*Smackdown opened up with Teddy Long in the ring, discussing the loss of WWE John Cena. He said that the championship situation would be decided after the end of the draft. JBL came to the ring and demanded to be handed the WWE championship. Long announced that their draft pick was Chris Benoit. JBL told Benoit that he's seen him win championships all over the world, but he says that the only thing he holds against Benoit was wrestling for ECW. He ran down ECW, setting up Benoit vs. JBL for later in the evening. JBL tried to hit Benoit. Benoit ducked under, then hit a German suplex and locked on the Crippler Crossface, but JBL ran from the ring.
*Carlito Carribean Cool pinned Charlie Haas with a handful of tights. Haas did a dive over the top but caught his foot and took a scary bump similar to Lita's on Raw a few months ago. Matt Morgan hit an F-5 on Hardcore Holly.
*WWE Cruiserweight champion Paul London vs. Akio was interrupted in under a minute by Eddie Guerrero who laid both out and cut a promo on Rey Mysterio.
*Booker T pinned Kurt Angle in what was said to have been a great match. Kurt Angle told Tazz before the match that he wanted an answer tonight before the end of Smackdown whether he would join Kurt Angle against ECW this Sunday or not.
*After losing, Angle sat in the corner of the ring for a long time. He went outside and grabbed a chair. Angle went to Tazz and said he wanted an answer or he was going to sit next to Tazz all night until he got one. He then hit Tazz with a stiff microphone shot, busting him open. Tazz went to the back. Paul Heyman replaced him on commentary.
*JBL fought Chris Benoit to a no contest after ECW and the Cabinet hit the ring. Benoit locked JBL in the crossface and the Cabinet stormed the ring. Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno, and the Dudley Boyz made the save. Kurt Angle, Carlito, and Matt Morgan hit the ring. Tazz's music hit (the place went insane). Tazz, Balls Mahoney, and Axl Rotten hit the ring. Team Extreme cleaned house on the WWE crew and celebrated to end the show.