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E3 2014 | Gametrailers and SpikeTV All Acess Live discussion thread



This guy knows how to write punchline.


Hardline beta is 2 weeks and the instant PSN version is now closed.

Ridiculous. I saw it on PSN but every time I click the banner I received a "server down for maintance" error.

When I tried to enter my log-in information on the website it said that they could not connect to the EA servers, try again later.

Fuck off EA


Ridiculous. I saw it on PSN but every time I click the banner I received a "server down for maintance" error.

When I tried to enter my log-in information on the website it said that they could not connect to the EA servers, try again later.

Fuck off EA

the 0% on PSN was a bug, they're still up apparently.

I had to spam the store on PSN until it let me in, then run over to BF4 until that kicked me off and repeat until i got in.

I'd wager they only have Beast Souls and that got leaked :(

I'm thinking so. I reckon it'll be VERY similar to the MS conference.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What was the point of that interview? They talked about something unrelated to Dragon Age then showed footage we've already seen.

Lord Phol

Dragon Age does look good. As much as I hate Dragon Age 2 (though loving Origins) I'm getting quite excited about this!


Not sure what to think about Ubi. LAAANNNAAAAA should make it interesting as always and they usually have something up their sleeve, but I dislike most of their franchises and Crew and Division look dull to me. Hopefully they do have a megaton.


Edit: For the love of God please do not put Amanda again. I am not even going to expand why is that because it is embarrassing.

OK Geoff lover.

Let me break it down for you what is the real problem with Geoff,

He will never apologize for being such a corporate shill and that image will never leave him because any decent human being would have done what is right. He even calls himself a journalist when he is clearly an entertainment host. Any talk shows like featuring Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey would be ideal to him because he is that type of person. Now if you do not see the compatibility that is not my issue but the bottom line is that he is more fake than silicone boobs.

Now after watching the Gametrailers team panel, I hope from the bottom of my heart that the "Bossman" will someday be totally independent. He is a gem in the industry that is better off doing his own thing as he sees fit without being dependent on others. He has the chance to become as iconic as Jon Tron with his own touch on things. Jack was simply on the money. Very pleasant and pleasing to watch on the camera. He is natural when he talks, his pacing is great and his commentary on things, his takedown is down-to-earth and spot on. I wish he was the showman instead of this disgusting Geoff master of diplomacy.

EA's CEO is repulsive. The first few moment my eyes laid on him I wanted to switch them off or take his eyes out. And his dressing code was like a moment of clarity where everything about hating EA made sense because his persona and his vibe on stage could not have been more dick-alike. He stood there like the typical, amoral, overaggressive capitalist that when he sees you he does not see you but how much money he can moneycrab from you and call it a day. EA at its finest.

Mass Effect's showcase brought me to tears. Not actual tears but the presentation was as beautiful and as emotional as the indie game Ori and the Blind Forest, The Witcher 3 and Mirror's Edge. The Division and Battlefield Hardline made me as hard as it gets. Specifically BH made me realize how important is for co-op game not to force you into cooperative play but let you have the freedom to be creative rather than knowing already what your limits are. However the visuals definitely need more enhancement

As impressive as Dragon Age: Inquisition looked that impression was floated down with games such as Temple of Isiris, Fable Legends and Assassins Creed Unity but probably Dawngate made me want to walk away from the room. Borefest on those as well as other titles reached critically acclaimed levels.

The rock bottom of things and taking into account Xbox presentation and EA's one, is that the gaming industry is still miles away from mastering how to present something as it should, lacking basic techniques. In fact the presentation for Alien: Isolation was amateurish at best and his way of conducting information was killing my hype every second he was opening his mouth. Phil boy needs to understand that he should have had more presence on the stage and stay more, talk more. No one is more important than him and not because of his position but because of his attitude. He has to understand that for gamers to change their perception of Xbox he must be the symbol of that change. That will bring loyalty back so he really needs to get himself more out there.

And that is that from me.

Are you for real? Amazing overreaction over Keighley.

Geoff is okay, he's definitely not a company shill, he has done some very good journalism in the past, and despite what appears I think he's very passionate about his work. The dorito pope stuff was just very bad product placement.

Now Kuchera and Gies, those are despicable shills.


Fuck, Amazon just emailed me a Destiny beta code for PS4 too. Which to play first?!

EDIT: Was a Bungie code, so it's not today. Unless it's after the Sony conference which wouldn't shock me.


Holy shit just watching the MS Press event since I missed it. Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch loves Operation Flashpoint and IL2 Sturmovik?!?!?!?!?!

I'm worried about the Sony presser after MS and EA.

MS at least had gameplay videos, but yeah.

Looks like we'll see.

I think a real Uncharted bit, if it's got the same charisma as the rest (ie. if it's focused on Drake and co. themselves) it'd be one of the more lively things we've seen so far today with how well those characters play off each other.
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