Yeah, and Breath of the Wild received a crazy amount of 10s. Smetimes you need to look past the hype.
Inb4 the flames start.
Yeah, and Breath of the Wild received a crazy amount of 10s. Smetimes you need to look past the hype.
Gee whiz I wonder if you have an agenda in making this thread.
Everybody is attacking op and RPS, but to me the article sounds like someone clearly articulating why a Mass Effect game kind of sucks. Endless exposition and middling combat? sure sounds like Mass Effect to me.
Yes, and when every one is saying/doing the same thing make it a point to find the person going the other way and find out why.
I am always concerned when everyone is positive on something, it is very possible they are missing something so I like to hear any contrarian opinions, especially ones as well written and thought out as this.
Don't just assume that since "all the impressions are positive" that everything is okay, and definitely don't be dismissive of folks saying things to the contrary. Take the time to understand.
Maybe thats asking too much.
As I also noted, I also think it's important that people find reviewers/writers that resonate closely with their own tastes as a means to gauge weight of a preview and how relevant it may be to their own interests, and avoid fixating on pieces simply because they fit their own presumptions and enforced consensus, while in the same breath dismissing alternatives.
i trust more that one negative that many positive when it comes to EA and bioware, sorry, been burned before there.
John Walker, huh? The most clickbaitish writer of RPS has a negative opinion about the game? Not saying his opinion has to be absolutely invalidated... But his history on the site is quite infamous.
Well I'm pretty sure the big sites will be accepting a lot of money in adversiting revenue from this game specifically but RPS won't be. It is a valid point, although I wouldn't expect it to really colour the final reviews so much. It's more of the preview culture that is pretty pervasive with these sites. They'll be having mass effect unboxing parties, hanging out with the developers on twitch streams, doing weeks of 'behind the scenes' exclusive developer interviews and other shenanigans that might colour their perception. It's normal and healthy to be wary of preview coverage from these sites I thinkYes, all the sites are being paid to give Andromeda good previews but RPS, that must be it /s. There's no reason to believe this article is more accurate than any of the others. So it could be spot on but treating like it's the most important write up is dumb.
FYI: This article is from the guy who thought ME3 ending was ''perfect'' and INSIDE was "empty and procedural"
Something something Dragon Age Inquisition.
There is an interesting thing happening on GAF that I haven't seen anywhere else. It's almost like you guys want the game to fail. Not saying this guy doesn't have a right to an opinion, but why not put this with the other impressions, all of which have been positive?
There's a thread for these already, and they are mostly positive.
c'mon son
but shinobi said...
Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?
Christ, negativity surrounding this game is awful.
Yes, all the sites are being paid to give Andromeda good previews but RPS, that must be it /s. There's no reason to believe this article is more accurate than any of the others. So it could be spot on but treating like it's the most important write up is dumb.
Within minutes of starting theres a cutscene in which a soldier type is shooting an already entirely dead corpse, and someone else has to say, Hey, hey, take it easy, and he fires off a few more shots and declares himself satisfied. I cant even imagine how anyone can feel okay with writing that into a script without experiencing enough shame to just get up, walk away, and keep walking until they fall off of or into something.
Generic Grumpy Space Captain Lady is there, right up front. With a deft hand she begins by correcting your grammar from who to whom, and then in the same conversation says less when she means fewer. Whatever, but dont play Grammar Corrector if you dont know any.
Before the term has even been explained to you, youre granted that awe-inspiring title of Pathfinder. People stop and mutter reverently when they realise its you, far before you even know its you. To get to grips with the title you need to dig through the games Codex, which is a crappy way of explaining one of its core concepts, let alone helpful in making the ridiculously early appointment anything close to meaningful. It feels so flippant, like a programmed sigh of, Bollocks to it, the player has to become The Special One, no point dragging it out. Within an hour of starting youre so titled.
Mass Effect 3's reviews were completely in-line with the critical treatment of the first two games.
The same gamers that weren't upset when ME1's technical problems, poor combat, and empty worlds were given a pass by reviewers were apparently very upset that the third game received the same kid glove treatment and scored the same.
”I tend to live the way I work: kinda ”feel it, do it." Not a lot of close ties, no real sense of purpose." – Actual dialogue someone wrote on purpose.
”You're the Pathfinder! They'll listen to you! My husband's been arrested for a crime he didn't commit!"
Bravo BioWare!
I see what you are trying to do, OP.Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?
Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?
I have disagreed with almost every single one of this guys reviews. I'm not sure if he just thinks that much differently than I do, or if the guy just writes shit to be click bait, but I no longer trust most of the reviews on RPS because of him.
I mean the guy talked shit about the Witcher 3 being boring and terrible.....and it was my GOTY along with thousands of other GAFers.
Not saying he is wrong about Anromeda, because I haven't played it, but his opinion means shit to me![]()
No investment in ME:A. Will not be buying it. Don't care how it's received.
That said, John Walker is on my permanent Ignore List. His click-bait writing style almost single-handedly has me ignoring RPS. What a sad blemish on that website.
Bravo BioWare!
the fact that the gamneplay seems better than the previous games actually make me more interested than any news about the story ever will
never completed mass effect 1 because of how dull the game was.
Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?
He's entitled to his opinion? I'm enjoying the game a lot, as are a bunch of others playing it. It's pretty far left field from what the majority of previews and impressions have been saying. There's even another writeup from another Rock, Paper, Shotgun writer that was praiseworthy:
Shinobi? Comments?
I had issues with Inquisition, which I've made known before. I don't blindly love anything.Shinobi seems to love all things Bioware, including Inquisition. I liked it too, but I know there were some real issues with it.
I don't always agree with Walker either, but he is not "click bait". Do you even know what that is? Having an opinion you find distasteful is not click bait.
Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?