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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
LCfiner said:
natal is better than this. it can track not just wand points but your entire body, your face and it includes the vocal recognition tech. and the accuracy is still very good. oh, and it can do head tracking to work with controller games
It cannot track however anything pointed at the screen accurately, which is a pretty big deal. Unless it maybe can track your outstretched hand with a finger pointing, which would't be very tolerable in any case.


Revolutionary said:
What companies?


I like it because it's REAL. The PS Eye's exist and are proven technology, I have one at home.
All I'm missing are the wands.

Natal is a pipedream.

the tech behind natal and the body movement recognition has been proven to work in the past and the press have already tried it out and it IS as accurate as shown in the videos.

you get the same accuracy as the wand, but for your head, arms, elbows, knees, feet, etc.

it's better. period.

maybe if Sony had spent more time putting together a less embarrassing demo, we wouldn't all be shaking our heads at this thing.

Boss Man

What I've liked so far:

FFXIV is huge for me. I'd like a new MMO, and from what I saw it looks like everything I want after playing FFXI for years. I actually hope it doesn't stay exclusive for long though, the more the merrier.

Agent, no idea. It's exciting because it's from Rockstar North, but I can't necessarily get hyped about it anymore than I can about Metal Gear Solid: Rising.

The motion control looks really good. I don't get the hate on this at all. He was poking that skeleton in the ankle with his sword.

MGS on PSP is the next true sequel to MGS, and it looks great. PSP on a whole is looking nice, looks like I have a reason to upgrade to Go now instead of just enjoying homebrew on my PSP-1000.

Uncharted 2 never ceases to amaze me visually, obviously it's going to be great. I'm surprised with the changes they've made, adding multiplayer and stuff.

AC2 looks really, really good. It looks like Ubisoft listened to everyone who said AC was disappointing but could be great, and are ready to deliver.

What I hope to see:

God of War 3 is something that I will buy, but I've yet to be awed. Hopefully they change that for me today.

I'm ready for "Secret PS3 Game" or some other huge exclusive that we haven't heard about. I wish they would have showed Agent.

PS3 Slim, and/or a price cut is necessary to get more PS3's out.

Some games using that awesome motion control would be nice to see. The technology was pretty amazing, but the demo was simple and didn't really show what we all know can happen.

e. The Last Guardian. Here is my huge exclusive. :x


Trico/The Last Gaurdian!!!!!!



The Everyman
gamerecks said:
Does the Wii remote do depth with Wii Motion Plus?

they really should of demo'd the motionplus in a way similar to how sony had done. no one is ever gunna steal the wii thunders at this point but as far as fun games. ps3 games with that controller look immaculate to me.

the fps room sold me.

they just need to get a nunchuck on that thing.
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