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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


Playing old games is easier than buying a new house after declaring bankruptcy.

Priorities right?

Internet polls right? Why do you care so much if Bank of America or whoever else wins? Will you sleep better at night knowing nothing will change but hey at least they won a meaningless internet poll?
I never wanted to go on a cruise to begin with, especially not now after what happened.

A chance to get stuck out at sea? Yeah, no thanks, that would drive me fucking nuts.

There's some layer of the Carnival thing that intrigues me in terms of experiencing a Lord of the Flies-kinda scenario but it's quickly dismissed by logical thought.
Yeah. I'm just going to have to hold out until Star Wars Episode VII comes out and sucks. That'll get the internet's attention. Then I'll finally be able to punish Disney for not allowing me to see Goliath, Elisa Maza, Angela, and Bronx go on their globe trotting adventure.

You really had to open up that wound didn't you? That's something I'll never get over.

Chase or Wells Fargo should win this easily. Of course, I doubt either of them will


Unconfirmed Member
There are worse companies than EA. Keep that in mind. This whole SimCity fiasco is nothing compared to what Wells Fargo did to that old man, for example.
Internet polls right? Why do you care so much if Bank of America or whoever else wins? Will you sleep better at night knowing nothing will change but hey at least they won a meaningless internet poll?

They why vote EA then?

Nothing will change due to a meaningless internet poll.
what do they mean worst though
is it worst company to the consumer or the people who work there ? or both ?

do they tell us why they're considered the worst company ?
Lol at EA even being in the discussion when there are companies like Monsanto and GlaxoSmithKline whose products actually kill people.

But of course DRM is worse than death when it comes to angry nerds.
You don't know this.

I know that their PR and marketing is consistently horrible. You're right that we don't know how accountable they truly are but given the former, the latter can be assumed. Or if they are canning people for marketing missteps, they as a company certainly aren't learning from their mistakes..


EA isn't a bigger cancer than Activision

Can't disagree more.

Activision is straight fucking forward. Want COD? Will be 60$ without some bullshit online pass. Want the DLC? You already know how much it will be and what you will get.

I wish Activision made more games because I would GLADLY support them with gaming dollars over EA any day of the fucking week.


Unconfirmed Member
Last years winner of this poll made the news for many major news organizations. Sadly it had little impact overall. The general public doesn't care...
In fact, not only did EA themselves not care either, they actually went "haters gonna hate" when they won last year:
We’re sure that [previous winners except for Philip Morris] British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren’t nominated this year. We’re going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.
(On that note, note how two of the companies mentionned by EA are oil companies.)


what do they mean worst though
is it worst company to the consumer or the people who work there ? or both ?

do they tell us why they're considered the worst company ?

It's called the Consumerist.

Before voting, they give summaries of what the offenders are there for.


They why vote EA then?

Nothing will change due to a meaningless internet poll.

Because why not? The uselessness of this poll is perfect for people to vote petty over the other companies who "do worse things". No one gets harmed and yet the message is still sent to the winner.

I'm not trying to sway or force people to vote EA so vote for whoever you want. I only ask that you let others do the same.
Can't disagree more.

Activision is straight fucking forward. Want COD? Will be 60$ without some bullshit online pass. Want the DLC? You already know how much it will be and what you will get.

I wish Activision made more games because I would GLADLY support them with gaming dollars over EA any day of the fucking week.
$2 weapon skins in Black Ops 2 sucks though. It's a very EA-ish move. Overall though I agree, EA is way worse.

Guys I don't understand this poll

Fennekin, Froakie, and Chespin are actual starters, while EatChildren is a mod. Don't people understand that? Was the person who made the poll just trying to play a sick joke?

It's just...I don't understand it at all. He doesn't fit the criteria and yet lots of people voted for him. This shit matters and somebody fucked with the poll.


If you actually think EA is the worst company out of all those companies listed there your life really only revolves around video games and nothing else.
Because why not? The uselessness of this poll is perfect for people to vote petty over the other companies who "do worse things". No one gets harmed and yet the message is still sent to the winner.

I'm not trying to sway or force people to vote EA so vote for whoever you want. I only ask that you let others do the same.

Well I'm trying to understand the cognitive dissonance between the poll means enough to send a message to EA and doesn't mean enough to send a message to a company that actually destroys consumers lives.

Its fascinating the use of quotations on "do worse things". Simple question: which is worse, Simcity or someone losing their home due to shady forclosure practices?

Lastly I'm not forcing anyone to vote on anything, discussing which company deserves the vote is what I believe is what this thread is all about.


I disagree with the idea that this poll is meaningless. I believe that there's value in publicly shaming companies that are fucking people over, especially ones that people may not have heard of like Monsanto. It may be very minor and obviously won't cause any immediate about-faces by the shamed, but the negative PR can have an effect in the long term.

A couple years ago, an internal email from one of these companies was leaked that asked all their employees to vote for the opposition. They do care, despite their public bravado. (edit: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20048006-71.html)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I am not fond of EA, but if you think they're worse than Bank of America, AT&T, or Comcast, you're crazy.
I'm pretty sure anyone who has suffered through Comcast's "service" would agree they are worse. But I think regional monopolies could be a limiting factor in this sort of thing. For instance, Charter or Time Warner cable could be fucking awful and I'd never know because I've never lived in an area where they are a large player.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Of course they're going to do that publicly. You know the message was still received though.

More like they don't give a shit if they "win" or not. It's an internet poll and internet polls can be easily manipulated and they already know a lot of people don't like them on the internet. If "winning" last year didn't change a single thing, you can bet "winning" a 2nd time won't either.


As bad as EA is, they're not even the worst video game company.

Zynga actively employes a team psychologists in order to get their customers addicted to their products. An addiction that, as crazy as it may seem, can lead to financial and personal ruin.


Time Warner and Walmart are already on to the Sour Sixteen. Was a little surprised by how much resistance that Best Buy gave Walmart before succumbing.
Ok, I got it. Ha ha. EA is annoying and make your games tougher to play. Very cute. Don't let them fucking win though, there are actual real world problems out there. Don't embarrass me again...


Absolutely. But since we all agree this doesn't mean anything in the end then why not just vote for who you want? We're not choosing presidents or senators here.

Ah, but I don't agree with that premise.

You're saying that you want to send EA a message by having them win. That's great; I understand that desire. But you're also saying that this entire process is meaningless. I'm having trouble reconciling those two statements.
I enjoy this time of the year because it is the only time where people acknowledge there are companies with major problems and insist that something must be done (i.e. voting for them in the internet poll) and then the outrage subsides until this same time next year.

Hell hath no fury like trendy, short-lived slacktivism.


I enjoy this time of the year because it is the only time where people acknowledge there are companies with major problems and insist that something must be done (i.e. voting for them in the internet poll) and then the outrage subsides until this same time next year.

Hell hath no fury like trendy, short-lived slacktivism.
I'm not seeing that much actual outrage in this thread.


I enjoy this time of the year because it is the only time where people acknowledge there are companies with major problems and insist that something must be done (i.e. voting for them in the internet poll) and then the outrage subsides until this same time next year.

Hell hath no fury like trendy, short-lived slacktivism.

The more negative press that these companies get, the better. That said, yes there needs to be a drastic overhaul in multiple fields such as telecommunications.


Activision doesn't kill franchises, fire people and close studios just because one game bombs, nor have they threatened to force people to start paying to do the most menial and necessary things in games, such as reloading.

Slow down there maybe you forgot what Activision did to the Tony Hawk games (year after year into death), Guitar Hero (same), also destroying Bizarre Creations.

Both EA and Activision are the same in regards to their business styles (sequels, max dlc, not a hit dump it). They are their for the shareholders


Both EA and Activision are the same in regards to their business styles (sequels, max dlc, not a hit dump it). They are their for the shareholders

Sadly, if a public company doesn't act borderline sociopathic (i.e. as far as they can legally get away with), they are pretty much being irresponsible to their shareholders.


At least there is a positive outcome even if EA "win" or not. If EA isnt being voted to be the worse company in America, it shows that people know there are more serious issues, that is positive. If EA is being voted as the worse company in America, it shows that people have it very good over there (at least those who votes for EA to be the worse company), that is also positive :)


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
Lol at EA even being in the discussion when there are companies like Monsanto and GlaxoSmithKline whose products actually kill people.

But of course DRM is worse than death when it comes to angry nerds.
Yeah, has Kotaku or whoever really not written a list article of ten companies that are far worse than EA? That is actually an easy listicle that should be written.
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