I was never the biggest fan of LttP I don't entirely agree with Kyles assessment but I do agree about not liking the art style of the game, never cared for it myself only worse one is the blocky cel shaded DS games, I loved how Wind Waker looked but PH and the train one? It just looks awful.
I think a Link Between worlds looked a lot better but a lot of that old art style was still present and I've never finished the game because of it.
I know I'm the odd person out on that one though.
Now Ian not liking Last of Us I just don't think he understands the game, listening to him explain why he doesn't like Last of Us just made me think he wanted it to be a completely different game then it is. It's not a game about choice its a game about telling you a story, not every game needs to give the player choices in the story he just wants different things from games then I do which is fine but I wouldn't go up to him and say Bloodborne/Dark Souls is awful because it doesn't offer any difficulty options, sure of course it doesn't but thats not the design of Bloodborne/Dark Souls they are designed to be a certain way just because it doesn't cater to you doesn't make it bad. Either you need to conform to its design or if you can't or don't want to then you shouldn't worry about it, its not your thing big deal. Personally I don't like any of the Castlevania games but I get that other people do and thats fine, just not for me.
I think there are just as many opinions on games as there is about food, everyone's palate is different.
I would like to see GT make a whole series about this and just have 2 people debate a game or heck two games, I would love to see Bloodworth and Ian argue about Witcher 3 vs. Bloodborne, among other things.