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EA brings Oddworld Stranger to XB/PS2 Spring 2005



Really suprised that EA is leaving GC out of this one as well.


edit: added pic
The games EA developers in house seem to go to all systems, but the ones that EA just publishes seem to end up being the developers choice more than anything.

Deleted member 284

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Doom_Bringer said:
I thought that the guy behind oddworld hated PS2 and joined microsoft!
Lanning didn't hate the PS2 as much as he loved MS money


seismologist said:
What a better way to distract from the fact that Xbox has lost another exclusive.

IIRC, MS dumped Oddworld Inhabitants. It's not like Lanning wanted to leave MS's security blanket.

The games EA developers in house seem to go to all systems, but the ones that EA just publishes seem to end up being the developers choice more than anything.

If EA is publishing the game, they can pay the developers to make it for GC. It's more a case of getting the best return on their dollar. I think Oddworld would do pretty well on GC and I wonder if Playstation owners will welcome it's return.

Deleted member 284

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jedimike said:
If EA is publishing the game, they can pay the developers to make it for GC. It's more a case of getting the best return on their dollar. I think Oddworld would do pretty well on GC and I wonder if Playstation owners will welcome it's return.

Its gonna flop.


jedimike said:
If EA is publishing the game, they can pay the developers to make it for GC. It's more a case of getting the best return on their dollar. I think Oddworld would do pretty well on GC and I wonder if Playstation owners will welcome it's return.

I wonder if XBox owners will welcome it's return... for that matter I wonder if ANYONE will welcome it's return...

I know the first one did about 1/2 million copies on XBox, but some major XBox franchcises have underperformed in their sequels...

Though I even doubt GCN would be that friendly, but they'd certainly be wise to at open up that user-base to this game...


Stranger isn't a sequel to anything.

In fact, it looks to be a substantial departure from the Abe/Munch games in terms of gameplay.


oh, well, either way it's part of the Oddworld franchise is what I meant, but I don't think moving it from platformer to FPS is going to change excitement much, but maybe XBox owners will take it more seriously now...


efralope said:
oh, well, either way it's part of the Oddworld franchise is what I meant, but I don't think moving it from platformer to FPS is going to change excitement much, but maybe XBox owners will take it more seriously now...

Munch's Odysee was a pretty "fun" game. Quirky with a lot of atmosphere. Something a lot of games lack anymore..

I doubt anything new will sell that great. It will get lost on the PS2, I imagine.
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