quick Learner as an equipped Skill (obviously maxed is better) works fairly well for me. When your bodyguards are nearby, regular units begin dropping a lot of +50 xp boosts, the effects of which are then multiplied by Quick Learner.


Picked up the PC version when it was on the daily. Only gave it a quick go but it looks great. Also I didn't really put much time into the Vita version so generals changing their weapons freaked me out lol also the horses seem to swerve more when turning.

Now I wait for them to dump all the DLC on steam which is the honestly the main draw for me if they ever do it. DW has cool DLC but its so fragmented that buying it on PSN is like pulling teeth.
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