Welp. This was worrisome to me, but not anymore.
You definitely didn't play Witcher 1.You spend the entire game trying to get access to places in a big city while being repeatedly shut out because you're not a person of high standing, not until the end.
You should do some reading, you're clearly out of touch.
Push the button from one negative preview out of many positive ones?
Also, did you really have to copy and paste the entire article?
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That's not entirely true. Being a friend of a witch opens you many doors and many important people come asking for you on a regular basis.You definitely didn't play Witcher 1.You spend the entire game trying to get access to places in a big city while being repeatedly shut out because you're not a person of high standing, not until the end.
Posts like this makes GAF's reputation as a mature gaming forum feel unearned
Maybe he is not outright a chosen one, but he seems to be able to get access to a lot of people by just walking up the the castle or fortress. He manages to effect the entire nations and he manages to solve things no one else can. He is always in the right place at the right time
An RPG where your character isn't special or "the one", would be terribly boring. And when important events happen without your input or involvement because of how unimportant you are, you'd question why you would even invest in a fictional world where your purpose in that world mirrors the mundaneness of your ordinary everyday life. I've read those fantasy and sci-fi novels where you follow a bit character during an interesting period of time, and it's generally not rewarding at all.
Or...maybe...just maybe you are reading too much into other people's posts. Clearly everyone has an agenda.
Nah, look at the Witcher. Yes, Geralt is a special character in the world (as a mutant monster slayer) but he's just one guy and people don't fawn all over him at every opportunity - he's often treated like shit and he's typically a pawn when he gets involved politics. Despite that, through the player's action he overcomes all that to become a very crucial (the most crucial?) person in the game world.
And he earns it, it's not given to him. If you had been playing as Ciri, who very much IS that 'Special Chosen One' type character, the game would have been nowhere as interesting.
I really enjoyed Inquisition so I'm okay with this. Just wish it wasn't coming out so close to Persona 5.Seems a new DA:I coming.
Yikes, sounding like a real dookie bomb.
It's good to have some folks with different opinions on games reviewing them and playing the Witcher 3 is very similar to eating cardboard.
I really enjoyed Inquisition so I'm okay with this.
You are named after a regular Joe space trucker who lives in an interesting time and has to rise to the occasion in spite of being a normal dude. He even gets shit for thinking he's special when he's just well-situated and accidentally famous.
Wait wat.It is RPS reviewing an RPG. How did they review New Vegas again? They said it was a trash game with lousy quests and particularly awful world building (because there were too few visible crops in the sharecropper farms, so the world obviously lacked any logical consistency!)
Side quests feel like something from a 2004 Korean MMO. Just complete nothingness, running from map icon to map icon, scanning objects with your scanner when told to, and then AI companion SAM letting you know that, yup, the source of the defects has been found/animal has been captured/toddler reunited with rabid tiger, despite your actually doing nothing relevant to the tissue-thin narrative.
He described INSIDE as "an empty, procedural, albeit often beautiful platform game with not a single original idea in its belt" and called the ending "utterly dreadful."
Yeah I don't gel with this dude's views at all lol
Yeah, about that. The first few hours of Andromeda are a gruesome trudge through the most trite bilge of the previous three games, smeared out in a setting thats horribly familiar, burdened with some outstandingly awful writing, buried beneath a UI that appears to have been designed to infuriate in every possible way.
I went into the Andromeda preview feeling trepidatious. I came out excited and anxious to play more. Most important is that it feels like Mass Effect, and it looks like its building on the best aspects of the previous games. Speaking with Condominas, its clear this is their aim.
Sounds like Mass Effect Inquisition, which is what we all feared. I'll be waiting a while before buying, if at all.
Maybe he is not outright a chosen one, but he seems to be able to get access to a lot of people by just walking up the the castle or fortress. He manages to effect the entire nations and he manages to solve things no one else can. He is always in the right place at the right time
Sounds like Mass Effect Inquisition, which is what we all feared. I'll be waiting a while before buying, if at all.
Side quests feel like something from a 2004 Korean MMO. Just complete nothingness, running from map icon to map icon, scanning objects with your scanner when told to, and then AI companion SAM letting you know that, yup, the source of the defects has been found/animal has been captured/toddler reunited with rabid tiger, despite your actually doing nothing relevant to the tissue-thin narrative.
Metacritic prediction for this game.
I think the issue was that it was a relatively weak year and very close to the honeymoon period for manySpeak for yourself. DA Inquisition was the #4 GOTY in Gaf. We loved it.
Why am I not surprised this one preview got its own thread?
Despite the guy clearly being considered of terrible opinion with much of GAF. He said playing Witcher 3 is like eating cardboard and one of GAF's top 10 GOTY winners INSIDE:
But okay, let's take his preview that sits contrary to the other previews as if it's normal and this guy is aligned with everyone's experiences gaming. Let's ignore that his negativity is his brand as he is straight up described on the site as their resident "grumbler."
I think the issue was that it was a relatively weak year and very close to the honeymoon period for many
I think the issue was that it was a relatively weak year and very close to the honeymoon period for many