Bosman after this is all over
Don't mess with the best.
The best wouldn't lose the bets to begin with. Slusser Cup is still in Huber's hands, Bosman is playing with fire.
Bosman after this is all over
Don't mess with the best.
The thing is that I wouldn't have been bothered by it if this bet was for werehogs (and he was cheating/finding loopholes or whatever you want to call it to get those).I hope it doesn't crush too many dreams - but sometimes I think those werehogs they keep handing around aren't even real.
Hey Melon, sorry if I misinterpreted the intent of your words.
The best wouldn't lose the bets to begin wtih. Slusser Cup is still in Huber's hands, Bosman is playing with fire.
I look forward to future betting specials with real men like Huber and Ben. Ben seems like he'd be a good, honourable sport who wouldn't welch on his bets like a certain funny person does.
Bosman shouldn't get a shot at the Slusser again.
Yeah although in fairness he spent far longer there than he needed to... because he loves it so much, and rightly so... because the intro is (IMO) a very enjoyable intro to the Zelda timeline with fun characters and well designed exposition.One thing his dishonorable stream did prove is how much better LTTP is than Skyward Sword.
The LTTP stream was several dungeons deep before Kyle had even made it through the SS tutorial.
Wow. Taking it too seriously. They should just relax. It's a joke man. Don't they get it?
They're joking too
holy shit some of the people in this thread smh
unless you're joking as well![]()
Or is it?Who knows who's joking at this point, and that's not a joke
Whoa whoa whoa, no personal attacks dude, don't go there.
They're joking too
holy shit some of the people in this thread smh
unless you're joking as well![]()
Kyle Bosman should be kicked out of Easy Allies quite frankly. Any man who can't honour a bet is no man at all, and the discord amongst the community that his despicable trolling behaviour has caused lately leads me to believe that he doesn't adhere to the same love and respect mantra that the rest of the crew lives by and promotes on a regular basis. He's obviously not a team player, but rather someone who revels in conflict formed by his own petty actions, and I think it's high time he bid farewell to the team, for the good of us all.
Let the Easy Allies continue to be just that - easy allies.
Yeah, at least with the standup he actually delivered the jokes himself. This is like putting on a netflix standup special and reading a book in the background. I don't really find the betting games that appealing or fun anymore if this kind of stuff is going to keep happening.He avoids playing ALTTP to play the trash that is Skyward Sword.
That's the real troll.
Honestly, it's kinda funny that he finds these loopholes and shit, but in the end he comes off as being kinda scummy. I really like his betting specials with Huber, but it's kinda pointless if he's just gonna bullshit his way through every time he loses. When Huber lost he played his flute concerto without any shenanigans.
He already streamed a complete play through!Everyone keeps going on about Kyle trolling...he still has to play and finish the game though...
Or is it?![]()
What is all the drama about? I watched the stream and saw nothing wrong with it. I don't understand the troll, someone explain please.
Getting into more detail of why I don't like what Kyle did:
I support EZA because I like the guys and the content that they produce. I supported their Twitch channel, because I enjoy their dedication to making their own content on Twitch. What Kyle did was not any of that. He randomly grabbed someone's Charity Speed Run playthrough, which is a ton of effort and hard work, and threw it up as his playthrough stream just to troll. That's really scummy, especially since that charity event is going on *right now*.
If he had gotten explicit permission from someone to restream their work as part of his joke or re-used GT/EZA content that would be different, but I found the way that he did what he did and his trolling to be really gross. I don't find randomly re-using other people's work just to screw with your own audience and co-worker to be an okay thing to do. That's not what I consider "Fair Use", I don't view it as Parody or Commentary, and it felt really bad.
It's probably difficult to shake those feelings and gets even harder when people are trying to tell you you're wrong but trying to explain it away might be rather futile and lead to unneccessary arguments and posts.
I'm sure you realize that Kyle didn't really have any ill or malicious intentions, no real harm was done, it was just innocent goofing off.
Hopefully the council will determine a fitting punishment for him, the people want blood!
3.5 stars -- lacking in verisimilitude and controversy, but solid overall
Mhmm. What I'm learning here is that some people are really defensive of A Link to the Past.I'd probably be upset if he trying to avoid playing a decent game.
What? I am completely serious, I don't understand what's happening.
What? I am completely serious, I don't understand what's happening.
He was pimping the Charity moments after the SGDQ video flashed up
Kyle Bosman should be kicked out of Easy Allies quite frankly. Any man who can't honour a bet is no man at all, and the discord amongst the community that his despicable trolling behaviour has caused lately leads me to believe that he doesn't adhere to the same love and respect mantra that the rest of the crew lives by and promotes on a regular basis. He's obviously not a team player, but rather someone who revels in conflict formed by his own petty actions, and I think it's high time he bid farewell to the team, for the good of us all.
Let the Easy Allies continue to be just that - easy allies.
What? I am completely serious, I don't understand what's happening.
I, Kyle Bosman, agree to the terms set forth within this document, in regards to the proposed stakes outlined by Michael Patrick Huber during the Easy Allies E3 Bets Showdown.
I will stream LIVE, a complete full playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, from a new save slot to the ending credits on Easy Allies' Twitch page in no more than 3 sessions. Finishing no later than July 8th, 2016. 3 minutes prior to each stream, I will tweet, from my own personal twitter account @KyleBosman, the following quote with no less and no more words or symbols attached, "I'm about to stream my favorite game of all time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. #masterpiece". Upon full completion of the game, I will discuss my favorite parts of the game for no less than 3 minutes on Huber Syndrome.
Kyle Bosman
While I do agree his not honoring the bet how it was inteded is not respectful to Huber (and it does show him as a non-teamplayer), I wouldn't go so far as kicking him out. I do agree that a lot of people in this thread have become uneasy allies because of this (which is not really how EZA was inteded at all).
Mhmm. What I'm learning here is that some people are really defensive of A Link to the Past.
Probably, but just to be sure. You lose all of the nonverbal communication by writing on the internet.I think that one is obviously a joke, man.
Again, "giving them credit" doesn't make what he did okay for me. He was supposed to be doing his own playthrough of ALTTP, but instead he randomly took someone else's work off of youtube and put it up for his run. That's not making your own content. I supported them on Twitch for their own content on it. Playing Skyward Sword over it doesn't make it him making his own content either when it was supposed to be an ALTTP run. The whole thing was just really gross, doubly so since an ongoing charity that takes an immense amount of work was involved while he just haphazardly threw up their work on his stream.
Kyle Bosman should be kicked out of Easy Allies quite frankly. Any man who can't honour a bet is no man at all, and the discord amongst the community that his despicable trolling behaviour has caused lately leads me to believe that he doesn't adhere to the same love and respect mantra that the rest of the crew lives by and promotes on a regular basis. He's obviously not a team player, but rather someone who revels in conflict formed by his own petty actions, and I think it's high time he bid farewell to the team, for the good of us all.
Let the Easy Allies continue to be just that - easy allies.
That said, I usually really like Kyle and most of the content he produces, so no big whoop.
bosman tried to weasel his way out of his bet. some people didnt think it was _that_ funny. other people think that a few people saying it wasnt _that_ funny is them playing right into a masterful troll. unclear if they think bosman is funny or if trolling people is funny or both. any discussion is now being shut down by hyperbole from both sides.
You're too lenient.
Quite frankly, I'd also ban him from Twitch, due to his shameful behaviour.
It's plain for all to see that Kyle should be kicked out of Easy Allies, but why draw the line there? I don't think that's going far enough.
Do we have any legal experts in here that might be able to suggest whether this bet welching would be enough to be considered treason towards the United States of American in a court of law. I'm wondering whether being permanently banished is the most appropriate punishment, or perhaps some serious jailtime?